I need advice about a political problem


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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Well, sorta. As I'm sure many of you know, I'm going into the Marine Corps. The U.S. military (for those of us who are not American) tends to side with the Republican Party. The G.O.P. (as it's called) tends to want to increase the size and funding of the funding of the military, and reduce every other area of governce (how the two thoughts coincide is beyond me). The Democratic Party tends to want to reduce the military size and funding (if they take a stand at all), while increasing other areas (mostly social programs it seems). Let's not argue about this area though.

So, what do I need? Well, I'm a Socialist. In the States, that's like saying you worship the devil. It is deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness the Socialism and Communism is the most evil thing on the planet. The military is least likely to be supportive of my views. While no one in the military can officially do anything to me (like kick me out, deny me a promotion, and so on) they could easily make it hard for me to get those things I need/want.
The obvious solution to my little problem is to just not mention my political views. Well, I'm going to be in for awhile, some one is going to ask me what Party I belong to, or who I voted for. So, do you folks think I should just play dumb, or admit it to those that ask? By "play dumb" I mean if someone asks, just say I'm registered independent and voted for "some third party"?
I always believe in telling the truth, this are your views and I would bet there are alot of people just like you in the military. Hang in there and when ask use your best judgement. The truth will always set you free in mind and in spirit.
I always believe in telling the truth, this are your views and I would bet there are alot of people just like you in the military. Hang in there and when ask use your best judgement. The truth will always set you free in mind and in spirit.

True, I'm just afraid of alienating my fellow soldiers (most Socialist Parties want to drasticly reduce the military). You know?
Well, sorta. As I'm sure many of you know, I'm going into the Marine Corps. The U.S. military (for those of us who are not American) tends to side with the Republican Party. The G.O.P. (as it's called) tends to want to increase the size and funding of the funding of the military, and reduce every other area of governce (how the two thoughts coincide is beyond me). The Democratic Party tends to want to reduce the military size and funding (if they take a stand at all), while increasing other areas (mostly social programs it seems). Let's not argue about this area though.

So, what do I need? Well, I'm a Socialist. In the States, that's like saying you worship the devil. It is deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness the Socialism and Communism is the most evil thing on the planet. The military is least likely to be supportive of my views. While no one in the military can officially do anything to me (like kick me out, deny me a promotion, and so on) they could easily make it hard for me to get those things I need/want.
The obvious solution to my little problem is to just not mention my political views. Well, I'm going to be in for awhile, some one is going to ask me what Party I belong to, or who I voted for. So, do you folks think I should just play dumb, or admit it to those that ask? By "play dumb" I mean if someone asks, just say I'm registered independent and voted for "some third party"?
Are you registered as a Socialist? I'm not registered with any party, so when it comes up, I'll just tell the truth, that I'm independent. If they want to talk specifics, they I'll get into it. I don't consider that "playing dumb".

If you are sincere about your beliefs, and the guys are at least reasonably intelligent, perhaps you can discuss it with them? I'd start with specific issues, rather than trying to push the idea of socialism as a whole.
I wouldn't freely go out and give this information out to anyone and everyone but if it comes up be honest.
In our military we tend not to talk about politics, eligion or sexual orientation. sport. Just a sort of unwritten thing really. Makes things easier for everyone. People, to be honest aren't very interested in political views in the military, now if it's which football team you support thats different lol!
Are you registered as a Socialist? I'm not registered with any party, so when it comes up, I'll just tell the truth, that I'm independent. If they want to talk specifics, they I'll get into it. I don't consider that "playing dumb".

If you are sincere about your beliefs, and the guys are at least reasonably intelligent, perhaps you can discuss it with them? I'd start with specific issues, rather than trying to push the idea of socialism as a whole.

I turned 18 yesterday, I haven't had a chance to register anything. I only used the phrase "playing dumb" out of a lack of anything better. I'm also not talking about converting people to my views, just letting people know who may be in a position to prevent me from being promoted, and so on and so forth.

Tez, I think it's pretty similar with us, it's just one of those things "what if it comes up"

Here's the wiki article on the party I support, if anyone is interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_USA
I turned 18 yesterday, I haven't had a chance to register anything. I only used the phrase "playing dumb" out of a lack of anything better. I'm also not talking about converting people to my views, just letting people know who may be in a position to prevent me from being promoted, and so on and so forth.

Tez, I think it's pretty similar with us, it's just one of those things "what if it comes up"

I doubt it will come in training, you'll be lucky if you have time to draw breath lol! I'd keep your views to yourself on the whole, you'll find you have far more things on your mind for quite a long time than politics. When you've found yurself with mates and the subject comes up,tell them if you want but none of you will really care about each others politics, just about being mates. Seniors never need to know anything about you other than you're good at what you do.
Politics is like any controversial topic - keep your answers as diplomatic as necessary when speaking to those you don't know well. While service members do tend to skew rightward, you will find that there is a wide range of opinions on almost every issue.

You're right about one thing - it's best not to go announcing to all and sundry that you are a Socialist. A lot of them really did go in with the belief that they are preserving freedom, and also believe (in my mind, rightly so) that socialism is the antithesis of freedom. The irony is that the armed forces are almost perfectly socialist environments. In fact, it will be interesting if you still consider yourself a Socialist after having lived in it. Some people really thrive in that setting, others not so much.
Of course if you find yourself in the UK or Europe you will find we mean something different when we talk about being socialist. Our government is a socialist government as are many other European ones so being a socialist in our armed forces is not considered of being of note though to be honest nor is being a conservative. Most armed forces will moan about the government whoever they are! Our armed forces however owe their allegience and loyalty to the Queen so they don't actually serve any government.
The obvious solution to my little problem is to just not mention my political views. Well, I'm going to be in for awhile, some one is going to ask me what Party I belong to, or who I voted for. So, do you folks think I should just play dumb, or admit it to those that ask? By "play dumb" I mean if someone asks, just say I'm registered independent and voted for "some third party"?

