I apologize if I offend but I have to askÂ….Is it just me?

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I am hesitant to post this but I will jump in with both feet and post it just the same, wouldnÂ’t be the first time I jumped into the pit, but I suppose it could be the lastÂ… I am not exactly sure if this is against the rules...

I am truly sorry MT but I just have to ask

I have been wondering about this for a while and I even took a sabbatical in hopes that it was just me needing a break but the feeling came back rather quickly and of late due in part to the number of “good” and “knowledgeable” poster that use to post on MT that no longer appear to be posting (there are still some good people here by the way) or good and knowledgeable posters that have been banned (not that all banned posters are good and knowledgeable some most certainly were not either and banning was to good fer em’ :D), and in part to the number of repeat topics I see popping up (mainly MMA for or against in its copious incarnations some veiled…some not, but there are other that seem to make the rounds way to often) and of course the never ending argument known as the study (some of which IMO is just arguing for the sake of arguing :D. But then avoiding the study is easy, all that need be said (or thought) every time one thinks about going to the study when one does not truly wish to jump into the arena is “On second thought, let's not go there. It's a silly place” :D And it simply could be that my last sabbatical was not long enough too but….

Is it just me or is MT becoming repetitive, predictable and somewhat boring?

Could it be my chosen style that is the reason I feel this way?
There is not a whole lot going on in the CMA area these days and to be honest I am tired of posting in CMA for various reasons I do not plan on going into.

Could it be I have just been here to long?

Could it be I am just a dinosaur and in need of facing that fact and moving on?

Could it be the newness of it wore off and I need to stop?

And if it is not just me, what is it and what can be done to change it?

Or is it all just that I am too old and longing for the good ole days of MA (which brought to MT in the first place by the way) that MT for a little bit seemed to, at least in part, help with? :idunno:

My sincere apologies to Bob and the crew but I just had to ask.


Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Winnipeg MB
It's not you, the style, or the site. It's the Internet, every 'community' site is the same, things get repetitive as new people join and they weren't here the last 27 times something came up, so they do it again.

This is likely even more of a problem if you look at some of the traditional sections... nothing 'new' really happens with regard to those sections. New techniques, televised events, new training methods, etc. Not really something that is going to happen. Which is probably why areas like the Study, which are more current event based get more traffic, there is always a "new" story. (the comments on the other hand...)

Now all that said, this site is huge, and has a very large collective knowledge base spanning just about every style you can name. That is its strength, not highly specialized discussion amongst experts in a single style, but a wide range of experts and novices across a huge range of styles. I often find the most interesting 'technical' discussions are not in the sections I have the greatest knowledge or most to contribute, but on styles that I have very little or know experience. Often its something that I, personally, would never use or don't think would fit into what I do, but being able to see things from a completely different perspective is a nice benefit ;)

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Something I had to consider years ago was how to keep things fresh. Some sites archive a few topics and flush regularly. Problem with that for me is, you lose alot of history and end up reanswering the same questions alot. Flip side is, you can run out of new things to add to a topic. Take kenpo for example. After the 3rd or 4th in depth examination on a basic technique, how much more can you add in this format? Hell, I ran out of new art contributions in 2005. That's why I spent alot of time in the politics area, until I burnt out there. Now, I mostly stick to running things, and adding in some bits as I can. I mostly add web and photo stuff now, because that's what I can contribute and folks seem to enjoy it. Plus, I keep meeting new people through the site, people that I wouldn't ever have met if I wasn't here. I've met artists, models, photographers, gamers and more, through here, and KT and FMAT.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
Reaction score
I am hesitant to post this but I will jump in with both feet and post it just the same, wouldnÂ’t be the first time I jumped into the pit, but I suppose it could be the lastÂ… I am not exactly sure if this is against the rules...

