im sick of getting nervous!!!


Green Belt
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
damn today had school selections for poomsae and i bummed it because i was NERVOUS. i know i can definitely do better than i did, WAAAAAY better. same thing happened for the last 2 (thats all i went for anyway) poomsae tournaments. i can enclose myself in my own world while doing poomsae during training, but i cant seem to do so (when i REAAAALLLLY NEED TO) during important times! ):
It is a lack of confidence and concentration, you need to make sur you have no doubt that what you are doing is 100 % correct.
I do a different art, but it happens to me too.

In class, no problem, teaching, no problem, get me out front in a grading or a competition and by about the end of the second kata that adrenalin kicks in and I’m nervous as hell. My sensei tells me that still happens to him after 30 years. Short of drugs, I think you just need to keep going out in front of people as often as possible.
Well since being nervous is something that totally exists within your head, the single place we have the most control I'm pretty sure with some focus and giving yourself some positive reinforcement it should not be and issue.
Well, for starters, quit beating yourself up over it.

You went to poomse picnic and got butterflies in your stomach...happens.

But you also noticed, nothing bad happened afterward. You did not get hurt or anything.

There are many ways to relax. One thing for me is when I remind myself that in the grand 9or not so grand) scheme of things tournaments mean absolutely nothing. Win or lose, it's of no consequence.

Second, find what works for you.
Personally I don't watch the people before me do their form. It focuses me on the wrong thing, they mes up I am likely to lose my train of thought.

Of all my hangups, strangely enough I have no problems standing in front of a bunch of people doing mys stuff. Then again I did enough school demos at the local elementary 6 a day, you can't stay nervous all morning... ;)

Anyhow, number one thing for martial Arts: BREATHE
grab yourself a beginner tape of yoga and study the breathing technique. I swear belly breathing helps a lot to sooth the butterflies!

meditate if you must, find a good point to focus on, NOT the butterflies.

I know at one grading - for o particular reason - I was so nervous before we started, I felt like throwing up. A bit fresh air and a hug from a friend solved that problem.
A few years back one of the Gods of JSA was asked what he did differently for a grading, a competition and regular practice. He looked at the funny for a second and then said, “nothing different, its all practice”.

I try to keep that attitude.

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