I was in the Air Force for six years and nobody asked my party affiliation or whom I voted for, not even socially. It could come up, but I wouldn't worry too much about it
I doubt it will come in training, you'll be lucky if you have time to draw breath lol! I'd keep your views to yourself on the whole, you'll find you have far more things on your mind for quite a long time than politics. When you've found yurself with mates and the subject comes up,tell them if you want but none of you will really care about each others politics, just about being mates. Seniors never need to know anything about you other than you're good at what you do.

I'm more talking baout post-basic training, post-AIT, during my term of service, you know?

Cory, we can have that discussion on anouther time, ok?
I'm more talking baout post-basic training, post-AIT, during my term of service, you know?

Cory, we can have that discussion on anouther time, ok?

Ah the easy bit rofl!
I'm more talking baout post-basic training, post-AIT, during my term of service, you know?

It's good that you're thinking that far ahead. Most recruits get so anxious about *gulp* boot camp that they seem to forget they signed a four-year contract!

Cory, we can have that discussion on anouther time, ok?

Not sure what discussion that is, I thought I answered the question asked. Sorry if I've veered off-topic yet again.
It's good that you're thinking that far ahead. Most recruits get so anxious about *gulp* boot camp that they seem to forget they signed a four-year contract!

Not sure what discussion that is, I thought I answered the question asked. Sorry if I've veered off-topic yet again.

I actually sign an 8 year contract though.

"A lot of them really did go in with the belief that they are preserving freedom, and also believe (in my mind, rightly so) that socialism is the antithesis of freedom" this discussion.
First off, to comment on the Socialism being the antithesis of Freedom portion. I believe that this is widely thought because people do not understand the concepts of Socialism, Marxism, or Communism. Communism was viewed as evil because of how it was put into practice, not because of the theories behind it. Socialism was stamped as evil because someone at some point associated it with communism, but it is only loosely associated.

On to the military part. First off, being in the Marines, you will find a different dynamic than other services. I am in the Air Force and we do OCCASSIONALLY discuss politics, although I agree with most here that it is a rather Taboo topic within the armed forced in general. I actually once had a commander comment that we should all vote for Bush - BUT, if someone didn't or voiced a disagreement, there is nothing wrong with that. Especially in the Air Force. People tend to be pretty open minded, although you are right that most people are "right leaning."

As for the Marines, I would honestly be surprised if the topic ever came up outside of "Who ya votin for?" There really just isn't a lot of sitting around and deeply discussing thing time in the Marines. Even after work, it is more relaxing type stuff.

If the topic does come up, I wouldn't avoid it. Don't lie either....although I wouldn't broadcast that you are socialist, the best bet is to either stay out of the conversation if you feel apprehensive or just talk about your BELIEFS, not your affiliation. Too much weight is placed on which party you are a member of. In that respect, just say that you're independent and no one will bother you about it.

My biggest conern is that by simply asking the question, it seems like you think that it will be an issue. The answer is that it will be if you let it. Don't bring it up and don't broadcast it if you are worried about it. I think that you'll also find that you will have much too strong of a bond with these people than can be broken by political views.

Anyway....you're going to be a Marine - if you don't have it already, you better develop REALLY thick skin, REALLY fast. :)
I don't know if the prohibition is still in effect, or if socialist was one of the terms, but, communists, etc were not able to get security clearances, so...
Don't talk about it. If you're uncomfortable talking about your political stance because you're a Marine, then don't do it. No one's twisting your arm here. I don't think the military is the place to be crusading your political beliefs.

Were you a socialist before joining the Marines?

What kid of socialism do you subscribe to? Populist? Progressive? That's a pretty wide-reaching label.

That's like the "hardcore punk rock" kids I went to college with who all worked at TGIFriday's.
I don't know if the prohibition is still in effect, or if socialist was one of the terms, but, communists, etc were not able to get security clearances, so...

The official policy is that you can be a "member" of ANY group that you want. There are definately some restrictions on what types of activities you may take part in and the things that you can publicly say and do (ESPECIALLY while in uniform). But then, I couldn't even go to a Republican party rally in uniform. OR make any implication that my beliefs extended to those of the Air Force. Basically we are supposed to be policitically neutral in any public respect. Personally you can hold any belief that you want.

He will have no problem getting a security clearance.

Nolerama said it right - the Military isn't the place to be crusading for your political beliefs, they shouldn't even come up.

Plus, I have to say....though you may not believe it now....after Basic your entire mindset and concept of the world will have changed, I promise. Many young people come out of Basic Training as a different person.
I don't know if the prohibition is still in effect, or if socialist was one of the terms, but, communists, etc were not able to get security clearances, so...

Let's hope that one of those "don't ask don't tell things" :rofl:

Anyways, THANK YOU Buzzy! few people I have met realise what you said in your first paragraph.

Anyways, (Nolerama) Democratic Socialist, I'm too pragmatic to commit to anyone path of Socialism. Basicly, "what ever makes more sense then the other thing".

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