I want, I need, I have to have...

Lisa said:
I really want a Left handed Anshutz rifle for .22 competition
*sigh* making me all nostalgic, Lisa. Wish I still had my Anshutz from when I was shooting. Loved that rifle, but it was only on loan.
well, because I am a damn fine wife.. :)

My husband was looking for a better scope for his long range target rifle and I just happened come across a buddy who had a brand new Leupold VX III, 6.5 - 20 X 50 mm long range target rifle that he wasn't using. Got it for a sweet deal too.

He seems pleased :D

Im currently in the market for a Dragunov SVD... but It looks like I am gonna have to settle for a Romanin PSL knockoff.
Lisa said:
This is the place to put what you would LOVE to acquire that you don't have now. Whether it be a firearm, a piece of equipment, whatever. List your wants here as you become aware of them.

Maybe this could become the gift list for your loved ones. The can come here to find out what you want. :)

My first, isn't so much for me, but has my husband interested and it is all he is talking about :rolleyes:

Super Sniper Rifle Scope

Since I've been into firearms, that is, since I was 12 and got my first .22 rifle, I have always wanted a Thompson Sub.
Technopunk said:
Im currently in the market for a Dragunov SVD... but It looks like I am gonna have to settle for a Romanin PSL knockoff.

The PSL isn't a bad compromise at all. Very nice shooter, even with Wolf ammo.
HKphooey said:
Have you talked anyone that has fired the HK416? What was the performance?

Nope, never shot one or seen one in person. Read about it in the gun rags. Gas piston operation on an AR sounds interesting.

Hunting season is upon us!!!!

I have a "FREEDOM ARMS Premier Grade 454mag. that I would love to sell...

Anyone out there interested???

Jay S. Penfil