If you could start over would you choose to learn first a grappling art or a stand-up art.

I understand that but I am brainwashed by over 25 years in Uniform... "train like you fight". Due to my gear and circumstances going to the ground is bad. So I studied Aikido for a bit, now I study Wing Chun and Inosanto Kali (same teacher), because those arts, in a holistic fashion, are more in the "train as you will fight" mold.

As I said though it's all about personal choices. I know more than a couple other cops who have trained in BJJ, it served them well. My brain is just wired as I note above. Not an indictment of any method, just saying you need to pick what "fits" you, mind and body, don't force it because of theories told to you. I tried Judo and Jujutsu before Aikido just felt right. I tried Ryushinkan, then Krav Maga until my current WC and Kali just felt right. /Shrug

I think "felt right" is more than half the battle. Especially when you've been exposed to multiple arts.
Good for you, bro.
I think "felt right" is more than half the battle. Especially when you've been exposed to multiple arts.
Good for you, bro.

Thanks but I only did what made sense to me. My first MA was Olympic Fencing (foil and saber) in High School and College. No coincidence I loved poetry and literature at the same time (shocking Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers etc). I even got some poetry published in my younger years, though the path of my life led to a uniform in the end.

Martial Arts, imo, are no different than any other art, be it poetry, playing a particular instrument, painting, writing a novel or acting etc. Art must call to you, sing to you. If it doesn't it is forced and if it is forced it will fail you and the only way to tell if something sings to you is to try it.
When you study specialist grappling systems you not only learn to take people down, you spend half the time learning NOT to be taken down against the guys who are the best at it.
Agree! You also learn not to let your opponent to get good grips on you. For every body control that your opponent has on you, you will have good methods to break it apart.

This kind of skill is usually missing in the striking art training.

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