Interesting Background Documentary About David Icke


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England

I've not seen this before but found it quite interesting to see the man behind the mockery and the veneration.

I've seen his talks now and again and have always felt he had a good handle on human psychology whilst at the same time walking pretty far away from the garden path with some of his ideas. I still think that he perhaps has that 'visionary' twist that is a facet of an imbalance in the brain chemistry but he can put his ideas across with great eloquence at times, especially those parts where I agree with him :D.


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
Not read you links yet, duck; I'll find out why you feel as you do after I have I suspect.

Other than when he gets onto his Alien Overlords tack, a proportion of what he talks about is quite verifiable stuff. The knack lies in the interpretation of the identified political and economic associations. Is the Bilderberg Group an aspect of the Superclass, meeting to co-ordinate their nefarious manipulations of the world stage? Or is it a way for high ranking people to meet in 'non official' circumstances ... and co-ordinate their legitimate manipulations of the world stage? :lol:.

Mind you, in a way, it makes not a whit of difference as there is not a lot ordinary people can do about it anyway.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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I should have added the lizards to the 'overlord' stuff on the other thread about the UK, the rich have run the world, just as they have always done, the antics of such people are no different from their medieval counterparts or their Roman and Greek ones. It's the way of the world, you can get rich and play the games or you can pootle along living a life where you try to be as kind to others and live a good as life as you can. The rich may run the world but the costs to them are higher than our life is to us.


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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Conspiracy theory at it its best. Take some facts, add imagination, take it to the world. In the case of Scientology, don't even bother with the facts. I think I just lost about an hour of my life! :BSmeter:


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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Actually, this got me thinking about Zeitgeist. There are a lot of people sucked into that conspiracy theory.

Zeitgeist, The Movie is a film that was released on Google Video in the spring of 2007 and was created by Peter Joseph. Essentially the video covers three areas of Interest: Part I, entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told" evaluates Christian beliefs and asserts that it was all taken from pre-existing myths, primarily Egyptian mythology. In Part II, entitled "All The World's a Stage" it goes on to talk about how the US Government knew about the attacks on September 11th, 2001 before hand and that it was a large conspiracy and cover up -- essentially an it was an inside job. Lastly we are told in Part III, entitled "Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain", that powerful bankers and world leaders are conspiring for world domination and consolidation of power.

Peter Joseph is probably using a similar amount of fact to back his ideas of a "New World Order". :asian:


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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The rich may run the world but the costs to them are higher than our life is to us.

I dont quite understand this quote from you Tez.
As ANZAC day has just passed, personaly i gave thanks to those who gave their lives in order for me to live the way i do.
Their lives are the greatest sacrifice there is, their lives are why im breathing oxygen right now.
Without their lives, no decisions can be made or enforced, and the bottom would fall out from under any organisation or government in history.

I do think i have mistaken your post in some way, as i have noticed you may come from a military family or? from reading previous posts of yours.

But a polly or corporate leader, what price do they pay?


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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using a similar amount of fact

Im not for or against any of these people, but are these apparent facts of any importance?
Its like me telling you a story, i start with facts then lead to my interpretation of them and conclusion.

My interpretation and conclusion may be laughable, but the facts remain intact.
I was looking into persistent contrail stuff once (silly me right?) when i came across some info regarding a seperate subject and its experimentation on the UK populace many years ago. Which happens to be documented and not some conspiricy blokes book selling venture.

So, regardless of my conclusion, the facts gained along the way remain as quite shocking. Does that mean i think we are being chemtrailed, no, these facts were not in support of that in itself. But it certainly opened my eyes a little to what governments/military have got up to from time to time. Isnt there a saying that goes something like "dont throw the baby out with the bath water". Something like that anyway.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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I dont quite understand this quote from you Tez.
As ANZAC day has just passed, personaly i gave thanks to those who gave their lives in order for me to live the way i do.
Their lives are the greatest sacrifice there is, their lives are why im breathing oxygen right now.
Without their lives, no decisions can be made or enforced, and the bottom would fall out from under any organisation or government in history.

I do think i have mistaken your post in some way, as i have noticed you may come from a military family or? from reading previous posts of yours.

But a polly or corporate leader, what price do they pay?

I'm not from a military family. My post has nothing to do with the military I don't know why you thought that.
The price they pay is in paranoia, stress, the constant having to be one step ahead, to be playing the game all the time, for what? They are going to be dead just like the rest of us. Who can be bothered fighting karma all the time. What do you think they really get out of it? Learn from history.


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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I'm not from a military family. My post has nothing to do with the military I don't know why you thought that.
Previous posts, not post.
The price they pay is in paranoia, stress, the constant having to be one step ahead, to be playing the game all the time, for what? Who can be bothered fighting karma all the time.
Sounds truly dreadful, maybe they can spare a thought for the people on the ground who fight and die due to their decisions?
Learn from history.
Where would you like to start?

You state they make some kind of sacrifice above and beyond our lives.. Rubbish.


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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Im not for or against any of these people, but are these apparent facts of any importance?
Its like me telling you a story, i start with facts then lead to my interpretation of them and conclusion.
As David Ickes said, we get a lot of our information from television and the press. There are even some journals of a political nature that have credibility. The politicians obviously target journos who are sympathetic to their cause or maybe even do deals with influential people who own the press. So, we are fed information as 'fact' that may or may not be true.

