I'm THANKFUL for....

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
Just thought I'd start a positive post, one that anyone can add to with the things that they are thankful for...

I'm very thankful for my beautiful wife and my two great kids! They are the hub that the rest of my life revolves around. Their support and encouragement, their love and acceptance and just watching them grow as people....makes my life increadibly rich.

I'm thankful for my country, a place where I have equal liberty and responsibility.... a place as good, or as bad, as we make it.

I'm thankful for my parents! I was blessed with God fearing, loving, caring, intelligent and funloving people. They're there for me, always have been...and always will be. If there's anything good or noteworthy about me or my life, I've GOT to turn and thank them for planting it there.

I'm thankful for my church. A group of people who share life with me and serve as an extended 'family' in a way.

I'm thankful for my Karate school. I'm thankful for every martial arts instructor that Iv'e been blessed to have...including those that weren't "Officially" my instructor....but taught me some nonetheless. I'm thankful for the students that come to me for help and instruction and in turn end up teaching and helping me more than they could ever know. I'm thankful for a martial art that is effective and efficient and beautiful....as complex or as simple as I like on any given day.

I'm also thankful for these martial arts forums like this one, where I can come...share ideas, have healthy debates and gain some knowledge, understanding or inspiration.

Your Brother (Pass the Gravey)
awwww, brother john, you are making me all misty eyed. :)

Wonderful post.

It is not my Thanksgiving but I have to say, I am thankful for my family and friends and for all the experiences I have been lucky enough to have. I have learned from each and every one of them. They made me who I am today and they push me to challenge myself and remind me I am alive.

To all of you celebrating Thanksgiving. Have a safe and joyous holiday. :)

I am thankful for my friends and family, for sticking with me through the easy and hard times and helping to make my life worthwhile.
I am most thankful for my twins, who turn 3 on Thanksgiving Day. They give me a reason to try every day to make the world a better place even after I'm gone.

I am thankful to this forum and all the great people I've already met here. It feels wonderful to find a home where ppl help each other and understand what it means to be a true martial artist.

Lastly I would like to thank myself, without whom I wouldn't be here today.
Navarre said:
Lastly I would like to thank myself, without whom I wouldn't be here today.


I am thankful for my instructors, because they teach me how to be a good martial artist as well as a good person.

I am thankful for Navarre's twins, because they are so adorable they make you all warm and fuzzy inside just looking at them.

(Ask for the suitcase picture. Really. You gotta see these kids.)
I'm thankful for My Children, My Wonderful Family and Great Friends.
Who are always there thru the Good times and bad for me..:asian:
Sam said:
I am thankful for Navarre's twins, because they are so adorable they make you all warm and fuzzy inside just looking at them.

(Ask for the suitcase picture. Really. You gotta see these kids.)

Thanks, Sam. That's a sweet thing to say.

I would like to add that I am also thankful for Sam, who makes internet life interesting.
Im in a pissy mood, so I might not consider a lot of things... so lets just say I am thankful for a lot more than I can list...

But I will say I am thankful (most of) you people put up with me.

Im thankful for the amazing people I have encountered in my short life,

Im thankful to be loved by such wonderful, understanding, warm hearted people...one in particular who is packing up his entire life and moving to another country just to be with me (if that doesn’t make ya feel special nothing will).

Im thankful for my three dogs that walk through life beside me, I would be totally lost in this world without them.

Im thankful for my family, who through tragedy I have learnt to appreciate a whole lot more.

Im thankful for the time I was gifted with of loved ones who have since left this world.

I treasure the memories of experiences I have had, and am truly thankful I can continue making them with beautiful people :)
Technopunk said:
I am thankful (most of) you people put up with me.

It's about time you gave us a nod for the effort!

Happy Thanksgiving ANYWAY....ya Pissy Ninja...

Your Brother
I am thankful to live in a wealthy and prosperous nation and also that I have a place to live, a steady job and that, unlike a large percentage of the world's population, every day is not a struggle just to survive.:)
first and foremost GOD
secondly my loving wife and kids
third my friends in the MA community
fourth the insight to do what I love in life which is train people in MA
Lastly inner peace without i would not be here today.


Navarre said:
Thanks, Sam. That's a sweet thing to say.

I would like to add that I am also thankful for Sam, who makes internet life interesting.

Awwww! (Can we clone him?)

I'm also thankful that I don't have to live with my parents,

Thankful that I have a beautiful healthy nephew Izaac,

Thankful that I have friends that like me even though they don't understand my 'karate obsession' and will be harry potter dorks with me,

Thankful for all the things I take for granted every day.