I am truly sorry MT but I just have to ask

I have been wondering about this for a while and I even took a sabbatical in hopes that it was just me needing a break but the feeling came back rather quickly and of late due in part to the number of “good” and “knowledgeable” poster that use to post on MT that no longer appear to be posting (there are still some good people here by the way) or good and knowledgeable posters that have been banned (not that all banned posters are good and knowledgeable some most certainly were not either and banning was to good fer em’ :D), and in part to the number of repeat topics I see popping up (mainly MMA for or against in its copious incarnations some veiled…some not, but there are other that seem to make the rounds way to often) and of course the never ending argument known as the study (some of which IMO is just arguing for the sake of arguing :D. But then avoiding the study is easy, all that need be said (or thought) every time one thinks about going to the study when one does not truly wish to jump into the arena is “On second thought, let's not go there. It's a silly place” :D And it simply could be that my last sabbatical was not long enough too but….

Xue, I am glad you were able to get this off your chest.

Is it just me or is MT becoming repetitive, predictable and somewhat boring?

Yes. But if one looks from a high enough level we are only repeating what was down in gentlemen's clubs and ale houses before or even afternoon tea parties where people would get together with one or two things in common (* knowing someone or a topic such as a craft or idea or politics *) and discussing what you think.

At lower levels the technology has changed, but we are used to it. We have been around long enough that when someone new shows up and asks something that we may have asked ourselves in 2004 or posting on from 2001 we fell like we are repeating ourselves to post again.

Repitition is boring.

Predictable is what somethign comes when you have enough data and or experience with a given subject or group to know how things are likely to play out.

Could it be my chosen style that is the reason I feel this way?

Yes it is part of the issue. But I also feel it from time to time for the FMA and in general the whole internet not just this site.

There is not a whole lot going on in the CMA area these days and to be honest I am tired of posting in CMA for various reasons I do not plan on going into.

Some will tell you to then go bring that forum up and post things.

The problem is that if you ask beginner questions then people will wonder your real understanding. (* Our egos are at play here *)

If we just post and answer the questions ourselves we can look arrogant or it drives away others opinion as they just read and move on and do nto comment.

It is a difficult line to walk for those who have years of training and knowledge to share.

Could it be I have just been here to long?

Yes, if you move from site to site you get new players which react differently and or will challenge your points. But no you have not been here too long as someone needs to be here to answer for when others come here from other sites. ;)

Could it be I am just a dinosaur and in need of facing that fact and moving on?

Yes you are a dinosaur and so am I. You knock down trees with your body and then practice how to heal your inner energy. (* my words not yours sorry for any confusion *). I train hard and have very few students, but I like it that way. But I can also train for what people want, and I enjoy that teaching as well.

But no matter what we experss here, we cannot see the persons reaction and see that grasping a new idea or concept or technique. I know that feedback is imporatant to me as well.

Could it be the newness of it wore off and I need to stop?

It could be only you (* can stop forest fires *) can know when it is time to leave. If ti is a newness factor for you, then keep your account active here, and go someplace else or off the net all togehter and then come back from time to time and check the areas that interest you and give you enjoyment in reading or posting. Taking multiple vacation or checking in once a week or month maybe what is best for you.

I know I can go 2 to 5 days from checking if I am busy or just do not feel like it. Other times I check daily.

And if it is not just me, what is it and what can be done to change it?

The big question. As I think it is both sides, the site and the user in general.

Maybe, Bob should promote you to Advisor (* possible temporary if you are concerned abotu the commitment *) so you can discuss some ideas you might have in a forum designed for that with the staff.

Or is it all just that I am too old and longing for the good ole days of MA (which brought to MT in the first place by the way) that MT for a little bit seemed to, at least in part, help with? :idunno:

My sincere apologies to Bob and the crew but I just had to ask.

Can you point at what from the "Ole Days" that brought you here or made you feel that way?

And thanks for posting this to get all of us thinking. :D


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
"I've already explained this once, but repetition is the very soul of the net." -A famous quote from an alt.config Usenet post of the early 1990s.


Purple Belt
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
My primary complaint with just about any discussion board is that the anonymity allows posters to be rude, petty or just plain obnoxious with no fear of repercussions. It's much easier to take potshots from the shadows.

I appreciate MTs efforts to prevent, for want of a better word, bullying.

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
My primary complaint with just about any discussion board is that the anonymity allows posters to be rude, petty or just plain obnoxious with no fear of repercussions. It's much easier to take potshots from the shadows.

