If you would have to practice only one martial art, what would it be?

What a difficult question. I want to say JKD, but that seems to be kinda cheating. For example, my JKD class takes from several martial arts styles.

Otherwise, Filipino Martial Arts.

Well for me it would be all the Kenpo I could handle.

I'd have to say Ninjutsu, it has been making me happy for a while but JKD looks interesting. I'd like to try that.
Ed Parker American Kenpo for me too......:D

But, as I'm learning kenpo I'm also learning Systema, The Russian Martial Art.

They both are a lot of fun to learn and practice.

Hum? Just one martial art. Whoo hard choice. I think it would have to be something that is mostly self defense stuff (like Kenpo or Hapkido, or something like that). That's if, of course, there were these types of schools near me, which there isn't :(

But if I had three choices, it would be TKD (for the kicking), Hapkido or Kenpo (for self defense), and Judo or jujitsu (for ground fighting).
Definitely some kind of Kenpo or other. Kenpo has more in it than I could probably learn in what's left of my lifetime. :boing2:
Originally posted by Tachi

I'd stick with Chen Tai chi - it gives one a chance to cultivate internal energy so I can live to be old and wise - also the martial applications are challenging and usually somewhat disguised so I can do some serious whomping when I'm old as well :D

Cheers _


let me add another vote for chen tajiquan-supreme ultimate boxing-there is no beginning and no end to a lifetime of training in this martial art.
Well for me it simple... Hapkido... there are so many other styles incorporated in that... (aikido, kosho ryu, TWD) it would take me 100's of lifetimes to learn it all.. and since im not Connor or Duncan McLeod.... i'll never learn it all...

Originally posted by Yari

I know this is a little off thread, but how can traditional not be logic? Or are you talking about a special form of logic?


I don't see that anyone followed up on this, but I think logical vs traditional meant that logic, not tradition, dictates your actions and your reasoning. These concepts are not inherently exclusive of course because your traditions could be logical, but Mr. Parker didn't want to do anything merely because it had always been done that way, but he wanted to do something because it was the right/proper/logical thing to do.

I have seen this logic vs traditional assertion before and I think I have described it in the context it was intended. Mr. Parker elaborates on this in Infinite Insights I think, but I don't have it with me. I'll come back to post again if I find it or especially if I find that I am in error.

Hope this helps.
If I could pick one art to study it would be American Kenpo. Because it is based on prinicples and can be applied to pretty much any type of movement and because it contains elements of just about everything.

In class we recently did a hubid (don't know the spelling) drill from the Phillipines and what we did was actually the basis for 3 self defense techniques including Circles of Protection . We have done some grappling in class and I have used basic Kenpo principles while on the ground. We have some stick fighting. My instructor has put together a Long Staff form derived from adding a staff to empty hand techniques and it looks like some staff work my Goju buddy does. Then there is the Sub-Level 4 energy disruption stuff.

If I could study everything Mr. Parker knew that would be ideal, but there is enough out there now that I can pick up some of everything in/from/with American Kenpo. We have some great takedowns and joint manipulations too. The only thing it is really "missing" is ground fighting but I'd still prefer what we have to other systems with more ground fighting because I think Kenpo is the best all-around system and is superior in many of its elements. Again I have a Goju friend and some of their sparring drills are nearly identical to what we have in the freestyle techniques and this only reinforces my belief that a lot of good stuff from other systems was put into Kenpo by Mr. Parker even if he "snuck it in" where it was not obvious upon casual inspection.

Sorry to be so long-winded and I do not intend any disrespect to other systems. Thank you.
Originally posted by Bushido

Me: bjj

-Bushido :samurai:


WunHopKuenDo/KaJuKenBo.. for the body and
Kuniba Ryu Iaido for the Spirit

Gene Gabel:asian:
Originally posted by cdhall

I have seen this logic vs traditional assertion before and I think I have described it in the context it was intended. Mr. Parker elaborates on this in Infinite Insights I think, but I don't have it with me. I'll come back to post again if I find it or especially if I find that I am in error.

Hope this helps.

I know this is a bit off topic, but what is logic in normal day sense, a set of self made rules. A persons logic is built up from his life experience and perception of life. We usally think that there is only 1 logic, but this isn't true. Logic bases it self on a few udiscussable facts, like god exsits (I don't want to go into that now, just an example), were this is not discussed, but ever action after that is based on this assumption.

What logic realy means is that things are connected by rule.

So therefor logic cann't be true or false, but the conclusion of the logical assumption can be true or false, based on the pre assumptions.

In this sense tradition is logic, because it makes some assupmtions, and bases it practice on this. You just have to understand the assumptions, and accept them, or the logic will not be there.

I agree that the pre-assumpstions can vary and be not acceptable, and that's the reason some people don't want tradition. That's OK, but calling them not logic as a mean of saying that and justifieng by that. I cann't follow.

I'm not trying to disrespect anybody. Sorry if I step on somebodys toes...

I prefer Japanese Ju-Jitsu if there can only be one. It has a little bit of everything, though other martial arts may be better at specific areas (e.g. BJJ for groundfighting).
Easy Question
what I study now
as it adapts to everything.

wrong, meltdown51,

you adapt, people adapt, systems change because people adapt them.

jeet kun do is wonderful, no disrespect-
the only conclusion that can be drawn from this thread is that there is no perfect style, otherwise everyone would cite the same MA for their only one.

isnt it great!
you are absolulley correct, but the thread was what is the best for each practitioner. this is mine, Does not have to be anyone else's

your big misunderstanding is that JKD is not a system or style it is whatever you throw at me

your big misunderstanding is that JKD is not a system or style it is whatever you throw at me

Very eloquent, meltdown, cheers to you