Is today martial arts training...teaches you for the real world of fighting?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, Does you school prepare you for real fighting,street fighting and any go fighting?

If they do...what are some of things you learn or thought?

MMA,cage fighting (closest thing to the real world)...are you prepare for this type of fighting? (yes they have rules too). is still the closest thing to a real fight.

Are you prepare for this? ...type of fighting or fighters? .......Aloha
Personally, I think the only thing that can prepare you for a real a real fight. My only hope is that if and when I have to use what I've learned, I have enough muscle memory to use even 1/8 of what I know.

My training may have made me more ready than I was, I but I still wouldn't walk into a cage and expect to not get my *** kicked.
not enough information. depends on the program and the instructor.

does my kids program prepare children for a mugging? no. it teaches them self-discipline, fitness and how to walk away from danger. my students can handle a bully of reasonable size if cornered, but that's really a happy coincidence. fighting isn't what kids' karate is about on my block.

does my adult program prepare adults for street violence? absolutely.

do the other adult programs in my town do so? of the 8 i know something about, i think 5 do a creditable job.