I appreciate MTs efforts to prevent, for want of a better word, bullying.

I agree.

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? Is it just to have the anonymity to be able to say what they want with no consequences? Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Are they that embarrassed about what they write? Are they that insecure? Do they fear someone coming to stalk them?

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Xue everyone I think goes through these things when posting on a forum. I am in a bit of a rut myself.

Mark I think you hit the nail on the head in that anonymous pot shots are very, very cowardly.


Master of Arts
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I agree.

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? Is it just to have the anonymity to be able to say what they want with no consequences? Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Are they that embarrassed about what they write? Are they that insecure? Do they fear someone coming to stalk them?
For some it's about anonymity, but for many it just a 'net' thing, especially younger people. For a lot of younger people, using nicknames on internet sites is just a normal, expected practice. I have no problem with anyone knowing my real name (Alek Swanson), but I use the nickname I've been using for years (actually it's a stage name I used when I was doing hip hop). For most it has nothing to do with hiding their identity, it's a way of expressing personality.

Em MacIntosh

3rd Black Belt
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, BC, CA
A lot of it could be that they want to use the chance to pick a cool name like 2Dux4U or Shinkicker Bootstav. The only reason I use my real name is so that someone who recognizes me can say hi otherwise I would've called myself something like Lord of the Dance. Some definitely hide behind their anonymity but I haven't come accross any posts that made me feel it would be worth it to stomp them if I could. Consider it an exercise in patience. The hazard is to new posters picking up bad ideas. I've seen polar opinions where people get disrespectful but nothing where it's "you're lucky I don't know where you live, buddy!".


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Xue everyone I think goes through these things when posting on a forum. I am in a bit of a rut myself.

Mark I think you hit the nail on the head in that anonymous pot shots are very, very cowardly.

No, all you guys do not be in a rut, just post up some new thoughts as they come to you. I would be glib and say that if you are in a rut with your posts then are you also in a rut with your art? I would hope you are always evolving your art yes? Then will you not all tell us bout it?? I am always interested to learn what people are doing in their art. You know you might do a tech the one way for ages and then just try it a little different and suddenly open up a whole new unexplored avenue of movement perhaps see? So I do not want anybody to be in a rut no more unless you have totally stopped thinking bout your arts and which I do not believe is the case!! So do not follow those who are in their loops of repetitiveness and instead, lead the discussions with examples of your innovations and then we will have a virtuous circle instead of a negative one if that is what we have [and I do not believe that].

So, to Xue and to Brian and all of you all, my sage advice is to change your avatars then you will feel like somebody altogether different and post anew see? And you would forgive me for being glib I just do not want all of you to go away because I am selfish and I would lose too much martial learning if there was nothing left but people arguing over nothing of any relevance to MA.. so! I love you all Yr most obdt hmble srvt, Jenna xo


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
Xue Sheng, I can really empathize with you. I have been thinking about the same things. This frustration led to my being a lot less patient for a time, and I ended up losing my cool a little (although some of that was the pain meds I was on for back spasms... but still).

While I'm in much better spirits overall, I post less often and my posts are often much shorter and more terse than in the past.

I've always posted more to my blog than to the boards, choosing, where I have something related to BJJ or martial arts in general, to write it up there. Some of my articles have been inspired by threads here, while others have been things I wanted to write here but thought might be more apropos to the largely BJJ/MMA audience who read my blog. While we may have 10 or so guys who regularly read the BJJ board here I have about 400 or so on my blog and who participate in that larger community.

So, sorry... no answers from me, but I can definitely identify with you (even though I might be one of the "usuals" you're talking about). :)


Black Belt
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
For some it's about anonymity, but for many it just a 'net' thing, especially younger people. For a lot of younger people, using nicknames on internet sites is just a normal, expected practice. I have no problem with anyone knowing my real name (Alek Swanson), but I use the nickname I've been using for years (actually it's a stage name I used when I was doing hip hop). For most it has nothing to do with hiding their identity, it's a way of expressing personality.

