Introduction from a Newbie


Green Belt
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hey everyone....

Just wanted to say Hi, and see what the boards were all about and make a proper introduction of myself.

Anyhooo.....I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit more on the Theme of the year, and what it means. I mean i read it and all, and I tottaly get it, but i was kinda wondering if anyone wouldnt mind sharing their point of view on it. Ifin you dont mine. *smile*

Warning to all....I love intense convo with humor and good points. LOL LOL.

Anyways...TTYL all..
Hi Elayna. Welcome to martialtalk. I hope your experience here is an informative one. (Just ignore all those bodies in the corner...the maid has not been by lately.)

The theme of this year is Shinden Fudo ryu. There are many threads on the subject if you use the search function. There was even a thread started at the beggining of this year by Kizaru I think on the subject of Shiden Fudo ryu and this year's theme. I'm afraid I don't understand what you are trying to ask about. Maybe if you went to one of the specific threads about the subject and asked for clarification there?
Thanks for responding.

Im still checking out all the threads. Lots of interesting topics to read over. I get distracted. Gemini trait. LOL.

I was just wanting to find peoples different interpretations of what it mean to them if there are any. But i will definatly be looking at more specfic threads. The curse of the newbie...Being lost in the forums. LOL.

Thanks again Don.
Elayna said:
Lots of interesting topics to read over. I get distracted.

Tell me about it. I suffer from ADLRB myself. That stands for Attention Deficit......Let's Ride Bikes!!!!!:CTF:

When you have some questions, we will be pleased to answer. I love to pretend I know something about taijutsu.
What did you say?? I got lost at I know what you mean....LOL

thanks so much for your offer....once i get more coffee in my system and maybe just maybe an hour of sleep ill take you up on your offer.

Till then my Pretender friend....
Welcome Elayna! There is a vast amount of information here about Ninjutsu as well as some experienced practitioners. Enjoy!
Bigshadow said:
There is a vast amount of information here about Ninjutsu as well as some experienced practitioners.

Not to mention a wealth of ******** about Ninjitsu.
Thanks everyone for the really great welcome.Information goooodddd. More input, more input. LOLAnyhoooo.....Lets go to "the boards". See you all there.

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