Israel and Hamas: War looms

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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For those who have not been following this developing story...

1) For the past several weeks, Hamas has been lobbing missiles into Israel.
2) Israel started striking back.
3) Yesterday, Israel targeted and killed the Hamas leader as he drove in a car on a public street.
4) Egypt recalled their Ambassador to Israel in protest.
5) Hamas has begun lobbing missiles into Tel Aviv.
6) Israel has called up all their reserve military forces to full active status. we go.

Tel Aviv Sounds Air-Raid Warning as Israel Extends Gaza Strikes
Air-raid sirens sounded for a second day in Tel Aviv and an explosion was heard in the city as Israel extended its bombing of Gaza and militant groups fired rockets at the Jewish state.

Egypt’s prime minister, Hisham Qandil, visited Gaza today and called for an international effort to end the violence there, saying that “the world should take responsibility in stopping this aggression.” Israel’s army said it has deployed tanks near the Gaza border and called up reservists.

A blast was heard in Tel Aviv at about 1:30 p.m. and air- raid warnings sounded around the same time. The municipality has opened bomb shelters, Channel 2 TV said. Israeli police said on Twitter that a missile may have landed in an “unpopulated area.” There was no further confirmation immediately. Hamas’s armed wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, said in an e-mail from Gaza that it fired a rocket at Tel Aviv.
Israel has never not been at war. Always someone wants to wipe it off the face of the earth.
Nice too to know how the media is treating Israel as the bad guys again.

Where is the coverage and outrage at the 3 Israeli civilians killed in the latest attacks?

We all know how this thread is going to devolve...
Where is the coverage and outrage at the 3 Israeli civilians killed in the latest attacks?

We all know how this thread is going to devolve...

I am posting about what is happening. I have not taken a side, and if you think I have said anything that is untrue, let me know. I have exhibited no outrage at all, at either side. Nor has anyone at this point given a pro-Hamas statement that I've seen.
I just got home from Europe. Watched very little news....

But what struck me: The attacks are not just somewhere, but near the Golan Heights

Yes, I might be getting things mixed up but this is fueled by the civil war in Syria.

It seemed to me that the attacks aimed at Israel were aimed to form a barrier that fugitives cannot cross.

Israel has never really stood still when the borders were violated (to my memory, no major violations anyway), so with the Army at the ready, and shooting back, civilians will get clobbered. Not that their own people cared about them, but they make good news for the bad guys.

Something similar is happening at the Syrian/Turkish border. There have been many violations of the border on that end also. I can only assume to tighten the crossings from the other side so the people can't leave.

In both cases, I cannot fathom why anybody would want to spread the conflict.
Turkey is - even if unsteady at times - a NATO partner....and if Israel were to get serious, only burned earth would remain. And I don't mean that in a negative way either.

I am just looking at the situation and wonder.

(and no, the Syrian rebels are no angels either)

Unless of course Iran is paying the puppets to draw attention away from them. Which would work in both cases.

(I seem to recollect that there are quiet a few Palestinians though who, caught in the Hamas ruled territories, don't really care for their politics much. But it seems they don't have the means to escape them either)
I am posting about what is happening. I have not taken a side, and if you think I have said anything that is untrue, let me know. I have exhibited no outrage at all, at either side. Nor has anyone at this point given a pro-Hamas statement that I've seen.
She was just being preemptive. :)
I wasn't answering Bill at all, didn't quote him either, all I was doing was pointing out that all the bias of the media is coming out. I understood what Bill had written wasn't judgemental...unlike the press.
I am posting about what is happening. I have not taken a side, and if you think I have said anything that is untrue, let me know. I have exhibited no outrage at all, at either side. Nor has anyone at this point given a pro-Hamas statement that I've seen.

Not directed at you, Bill. Like Tez said, just overall coverage. Plenty of media coverage of the air stikes, not so much of the rocket attacks, other than to say that they are in retaliation for the air stikes. :rolleyes: :barf:
I just got home from Europe. Watched very little news....