Well said. My real name is on my profile page for anyone to read an know. My handle is a way to express myself;

Xue, brother, web communities are a funny thing. From time to time it can be very frustrating. My recommendation? Put a flower in your hair and eat some tofu! LOL okay, seriously - You are not alone. I enjoy this forum greatly, but I have been a part of forums where I just couldn't see the point anymore. I think that when that happens it is good to mix up the postings with something like Steve did hating all our MA styles ;)

Maybe explore blogging, and post here every few days or once a week. Something that works for you to keep it fresh :)


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not BC, Not DC
I agree.

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? Is it just to have the anonymity to be able to say what they want with no consequences? Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Are they that embarrassed about what they write? Are they that insecure? Do they fear someone coming to stalk them?

I make no pretense of greatness. I think I stand a much, much better chance than the average Joe or Jane against a personal attack, but that doesn't mean I want to make it easy for people to find me. I've already put that at risk with some postings here on MT and when I served as an Admin, I signed correspondence with my real name. I don't think it's a long reach to the possibility of somebody losing their cool over something I said or did, justified or not. Whether I could "take" that person is really moot - I have a family and I really *don't* need the extra hassle of having to fight someone over something I said on the internet.

I wasn't too worried about it at first until I read KenpoTess's account of being stalked by an internet psycho. Her account of the face-to-face encounter with this guy influenced me to take better care of not only what I said but who had my private information.

Even if I were the best fighter out there, there would always be someone better than me. To my mind, if I don't remain mindful of that in everyday dealings, I would go against much of what I trained for.

Do I live my life in fear? No. Will I exercise rudimentary caution? Yes.

Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate

And DAMN!!!! That was a lot of typing

It's not you, the style, or the site. It's the Internet, every 'community' site is the same, things get repetitive as new people join and they weren't here the last 27 times something came up, so they do it again.

This is likely even more of a problem if you look at some of the traditional sections... nothing 'new' really happens with regard to those sections. New techniques, televised events, new training methods, etc. Not really something that is going to happen. Which is probably why areas like the Study, which are more current event based get more traffic, there is always a "new" story. (the comments on the other hand...)

Now all that said, this site is huge, and has a very large collective knowledge base spanning just about every style you can name. That is its strength, not highly specialized discussion amongst experts in a single style, but a wide range of experts and novices across a huge range of styles. I often find the most interesting 'technical' discussions are not in the sections I have the greatest knowledge or most to contribute, but on styles that I have very little or know experience. Often its something that I, personally, would never use or don't think would fit into what I do, but being able to see things from a completely different perspective is a nice benefit

Thanks and I have used the site to ask questions about styles I know little about and I generally get my questions answered (I tend to tread lightly in some however do to the politics) And I have learned a lot over the few years I have been here about many styles that I find interesting but I find, of late, even in my own area, I post much less than I use to and more often than not I come to MT to see what is going on or learn something these days ad I leave generally bored and wondering why I went at all. But it is that feeling of how it was before and a hope that maybe it will go back that keeps brining me back for the moment. And without naming names I have had PM discussions with some on MT about this and I know it is not me per say but I wanted to bring this to a wider group discussion to possible figure out what, if anything, can be done.

Something I had to consider years ago was how to keep things fresh. Some sites archive a few topics and flush regularly. Problem with that for me is, you lose alot of history and end up reanswering the same questions alot. Flip side is, you can run out of new things to add to a topic. Take kenpo for example. After the 3rd or 4th in depth examination on a basic technique, how much more can you add in this format? Hell, I ran out of new art contributions in 2005. That's why I spent alot of time in the politics area, until I burnt out there. Now, I mostly stick to running things, and adding in some bits as I can. I mostly add web and photo stuff now, because that's what I can contribute and folks seem to enjoy it. Plus, I keep meeting new people through the site, people that I wouldn't ever have met if I wasn't here. I've met artists, models, photographers, gamers and more, through here, and KT and FMAT.

