I'll punch you in Spanish.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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Someone said my kiai sounded "very mexican" so that made me laugh. I think this will be one of my phrases now. "I'll (insert strike) you in Spanish."
Now I'm wondering what a kiai would be if someone only communicated by sign language. I wonder if there's a sign symbol for that?
there might be but I somthing tells me it is often confused with childbirth or constipation.
Last time I heard the words I'll punch you in Spanish, someone tried to start a fight in the Spanish classroom at school
¿Tú quieres pelearme?

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I'll (strike) you
Te golpearé
Te patearé
Te voy a pegar

I prefer the Chinese.....Wǒ gěi nǐ wǒ de quántóu.... with a lot of emphasis on wǒ de quántóu
(I give you...MY FIST!!!) :D

Now I'm wondering what a kiai would be if someone only communicated by sign language. I wonder if there's a sign symbol for that?

My cousin is actually a sign language teacher and there is no hand sign for Kiai so I think it would take to long.....you would need to spell it out so here you go

ASL Alphabet

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