Interesting Background Documentary About David Icke

In criminal conspiracies, discovery usually results in the end of the plot. In conspiracies of the powerful, discovery of the conspiracy is irrelevent. It doesn't matter so much if people know as long as you can hold on to power.
As I stated, those who believe in conspiracies cannot be convinced that they do not exist; this is the purest form of proof that no such conspiracy exists, since it must exist in order to conform with their worldview.

I believe in small conspiracies, like two vendors conspiring to fix prices. I do not believe in men in shadows running the world from the behind the scenes. Mainly because it's pure hokum. Oh, I know, that's what they WANT me to think. Those crazy 'them', they're amazing. Or they would be if they existed. Which they don't.

Couldn't the denial of certain "conspiracies" be a method of confirming one's world view?
And then there are instances in which the conspiracy theorists are correct.

THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.

New thread posted here.
It is always good when a thread develops some legs of it's own :D.

I thought that it was an interesting insight into how David Icke got to where he is and thought we might be talking about whether he was a little 'insane' or really a charlatan playing on peoples fears. But the psychological backdrop to conspiracies is just as fruitful a field.

What people have to be aware of, as I've mentioned before, is that there is actually a de facto global oligarchy in place that determines the path that the world economy (and thus everything else) takes. Serious, non-conspiracy-theory stuff wherein the heads of all the major corporate groups inter-relate and organise things beneath the surface so that they don't tread on each others toes. I'd have to look about for it again but it might be good for people to search for it themselves.

Money makes the world dance to the tune of those that have it - such things do not have to be portrayed as a secret cabal orchestrating the fall of mankind. The cold economic truth of things is just as sobering.

David Icke was always going to be a little different in his approach. His wife looks like she's ready to pull out the chrystals and heal us all at any second! There was always going to be the "we are vibration" stuff and all that.
Thats what seperates him from someone like Allan Watt, or even Bill Cooper, Icke went for it with the mystical stuff and probably did well selling books to that crowd for a while.

Actually, with Cooper, during his radio show he probably nailed the "something will take place soon" thing better than anyone else. It was probably early 2001 when he was talking about Bin laden and saying something is up, expect something soon folks etc
But Cooper also had some odd stuff, they all need something outlandish to get attention early on in the piece, with Cooper, it was a craft flying in or out of the ocean during his service. Its like breaking into the market kind of thing. Get noticed/attention, then move on to what you are really on about later, which for Cooper was Freedom and the Constitution with the usual religious themes aswell.
Im not sure, but Allan Watt hasnt really gone the extra mile, Usualy bases his talks around established facts, people like E. Griffin etc theres plenty that dont stray too far from the garden path.:)
You state they make some kind of sacrifice above and beyond our lives.. Rubbish.

Y9ou are mistunderstanding me. Post, yes because I didn't mention anything about the military in this thread. Sacrifice? No I didn't say that, I said they pay for it in paranoia etc that's not a sacrifice that's just plain stupid. who wants to spend their lives like that, not me certainly, I want to enjoy my life. I don't know why you are fixated on the military. Wars and fights happen between people even without the machinations of 'them'.
Oh and by the way I'm sure Murdoch is not the happiest person in the world at the moment, it's falling down, attacked by the police, the other press,politicians, his son shown to be an idiot, his corporation to be corrupt, as I said is it worth it? Nah.
I think you're puzzled by my posts because you either haven't read them or have read things into them that aren't there, no idea who 'GG' is btw and what you mean in your last post oh and what 'list'?
Oh and by the way I'm sure Murdoch is not the happiest person in the world at the moment, it's falling down, attacked by the police, the other press,politicians, his son shown to be an idiot, his corporation to be corrupt, as I said is it worth it? Nah.

So, a little questioning where answers like "Sorry, i dont recall" and "i have no recollection of that" or "I was not aware of that" etc suffice.. Nope, not a wink of sleep lost.
Oh and by the way I'm sure Murdoch is not the happiest person in the world at the moment, it's falling down, attacked by the police, the other press,politicians, his son shown to be an idiot, his corporation to be corrupt, as I said is it worth it? Nah.