That is one of the things that does keep me here is meeting new people of various styles that I would not have had the chance to meet previously. Also I have never managed a thing like MT, I did manage a Web page for a Govt office and a list serve and although a list serve is NOTHING like what you are dealing with I got sick of it real fast. And I appreciate the history, I am going to start referring people to it more

Yes it is part of the issue. But I also feel it from time to time for the FMA and in general the whole internet not just this site.

I use to post on 3 other sites and I have stopped on 2 all together for various reasons and the one that was absolutely great for CMAIMA went down do to a legal struggle I believe and that was painful to see go because with replaced it was rather sad

Some will tell you to then go bring that forum up and post things.

The problem is that if you ask beginner questions then people will wonder your real understanding. (* Our egos are at play here *)

If we just post and answer the questions ourselves we can look arrogant or it drives away others opinion as they just read and move on and do nto comment.

It is a difficult line to walk for those who have years of training and knowledge to share.
This I will not go into here but I might give you a short PM to explain… I promise not to RANT

Yes you are a dinosaur and so am I. You knock down trees with your body and then practice how to heal your inner energy. (* my words not yours sorry for any confusion *). I train hard and have very few students, but I like it that way. But I can also train for what people want, and I enjoy that teaching as well.

But no matter what we experss here, we cannot see the persons reaction and see that grasping a new idea or concept or technique. I know that feedback is imporatant to me as well.

never trust a tree

Could also be if late I have not been able to train as much as I like due to this damn heel that is healing just not as fast as I want it to and I was recently told I am looking at another couple months before it is back to 100% and that is also frustrating.

It could be only you (* can stop forest fires *) can know when it is time to leave. If ti is a newness factor for you, then keep your account active here, and go someplace else or off the net all togehter and then come back from time to time and check the areas that interest you and give you enjoyment in reading or posting. Taking multiple vacation or checking in once a week or month maybe what is best for you.

I know I can go 2 to 5 days from checking if I am busy or just do not feel like it. Other times I check daily.

No place else to go actually, like I said I stopped the other 3 and now that I think about it actually it was 4. Two were just silly 1 was great and died and the other was Chen style and I no longer do Chen style so I stopped, but I would recommend that page to any Chen stylist.

The big question. As I think it is both sides, the site and the user in general.

Maybe, Bob should promote you to Advisor (* possible temporary if you are concerned abotu the commitment *) so you can discuss some ideas you might have in a forum designed for that with the staff.

Thank you, no. I have enough to do right now actually. I sign for the new house tomorrow

Can you point at what from the "Ole Days" that brought you here or made you feel that way?

And thanks for posting this to get all of us thinking.

A comradery that use to exist that is now gone, I talked about it here

"I've already explained this once, but repetition is the very soul of the net." -A famous quote from an alt.config Usenet post of the early 1990s.

The happiness of most people we know is not ruined by great catastrophes or fatal errors, but by the repetition of slowly destructive little things - Ernest Dimnet

Like warmed-up cabbage served at each repast, The repetition kills the wretch at last – Juvenal

My primary complaint with just about any discussion board is that the anonymity allows posters to be rude, petty or just plain obnoxious with no fear of repercussions. It's much easier to take potshots from the shadows.

I appreciate MTs efforts to prevent, for want of a better word, bullying.

Agreed but as one that will not post his name I do see a reason for anonymity, see next response

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? Is it just to have the anonymity to be able to say what they want with no consequences? Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Are they that embarrassed about what they write? Are they that insecure? Do they fear someone coming to stalk them?

To answer your questions in my case, I most certainly cannot answer for all. I have sat through waaaaaaaay to many network security, identify theft and social engineering training programs to post my real name for all to see. So to answer your questions

Question though, why do so many people not use their real names on these boards? In my case it is all because of my previous training

Or when you look at “about me”, there is no information about them, why? Same reason as above

Are they that embarrassed about what they write? No

Are they that insecure? No

Do they fear someone coming to stalk them? No

But I do fear identity theft. There are a few on the boards that know my real name but beyond that on an open web page I have no control of who sees any of this and there is enough info on this page (more than I ever really wanted to put there), about me that if I threw in my real name it would be all to easy for someone to figure out who I am and do some serious damage should they desire.

