Is this the norm?


White Belt
Feb 19, 2009
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Last month I signed up for MT classes, the price for the class was cheap $75/month where everyone else charges around the $150 range. I've been going for a month now and we always do pretty intense conditioning, the same kind that our fighters are doing. I feel much stronger and my endurance is way better. But over there we never sparred or anything like that. I kept on asking when am I going to learn how to fight they told me we will, so I figured I wasn't in shape enough for them. Finally I asked one of the fighters their and he said that you have to pay an hourly fee in order to get lessons. I'm confused because that's what I thought I was paying for. Should I start looking for another school? How many hours of one on one will I require if I decide to go this route?
Whoa! ok that sounds pretty fishy to me... but then again im of another art so I couldn't tell you whats the norm... still though somthing seems really off about that.
What do you pay $75 for exactly?

Some places have seperate mat time for Pro/Amateur fighters who work on their skills for the ring. Maybe the hourly fee is for this?

I would imagine you would be hitting the bags,conditioning,learning techniques and how to use them and do some sparing. Talk to the coach and see when your class will do sparing. Maybe he does not teach beginners to spar until they reach a certain level.

Ask the coach tell him what you are there for and see what happens.
What area are you in?

Most gyms where I've been (Australia, Thailand) will charge you a monthly fee. This includes ALL training. Usually you will start sparring when your instructor thinks you are ready to handle it.

There was one boxing gym I went to in Australia that did something similar to what your current gym is doing. They got me to do pad and bag work, and told me if I wanted to work on my technique and sparring I would have to pay for private I went to another gym.

I'm interested though, is the cost of private lessons and sparring still less than what the other gyms in your area would charge anyway? I think you should look around at some other gyms, ask what they charge and what you get for your money. With additional information you'll be able to make an informed decision based on what is best for you.

Also, I noticed you said you asked one of the fighters when you will start sparring. Talk to the guy who runs the gym instead about your concern. Good luck.
Could be an insurance policy thing. Sparring increases chances of injury and pushes up insurance costs so maybe they separate it from general curriculum to keep costs down for those who only want to do MT for fitness, fun etc.
It sounds to me like you are in a beginner class which would not do very much sparring (even light sparring) This is because they want to make sure that you have the techniques down properly before you atart kicking at other peoples heads and doing serious damage. I don't know if you have ever done any sparring in any other arts, but sparring is about control and technique, which can only be achieved after ALOT of drilling.

How long have you been training for? if it's less than 3 or 4 moths then you would probably not be sparring at any gym. I'm sure your instructor will get you sparring at the appropriate time.

hang in there, and work on perfecting your technique, and demonstrating control rather than power and I'm sure that your instructor will have you sparring in no time.
I know the gym in Pittsburgh where I am about to train has a monthly rate of somehing around $75 and then they offer private sessions upon appointment. They have a class for students and then seperate times for fighters. To get into the fighting class, it is an invite only and I think you have to be active atleast for 6 months before being able to be invited.
My gym in Canada was alot like your elite, The advanced class is where you do all the sparring but you have to prove that you have the basic skills/control before they invite you to stay for the second hour. Just give it time and patience, you will get there.

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