I need advice about a political problem

Let's hope that one of those "don't ask don't tell things" :rofl:

That is a non-issue. When you go for your security clearance you will not be asked about your political affiliation. You will be asked for references, ever job you've held and every address you've ever lived at and they will talk to people....so unless you've gone and burned babies in public or something, I'd say you're safe. :) In fact, I am pretty sure that it is illegal to descriminate against you in any way based on your political affiliation (when I say Illegal, I'm referring to UCMJ).
Even if you were a Republican, declining to discuss your political views while in uniform isn't a bad idea.

Right now you're worried. When you're a sergeant, the privates under you will worry about how you'll view their opinions. Head it off now by being close-mouthed about it. While in uniform, you support the U.S., not a party or political viewpoint.

That having been said, my experience with military officers is that you'll be surprised how varied their views are. It's still a slice of society.
Even if you were a Republican, declining to discuss your political views while in uniform isn't a bad idea.

Right now you're worried. When you're a sergeant, the privates under you will worry about how you'll view their opinions. Head it off now by being close-mouthed about it. While in uniform, you support the U.S., not a party or political viewpoint.

That having been said, my experience with military officers is that you'll be surprised how varied their views are. It's still a slice of society.

That's what I figured. I just want to keep the privates under me from thinking anythign along the lines of "That guy's a Socialist? Well, if we come under fire, I'm not guarding his be-hind". Same principle applies if I were Muslim. I'm afriad of alienating my fellows, not so much being discharged, or anything blatent like that.
I wouldnt worry about it.

For one thing, what you are now is not (in all likelyhood) what you will be in a few years

For another, I dont think in 8 years anyone asked me who I voted for. We talked politics alot, but the typical military mindset is that all politicians are idiots anyway.
6 October, MCRD San Diego. Get back 2 January. I was planning on leaving a post detailing this a few days before I go.

Although, Buzzy you do see why I didn't know whether or not to talk about my political views (if it came up) right?
6 October, MCRD San Diego. Get back 2 January. I was planning on leaving a post detailing this a few days before I go.

Still got plenty of time to prepare. I hope you've started running a few miles a day....and push ups....and sit ups.....and pull ups. No matter how many you do, its not enough! DIs have some SNEAKY tricks and they never get tired.

Although, Buzzy you do see why I didn't know whether or not to talk about my political views (if it came up) right?

I fully understand, you're pretty wise to recognize the potential issues. Although I think you'll find that the military is really just a microcosm of the rest of the country. The Marines attract a different sort, but for the most part, the same kind of diversity exists there too. You're just talked about a really perception heavy topic.....perceptions that are generally NOT GOOD. Especially among the older, crustier troops.

Not something to worry about....just something to be aware of.
I know, I've a got a routine set up to get stronger.

Thanks, I'm glad to see that some one other me reconises that when people argue about Socialism it's a heavily perception-based argument, as appossed to theory-based argument.
I know, I've a got a routine set up to get stronger.

Thanks, I'm glad to see that some one other me reconises that when people argue about Socialism it's a heavily perception-based argument, as appossed to theory-based argument.

I know a lot of Marines and I really don't think you'll have too much of a problem with "deep" theoretical conversations! :)

I'm sure before long, you'll be calling me Chair Force and I'll be able to call you a Jarhead.
Ohh, don't worry buzzy, I already call you "that one Chair-force dude"! :rofl:
I got an 87 on the ASVAB. They'll have some beating to do.
Everyone's politics changes over time. I went through a socialist phase. I went through a libertarian phase. I worked for the green party and the democrats. Now I find myself supporting a Republican.

Your experiences will shape who you are and I would think that the experience of being a Marine and going to the Middle East is going to have a LARGE affect on who you are.

Besides, politics are going to be the least of your concerns. I'd be worrying about how NOT to get my *** shot off...
Besides, politics are going to be the least of your concerns. I'd be worrying about how NOT to get my *** shot off...

If he got an 87 on the ASVAB that's not likely unless he chose infantry. Cuong, did you go open or did you get a guaranteed MOS?
If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart.
If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain.
- Winston Churchill

At least the quote is usually attributed to Churchill. There are others who state the same thing. ;)
If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart.
If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain.
- Winston Churchill

At least the quote is usually attributed to Churchill. There are others who state the same thing. ;)

I've heard it attributed to Otto Von Bismark... and others

When I was young, well, I wasn't really liberal as such in a political sense, but I supported ideals normally supported by people who support liberal causes. As I got older I got more conservative in a sorts knee jerk sense. Now I tend to be anarchistic
If he got an 87 on the ASVAB that's not likely unless he chose infantry. Cuong, did you go open or did you get a guaranteed MOS?

Marine Corps doesn't gaurntee specific MOS's. You are gaurenteed an option. My option is 1142 (Electrical Maintance and Repair Specialist). Besides, I'm going to be a Reservist so I can go to college next year. If I enlist in ROTC they cann't depoly me (until 4 years pass, I get a degree, or I drop out). Then, I'm going to try to receive a Commision. So, If we're still in Iraq in about 5 years, I'll be an eletrical officer, and probably far from the front lines. If not, we''l, I'm a Marine. I'll be fine
Everyone's politics changes over time. I went through a socialist phase. I went through a libertarian phase. I worked for the green party and the democrats. Now I find myself supporting a Republican.

Your experiences will shape who you are and I would think that the experience of being a Marine and going to the Middle East is going to have a LARGE affect on who you are.

Besides, politics are going to be the least of your concerns. I'd be worrying about how NOT to get my *** shot off...

All very good points. I changed into a different person between the ages of 18 and 21 (college) and then changed AGAIN between 21 and now (Military). Things change. Different things are important to you. At one point, I supported anyone who gave more money to the military. Now I support anyone who doesn't get me killed. In 5 years, I'll support anyone who isn't going to get my KIDS killed.

UpNorth has it dead on....Cuong, please don't take any of this the wrong way (as condescending or belittling), but even within the few months of Military training, you're going to come out an entirely different person. I'm sure that right now you think you won't change....but you will. Everyone does, that's the military training system's job......they break everyone down to the least common denomintor and then build you back up the way they need you. Just like going to college for Engineering! :)

I would be surprised if you even THINK about socialism between October and February....well, other than when some crusty old Gunny talks about the commie hordes coming through the Fulda Gap.

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