Isshinryu Roll Call

Yep. Should have tested for my Shodan by now but I left the area of my teacher. Shihan ( Now GM Albert Mady 9th Dan)
I am not an Isshin ryu stylist, I have however always found it to be a fascinating style. We had two Isshin ryu stylist that were USA team members at a camp many years ago. They taught me the kata wansu, now mind you I was only a yellow belt at the time(24 years ago), I have since forgotten that version of wansu. There was not any Isshin ryu stylist in my area so , I did not have a chance to study it further. I have read some on the style, but never studied it officially.
I trained in Isshinryu under the guidance of Lonnie Lorrance. I had a great time with the training and even though I don't train it anymore I still use several of the techniques into my school.
Brown Belt in Knoxville Tn. under sensei's lewis and seiber. they are under Grand Master Harold Mitchum.

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