So, a little questioning where answers like "Sorry, i dont recall" and "i have no recollection of that" or "I was not aware of that" etc suffice.. Nope, not a wink of sleep lost.

Apart from a growing perception he's lost his grip, his son is useless, his judgement is up the spout and his empire is built on sand, he may not be losing sleep but if it is to be believed that there is this super elite controlling things they must surely be looking askance at Murdoch and his minions. Failure is never something successful people like to contemplate, big egos tumble a lot harder than the rest of us. No one expeically those of his ilk like to be seen as muppets now do they.Ppersonally I don't care whether he sleeps or not, I live my own life, not interested in his health, he may have money but he has a useless family who have let him down, he has employees suing him and the police chasing him, after trying to buy them off ( another failuere lol) he must be somewhat annoyed. Even the politicians are turning their back on him, fickle creatures they are, no one loves a failure.
George Galloway was recently elected as a Member of Parliament, he made a 'storm' as you put it because he's an apologist for Al Queda and the Taliban, and is pro Jihadist. He was voted in by the majority Muslim community in Bradford West. He's chiefly known for sucking up to Saddam Hussein and making money out of the Iraq wars.

The controversial Christopher Hitchens v George Galloway
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All that from two youtube vids hey tez, I guess you know all you need to know about him now.
Quite the conclusion you came to there.. considering you never knew about him before, apparently.
It must annoy you to have to put up with an opposing viewpoint, pesky democracy hey..
It must annoy you to have to put up with an opposing viewpoint, pesky democracy hey..

That's a bit of a low blow. :( The guy has bad form if Wiki is to be believed.

He was expelled from the Labour Party in October 2003 because of his strident public opposition to the Iraq War. He subsequently became a founding member of the left-wing Respect Party, and was elected as the MP for Bethal Green and Bow in 2005.

Galloway is well known for his campaigns in support of the Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He attempted to overturn economic sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s and early 2000s and to avert the 2003 invasion. Galloway testified to the United States Senate in 2005 over alleged illicit payments from the United Nations' Oil for Food Programme.

From 1979 to 1999, he was married to Elaine Fyffe, with whom he has a daughter. In 1994, he married Amineh Abu-Zayyad as a second wife in a Muslim ceremony (later after his divorce from his first wife, he and Abu-Zayyad also undertook a civil ceremony); Zayyad filed for divorce in 2005. In 2005, Galloway married as his third wife Rima Husseini, a Lebanese woman and former researcher, also in a Muslim ceremony. She gave birth to their first son in May 2007, and a second son in December 2011. In March 2012, Galloway married Putri Gayatri Pertiwi, a consultant with a Dutch research firm.
Galloway was raised as a Roman Catholic. By his own account he decided, at the age of 18, never to drink alcohol. He disapproves of it and describes it as having a "very deleterious effect on people". He stated at a March 2012 rally "We stand for justice and haqq" and "A Muslim is somebody who is not afraid of earthly power but who fears only the Judgement Day. I’m ready for that, I’m working for that and it’s the only thing I fear".
In a April 2012 New Statesman magazine interview with Galloway, Jemima Kahn, asserted that the politician had become a Muslim sometime around 2000, but had not advertised this fact. Galloway subsequently denied a ceremony had taken place: "I have never attended any such ceremony in Kilburn, Karachi or Kathmandu. It is simply and categorically untrue."

In his mid-20s after a trip to Beirut in 1977, he became a passionate supporter of Palestine stating "barely a week after my return I made a pledge to devote the rest of my life to the Palestinian and Arab cause".

Galloway became the Vice President of the Stop the War Coalition in 2001. He is actively involved, often speaking on StWC platforms at anti-war demonstrations. From this position Galloway made many aggressive and controversial statements in opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. These were the formal reasons for his expulsion from the Labour Party. He reportedly said in a 28 March 2003 interview with Abu Dhabi TV that Tony Blair and George W. Bush had "lied to the British Air Force and Navy, when they said the battle of Iraq would be very quick and easy. They attacked Iraq like wolves...." and added, "... the best thing British troops can do is to refuse to obey illegal orders." He called the Labour Government "Tony Blair's lie machine." The Observer reported in 2003 that the Director of Public Prosecutions looked at a request by the solicitor Justin Hugheston-Roberts to pursue Galloway under the Incitement to Disaffection Act, 1934, though no prosecution occurred.

