Incivility and the left...from glitter bombs to real bombs...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
As I have moved from being a democrat who voted for bill clinton in his first run for President, to now being a conservative, I have seen that the left is far more inclined to, in a polite way to say it, be less civil in the public sphere. I have seen video of union thugs beating people who were simply holding signs or sitting at tables. I have seen them pooping on police cars, and pouring a barrel of feces into the lobby of a bank. I have seen them break windows and vandalize stores they didn't like. I have seen them go to the homes of people they disagree with and threaten their families...when children were in the home. Here is more along those lines...

More detail on the protesters and their precious bodily fluids, by way of Ed Driscoll.
DPS recommended to the State Preservation Board that all bags be inspected prior to allowing individuals to enter the Senate gallery, which the State Preservation Board authorized.
During these inspections, DPS officers have thus far discovered one jar suspected to contain urine, 18 jars suspected to contain feces, and three bottles suspected to contain paint. All of these items — as well as significant quantities of feminine hygiene products, glitter and confetti possessed by individuals — were required to be discarded; otherwise those individuals were denied entry into the gallery.
More: The Texas Tribune also confirms that DPS confiscated the urine and feces while inspecting the bags of protesters going into the capitol. I’ve added so many confirmations because the reaction of leftists to these reports has been, essentially, “Did not!” DPS’ response is “Did so!”

Shortly before midnight, blogger Adam Cahnman also confirmed that law enforcement is asking pro-life activists to leave or stay away from the capitol.
Cahnman’s Musings is currently holed up in an undisclosed location at the Texas Capitol. We are not in danger in any way shape or form. The Department of Public Safety has asked pro-lifers to stay away from the mob.
Other pro-life activists tweeted that they were being told to either hide out in offices or to get away from the capitol. There have been unconfirmed reports that a pro-abortion activist had been caught with a gun in or near the building. Whatever the cause, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX36) confirmed that police are telling pro-life activists to leave the capitol for their own safety.

In the way they treat miners in Wisconsin...a video...
This blog looks at three things concerning incivility from the left and then has a video from the Daily Show where they go to a group preaching civility in public discourse...who labled the Tea Party "terrorists."

First, excepting an exceedingly cynical minority, leftists use this rhetoric because they really, truly believe it. They truly believe we don’t care about kids. They truly believe we conservatives want people — especially minorities — to live in poverty if it means preserving our perceived wealth and privilege. In part they believe this because they tend to live in more concentrated monocultures than conservatives, and are more used to talking about us than talking to us.

Second, as intensely as they believe we are evil, they believe in their own ideological virtue. Thus, they often take a critique of their ideas in the same way that others take personal insults — as direct frontal assaults on their character. This makes civil disagreement difficult and causes dialogue to degenerate quickly to an exercise in public shaming.

Third, conservatives are sick to death of this nonsense...

... but there is simply no comparison between conservatives and liberals in the level of tolerance for dissent or in the assumption of the worst of motives for disagreements. Depending on the issue, from the Supreme Court to the academy to a disagreement between “friends” on social media, the unshakeable assumption is that a person who isn’t in favor of our bloated, poverty-perpetuating welfare state or isn’t an enthusiastic participatant in the sexual revolution is merely a cruel, vicious, greedy, self-seeking bigot.

The video is pretty funny, the journalist is serious...
Not a path of comparison that any rational person would relish setting their foot upon. You fellows really need to get over this idea that there is a 'good' side and a 'bad' side in politics. You particularly need to disabuse yourselves of the idea that the 'Right' is the 'good' side. I've said it before and it bears repeating, that such an illusion is down to your indoctrination as American children with regard to the Cold War. Shaking that instinct-level-bias off so your can use your intelligence to discuss political matters is no easy task.
When was the last time republicans were throwing jars of crap at people?
Or, setting up little marijuana scented tent cities on courthouse lawns...

sorry, abusing 50% of the population with laws is crap. And not glitter crap either.
I read all the links and not once did I see Democrats mentioned. I saw multiple references to protesters, pro-life, pro-abortion and the left. It is just possible that a fair proportion of Republicans may support abortion. I could support a right wing party and disagree with some of their policies and I could agree with some of the policies of the party on the left. If you are 100% behind everything one party does then you are nothing but a sheep and with probably less brains than a sheep because a sheep will cross the road to get to better feed.