But what struck me: The attacks are not just somewhere, but near the Golan Heights

Yes, I might be getting things mixed up but this is fueled by the civil war in Syria.

It seemed to me that the attacks aimed at Israel were aimed to form a barrier that fugitives cannot cross.

Israel has never really stood still when the borders were violated (to my memory, no major violations anyway), so with the Army at the ready, and shooting back, civilians will get clobbered. Not that their own people cared about them, but they make good news for the bad guys.

Something similar is happening at the Syrian/Turkish border. There have been many violations of the border on that end also. I can only assume to tighten the crossings from the other side so the people can't leave.

In both cases, I cannot fathom why anybody would want to spread the conflict.
Turkey is - even if unsteady at times - a NATO partner....and if Israel were to get serious, only burned earth would remain. And I don't mean that in a negative way either.

I am just looking at the situation and wonder.

(and no, the Syrian rebels are no angels either)

Unless of course Iran is paying the puppets to draw attention away from them. Which would work in both cases.

(I seem to recollect that there are quiet a few Palestinians though who, caught in the Hamas ruled territories, don't really care for their politics much. But it seems they don't have the means to escape them either)

Two different things. Syrians have lobbed mortar fire at Israel "by mistake". That's in the Golan, North West part of the country.

Hamas has increased their rocket attacks in the South East. They have also started to target Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. I just can't wait to see the reaction if one of those highly inacurate rocket hits the Al-Aqsa mosque...
Two different things. Syrians have lobbed mortar fire at Israel "by mistake". That's in the Golan, North West part of the country.

Hamas has increased their rocket attacks in the South East. They have also started to target Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. I just can't wait to see the reaction if one of those highly inacurate rocket hits the Al-Aqsa mosque...

The timing sure is suspicious.....
The timing sure is suspicious.....

There's also romours that Hizbollah may be planning something in Lebanon. They just finished a large exercise. Either a coup or an invasion of Israel. We may be looking at an allout shooting war soon. Perhaps it's just that time again, where Israel shows the Arab nations what happens when they take the restrains off their military.
I have a sneaking suspicion Iran is playing puppet master in this flare up. Iran is the only country substantially backing the Syrian government at this point. Even selling them weapons. Hamas has all of the sudden gained the ability to attack Jeruselum with Iranian made rockets. This comes right as a nuclear arms inspector is being allowed to inspect an Iranian nuclear facility. Perhaps I'm just a cynic, but it seems to me, the only player that can gain any advantage from any of this is Iran. We also know they are not above sowing a little chaos in the area for thier own advantage.
I have a sneaking suspicion Iran is playing puppet master in this flare up. Iran is the only country substantially backing the Syrian government at this point. Even selling them weapons. Hamas has all of the sudden gained the ability to attack Jeruselum with Iranian made rockets. This comes right as a nuclear arms inspector is being allowed to inspect an Iranian nuclear facility. Perhaps I'm just a cynic, but it seems to me, the only player that can gain any advantage from any of this is Iran. We also know they are not above sowing a little chaos in the area for thier own advantage.

Seems like they are the big winners when the world is not looking at them but the kicked up dust....
The Arab v Israeli conflict:
Arabs blow stuff up
Israel stands strong
Arabs blow stuff up
Israel blows up Arabs
Arabs scream they are being oppressed
Remember the picture of the Israeli baby I posted? the Jewish baby who's parents were killed in the rocket attack, it's being used as a 'Palestinian baby' to show how bad the Israelis are. You'd think the Hebrew writing on the medics badge would give it away somehow that she's Jewish wouldn't you.

Remember the picture of the Israeli baby I posted? the Jewish baby who's parents were killed in the rocket attack, it's being used as a 'Palestinian baby' to show how bad the Israelis are. You'd think the Hebrew writing on the medics badge would give it away somehow that she's Jewish wouldn't you.

As a matter of fact, no. I wouldn't know the difference, or have been looking to ensure the race of the baby. :)
As a matter of fact, no. I wouldn't know the difference, or have been looking to ensure the race of the baby. :)

the Israeli medic gives it away a bit as you wouldn't find him in Gaza.

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