Etc, etc etc ..... :asian:
So, he may or may not be a muslim, wheres the problem?
He spoke out against the Iraq war, wheres the problem?
He spoke out against Israel, wheres the problem?
I'll add to that if you like, he has spoken out against terrorist acts against Iran also, and again, where is the problem in that?

His freedom to express his opinion on whatever he likes is what people have fought and died for, you may not like someones opinion, and you certainly dont have to agree with it, but you'd be a fool to take it away..
So, he may or may not be a muslim, wheres the problem? No problem
He spoke out against the Iraq war, wheres the problem? No problem
He spoke out against Israel, wheres the problem? That's an understatement.
I'll add to that if you like, he has spoken out against terrorist acts against Iran also, and again, where is the problem in that? What he claims are 'terrorist acts' could be open to debate.

His freedom to express his opinion on whatever he likes is what people have fought and died for, you may not like someones opinion, and you certainly dont have to agree with it, but you'd be a fool to take it away..
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there is an enormous difference between balanced opinion and extremism.

Since the convoy returned from Gaza, Galloway has gone on two speaking tours around the U.S. in April and May to promote Viva Palestina. During his speeches, which attracted hundreds of attendees, Galloway regularly defended Hamas, describing it as a liberation movement that "just wants to liberate its tiny piece of land from illegal and violent military occupation." He called Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and imprisoned Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti "the greatest Arab leaders," while referring to Israel's newly elected government as "killers" and "fascists." He claimed that "Zionism has poisoned the well" and has "distorted the face of Jewish people."

IMO we were sold a pup with Iraq, we are well past the time to be out of Afghanistan, Israel is defying International Law by building communities in the West Bank, Hamas terrorists sending rockets Ito Israel are just that, terrorists. I have many opinions and I am happy for others to have their's.

Let's look at the 'greatest Arab leaders. First up, Marwan Barghouti. Now this guy may be a great leader but his organisation sends suicide bombers against Israel. He has been tried and convicted of murder and is in jail. If he had the courage of his convictions, he should blow himself up.

As for Hassan Nasrallah, I'll let him speak for himself ....

Now this guy Galloway is an extremist who is promoting terrorism. It is far more than expressing an opinion. :asian:
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All that from two youtube vids hey tez, I guess you know all you need to know about him now.
Quite the conclusion you came to there.. considering you never knew about him before, apparently.
It must annoy you to have to put up with an opposing viewpoint, pesky democracy hey..

Oh my we are having a tantrum aren't we lol. I said I didn't know who you were referring to by the initals 'GG', if you won't use people's names how are we supposed to know who you mean, dear boy, everyone knows George Galloway!

does it annoy me? No not in the least, posts like yours always make me laugh, the indignation of someone who likes winding people up. Crack on, make your personal attacks,a gainst the rules but hey let's be rebels shall we?

I do not expect nor will I await a reply to this post, you do not have to acknowledge it in any way. I also do not have an expectation of you to accept it either if you do not wish to do so. I do not enjoy getting a rise out of people and i am not comfortable with my conduct in regards to our exchange in this thread.

I would like to appologise to you for not engaging conversation with you in a more respectful manner.


I do not expect nor will I await a reply to this post, you do not have to acknowledge it in any way. I also do not have an expectation of you to accept it either if you do not wish to do so. I do not enjoy getting a rise out of people and i am not comfortable with my conduct in regards to our exchange in this thread.

I would like to appologise to you for not engaging conversation with you in a more respectful manner.


Actually I have no idea what you are talking about , I posted my opinion of David Icke and why I don't like him. You mentioned a politician initialled GG, without stating who he was (you also mentioned a lot of names of what I assume are Australian politicans but who are unknown outside your country.) When you gave me the politician's name, George Galloway I gave you my opinion of him, I really can't see what the problem is. You don't have to like or agree with my opinion but I don't really see where the hypocrisy comes in.

Another view of George Galloway.
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