I will try it tonite


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well one week off the mat is driving me crazy, I just finished with the pills and I am wearing the insoles I will try tonite some light working out and see how my feet feeling.

I don't know if Kenpo ro TKD class but I will go to train.

Wish me luck.

Well, I went dojang last night. I trained barefoot, I asked sambonim to train apart from the bunch cause I wanted to start slowly and see if I could make it.

I did a light warm up, a light stretching and light kicking, nothing special just the basic kicks at waist level and without efort, however I felt sad cause I wanted to join the class, I felt like excluded and yes, I wanted to kick high jajajajajaja!!!

I finished with crunches.

I felt my lefth ankle foot a little wierd, I felt no pain just a little disconfort but could be a mental thing, so I decided for the next class use my TKD shoes with the insoles and see if it works. Today I wake up without pain.

I am glad it went so well. I think wearing the innersoles will be helpful in keeping the foot stabilized. Be patient with yourself so that it does not get re-injured.