Im Back


Black Belt
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Hello MT, how is everyone? I havent been on for while as I had a severe case of meningitus (sp?). Well, basically, when I found out I had it, I had a nervous brake down because one of my friends had died recently because of it and I thought the same would happen to me. But after ancouple of operations and a **** load of medicine, im back.

Ok, well since i found out i had meningitus, i stopped training until today. Earlier on this morning I went out for a run and I usually take a route that goes the whole way around the town i live in (its about 4-5 miles long) and I couldnt even run to the garage, which is only about 900 metres away from my house. Can anyone give me a couple tips on how I can fit again?

Thanks Alot,

Hello MT, how is everyone? I havent been on for while as I had a severe case of meningitus (sp?). Well, basically, when I found out I had it, I had a nervous brake down because one of my friends had died recently because of it and I thought the same would happen to me. But after ancouple of operations and a **** load of medicine, im back.

Welcome back! Hope that you're feeling better! :)

Ok, well since i found out i had meningitus, i stopped training until today. Earlier on this morning I went out for a run and I usually take a route that goes the whole way around the town i live in (its about 4-5 miles long) and I couldnt even run to the garage, which is only about 900 metres away from my house. Can anyone give me a couple tips on how I can fit again?

Thanks Alot,


Any time you take a break from something, you need to start off slow. By jumping back into things too quick, you could end up hurting yourself. You need to give your body the chance to re-familiarize itself with the activity. If you want to start running again, I'd suggest a slow pace, almost more of a jog, and limit yourself to 1 mile.

Glad to see you back and also glad you are better, I agree you should take it slow until your body is ready.

Glad that you're back on MT... and equally glad that your health issues have lessened!

As for the getting back into shape part... I'm kind of in the same situation right now...

One of the things that I'm doing to combat my lowered level of cardio-vascular endurance (CVE), and health in general, is to begin a running program again...

For good running information... check out the COOL RUNNINGS site... lots of good stuff there...

Also, they have a COUCH TO 3K RUNNING PLAN that really works great... and eases you back into things at just the right pace (IMHO)...

In the past, I've used the program a couple of times. Mostly to get my running "dusted off" after taking a break for one reason or another...

I wish you health on your road to recovery... and, please, keep us posted on your progress!

Your Brother in the arts,

Hey guys, thanks for the support, and yes, i think im gonna start off easy and slowly build myself up
First, welcome back!

Second, in addition to the advice you've been given (start slow and build slow), I would talk to your doctor. You've been really sick, and might want to see if you would benefit from a referral to a physical therapist to get started. I say physical therapist rather than personal trainer because the training requirements for physical therapists is more standardized and aimed at recovery from illness; the requirements for personal trainers is highly variant and aimed at improving fitness in physically capable people, and often have to push people hard to get them started - harder than may be safe for you at first. You wouldn't need a physical therapist very long, and might be able to get a referral to a good personal trainer from the physical therapist - but under the circumstances, you might look into it. Your doctor might say no - or he might refer you to a physical therapist - or might give you a referal to a personal trainer. If you can't get a referral from your doctor, you might try a local university with a sports medicine program, and see if you can get a referral to a trainer that way, who will have more background in medical information that someone at the gym up the street.

Good luck, and a speedy and complication-free recovery to you! Let us know how it's going.
Welcome back man! Hope you're feeling better, though, could you refresh my memory. What is meningitis?
Back to the question at hand though, just work up to it. If you try to go back to your old route, all you do is hurt yourself. Good luck man!
Welcome back and I am glad you are feeling better!
Hey, man!

Kacey recommended to work on a plan with your doctor and a physical therapist and I completely agree. You mentioned you had some surgery ... I don't want to get too personal or ask you questions you don't want answered, but I'm familiar with meningitis and all I can say is, thank Goodness you're alive and well now.

Absolutely talk to your doctor and PT about your goals and they will help you work towards that.

Welcome back!!
I was mis diagnosed with menningitis- I wish you much luck with the doctors of today
Welcome back...You have been missed..
Welcome back, bobster! I was wondering where you went to. After being so sick recently and having surgeries, I agree with those that said take it slow and easy. It'll take a while to work your way up to where you want to be, but do consult your doctors. They can prescribe exercise regimens that can and will get you back to moving again.

Best wishes!
Wow! That is scary. I am glad you're ok. Ease yourself back into training slowly. Not only did you have quite a bit of time off, but your body took a beating. Take it slow and easy, you'll work your way back up. Glad to have you back. :)
What is meningitis?

The short answer to this question is that meningitis, basically, is an inflammation of the tissues that protect the central nervous system...

For more in-depth information... check the Wikipedia entry for Meningitis...

Sounds like it was bacterial in this case... nasty stuff! And, those Lumbar-punctures (a part of the diagnosis protocol)... also known as a "spinal tap"... hurt like Hades!

Your Brother in the arts,

Hey everybody, thanks for your support, really appreciate it,

Hope to be fit again soon,