Suk got it right (and I can't rep him for it even though he deserves the Brownie points :) ). There are two or more sides in politics and it is that very fact that makes the system work. All sides have their strengths and all sides have their weaknesses. The problem for the US is that they don't have a 'left' side. The Democrats are as far to the right as our Conservative party and probably Britain's as well. The bulk of Republicans are way out there with the likes of Ghengis Khan, ultra right wing. We have a couple of small parties (ultra right) like that in Australia but fortunately they are so small that they rarely get representation.

The Republicans lost the last election. The democratic thing would be to let the Democrats govern, but, as I keep hearing, you don't have a democracy. Such a pity really. :asian:
Not a path of comparison that any rational person would relish setting their foot upon. You fellows really need to get over this idea that there is a 'good' side and a 'bad' side in politics. You particularly need to disabuse yourselves of the idea that the 'Right' is the 'good' side. I've said it before and it bears repeating, that such an illusion is down to your indoctrination as American children with regard to the Cold War. Shaking that instinct-level-bias off so your can use your intelligence to discuss political matters is no easy task.

Thank you. This. If we can't get past this idea, our democracy is going to fall apart. America, at it's heart, is an idea, that people of different backgrounds and beliefs and interests can come together and compromise to have a civil democratic government. But that only works, America only works, democracy only works, if we can see the other side of the political debate as our brothers. If we view our political rivals as our enemies, as evil even, it makes it impossible for democracy to work.
As has been stated numerous times, conservatives see liberals as being wrong on their ideas...liberals see conservatives as evil...that is where we are...

the TSA, DHS and Internet Gremlins would not let me post....or was it the FBI....

considering that Ohio and North Carolina are trying very hard to following in Texas size footsteps....

The point being: When is the last time you read a law demanding men to undergo a mandatory prostate exam, or genital swab...
Oh goody....all things are just not being equal.
As has been stated numerous times, conservatives see liberals as being wrong on their ideas...liberals see conservatives as evil...that is where we are...

Current conservatives--in the past it was just liberal vs. conservative and there were good points on both sides.
As has been stated numerous times, conservatives see liberals as being wrong on their ideas...liberals see conservatives as evil...that is where we are...

Say it three times and it becomes the truth.

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the TSA, DHS and Internet Gremlins would not let me post....or was it the FBI....

considering that Ohio and North Carolina are trying very hard to following in Texas size footsteps....

The point being: When is the last time you read a law demanding men to undergo a mandatory prostate exam, or genital swab...
Oh goody....all things are just not being equal.

Ohhh Abortions. Yes because no Dem has ever been pro-life. Got it
Ohhh Abortions. Yes because no Dem has ever been pro-life. Got it

No. You are missing the point.
NC is following Texas trail, sure.

But Ohio has implemented a mandatory ultra sound and 24 hour waiting period to receive birth control...

Do answer me, if you do not mind: Have you ever heard of mandatory prostate exams or genital swabs for men. Ever.

I dare to say your answer is no.

That is messed up.
I mean not that guys are not subjected to it, but that women are.

It's not - primary - about abortion.
It is about curtailing female health care and, yes, bending democratic procedure to fit the agenda.
No. You are missing the point.
NC is following Texas trail, sure.

But Ohio has implemented a mandatory ultra sound and 24 hour waiting period to receive birth control...

Do answer me, if you do not mind: Have you ever heard of mandatory prostate exams or genital swabs for men. Ever.

I dare to say your answer is no.

That is messed up.
I mean not that guys are not subjected to it, but that women are.

It's not - primary - about abortion.
It is about curtailing female health care and, yes, bending democratic procedure to fit the agenda.

Yes I've had mandatory physicals to do certain things or activities. It doesn't stop anyone from getting anything.