That is how we ended up in Vietnam and Iraq. Spun a yarn that history shows to be a lie. :asian:


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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I thought the Queensland elections were funny, did you catch that Mining fella on TV, "CIA global warming scam etc Greens in their back pocket etc" lol.
Meanwhile in Parliament Labour was saying how Liberal is dictated to by the Mining industry, only for the retort to come back that Labour receives a whole boat load of support from mining aswell, so whats the point, they dont even bother to put on a decent show anymore lol.
Question time etc, they go on like a bunch of kids at times!
I am quite aware of the relationship between all involved.

Peter Garrett..(insert midnight oil song here lol) a polly haha, Its easy to sit back and have a bit of a laugh sometimes at it all! I would be very shocked if Gillard is re elected, although to tell you the truth, who knows what people base their votes on these days!
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Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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Im still puzzled at Tez's post!
Does she think Murdoch is losing any sleep? Is she talking about Churchills depression, the mind boggles.
Who's that UK polly that stirred up a bit of a storm, GG, thats him, i suppose he got relegated to the ADL list aswell? lol.

Theres a good egsample actually, very learned man, perhaps said the odd remark here or there, so all he ever said is trashed, thats the way its done isnt it Tez once they make "the list"?

Bill Mattocks

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Feb 8, 2009
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It's all about 'they' and the things 'they' do. What if there is no 'they'? What if it's all just 'us'?

The reasons I reject most conspiracy theories are simple.

First, because it requires a huge number of people to do something that humans do not do well, namely work together towards a specified goal, over long periods of time.

Second, because it requires the keeping of secrets, which humans also suck at.

Third, because when you have a conspiracy, you have a ready answer for everything that does not conform to the theory; ie, "That's what they WANT you to think."

Fourth, if it's a conspiracy and thus secret, why do you know about it?

And fifth, most of the people I've met who are deep and ready believers in various conspiracy theories are incapable of EVER accepting the possibility, however remote, that their theory MIGHT be wrong. Absolutism in the face of tenuous theory is not the mark of a rational mind.

Even when confronted with the obvious fallacies in most conspiracy theories (eg, the world didn't end of day thus-and-so), they make excuses rather than admit the entire theory was hokum. Oh, the dates were calculated from the wrong point of view, but it REALLY WILL HAPPEN, YOU'LL SEE, or by exposing the theory, they have heroically pushed back the agenda of the evil empire of X [any value for x]. But it's not that the THEORY is wrong, you see. Because the THEORY CANNOT BE WRONG.

That's always my clue to nod my head, make soft comments, and look for the nearest exit. Loonies make me sad.


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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Well, the first time i ever heard outlandish stories was in sunday school. You know, revelations and all that jazz!
Your kind of explaining faith based belief systems in a way.
Who knows how people lose the capacity for rational thought right?...


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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Not all apparent conspiricy is going to be "the world will end".

Many years ago here in Australia, a certain political party in order to gain access to some Aboriginal land, simply set up "canteens" in the local areas.
It really wasnt too long after that the local Aboriginal community broke down. Beer was being trucked up there nonstop.
They sold a huge portion of their land for pocket change and the mining company moved in. Simple.
So what is good business to one, is something completely different to another.

Would that classify as conspiricy, or a manipulation of the population. Its not all the world will end, or the few control the many etc, some of it is just bloody obvious!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
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Oct 30, 2003
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Some conspiracies do exist and some of them involve lots of people. History is full of examples. Some humans are predatory and do so openly. Others lie in wait and plan for the right moment to strike. The former is FAR easier to comprehend and act against then the latter.

David Icke isn't worth taking seriously. Rather, pay attention to Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor. He wrote Tragedy and Hope, a book about the history of the Oligarchy...which is a history of conspiracy.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
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Feb 8, 2009
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As I stated, those who believe in conspiracies cannot be convinced that they do not exist; this is the purest form of proof that no such conspiracy exists, since it must exist in order to conform with their worldview.

I believe in small conspiracies, like two vendors conspiring to fix prices. I do not believe in men in shadows running the world from the behind the scenes. Mainly because it's pure hokum. Oh, I know, that's what they WANT me to think. Those crazy 'them', they're amazing. Or they would be if they existed. Which they don't.


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
It is always good when a thread develops some legs of it's own :D.

I thought that it was an interesting insight into how David Icke got to where he is and thought we might be talking about whether he was a little 'insane' or really a charlatan playing on peoples fears. But the psychological backdrop to conspiracies is just as fruitful a field.

What people have to be aware of, as I've mentioned before, is that there is actually a de facto global oligarchy in place that determines the path that the world economy (and thus everything else) takes. Serious, non-conspiracy-theory stuff wherein the heads of all the major corporate groups inter-relate and organise things beneath the surface so that they don't tread on each others toes. I'd have to look about for it again but it might be good for people to search for it themselves.

Money makes the world dance to the tune of those that have it - such things do not have to be portrayed as a secret cabal orchestrating the fall of mankind. The cold economic truth of things is just as sobering.

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