Xue everyone I think goes through these things when posting on a forum. I am in a bit of a rut myself.

Mark I think you hit the nail on the head in that anonymous pot shots are very, very cowardly.

I seem to be hitting them rather regularly of late.

And I do agree with Mark on the anonymous pot shots but I still will not change Xue Sheng to my real name due to my above reasons.

For some it's about anonymity, but for many it just a 'net' thing, especially younger people. For a lot of younger people, using nicknames on internet sites is just a normal, expected practice. I have no problem with anyone knowing my real name (Alek Swanson), but I use the nickname I've been using for years (actually it's a stage name I used when I was doing hip hop). For most it has nothing to do with hiding their identity, it's a way of expressing personality.

Or they have been required to sit through to many damn classes on PC and network security and social engineering

A lot of it could be that they want to use the chance to pick a cool name like 2Dux4U or Shinkicker Bootstav. The only reason I use my real name is so that someone who recognizes me can say hi otherwise I would've called myself something like Lord of the Dance. Some definitely hide behind their anonymity but I haven't come accross any posts that made me feel it would be worth it to stomp them if I could. Consider it an exercise in patience. The hazard is to new posters picking up bad ideas. I've seen polar opinions where people get disrespectful but nothing where it's "you're lucky I don't know where you live, buddy!".

Xue Sheng = student

And a student is what I always want to be

And do you mind if we call you Bruce…it cuts down on the confusion

Signed Bruce

No, all you guys do not be in a rut, just post up some new thoughts as they come to you. I would be glib and say that if you are in a rut with your posts then are you also in a rut with your art? I would hope you are always evolving your art yes? Then will you not all tell us bout it?? I am always interested to learn what people are doing in their art. You know you might do a tech the one way for ages and then just try it a little different and suddenly open up a whole new unexplored avenue of movement perhaps see? So I do not want anybody to be in a rut no more unless you have totally stopped thinking bout your arts and which I do not believe is the case!! So do not follow those who are in their loops of repetitiveness and instead, lead the discussions with examples of your innovations and then we will have a virtuous circle instead of a negative one if that is what we have [and I do not believe that].

So, to Xue and to Brian and all of you all, my sage advice is to change your avatars then you will feel like somebody altogether different and post anew see? And you would forgive me for being glib I just do not want all of you to go away because I am selfish and I would lose too much martial learning if there was nothing left but people arguing over nothing of any relevance to MA.. so! I love you all Yr most obdt hmble srvt, Jenna xo

What a glib answer

Actually I am in a rut with my training, not that I don’t want to do it but my DAMN FOOT won’t allow it at the moment. The “oh it will take a month to heal (believe me no pun intended) was just that “HEAL” now I find if you are talking back to normal…oh that’s another 2 months or so…..

I can’t do ANY of the fast forms and I can’t do either Dao form properly but I am back working on Sil Lum Tao to fill in the space where the fast forms should be.

As to posting more, nope it is just not in me these days

As to changing my avatar, I may, but that just generally means I am getting more evil

And on that note the return of my old Avatar

Xue Sheng, I can really empathize with you. I have been thinking about the same things. This frustration led to my being a lot less patient for a time, and I ended up losing my cool a little (although some of that was the pain meds I was on for back spasms... but still).

While I'm in much better spirits overall, I post less often and my posts are often much shorter and more terse than in the past.

I've always posted more to my blog than to the boards, choosing, where I have something related to BJJ or martial arts in general, to write it up there. Some of my articles have been inspired by threads here, while others have been things I wanted to write here but thought might be more apropos to the largely BJJ/MMA audience who read my blog. While we may have 10 or so guys who regularly read the BJJ board here I have about 400 or so on my blog and who participate in that larger community.

So, sorry... no answers from me, but I can definitely identify with you (even though I might be one of the "usuals" you're talking about).

You can’t help it if you think all styles are no good

Usuals meaning a bad thing…no

One of the good ones still here… yes.

We do not always see eye to but that is fine eye (see my melt down in progress prior to my last sabbatical) you know what you are talking about as far as BJJ and the MA posts you make and that is all I need.

Well said. My real name is on my profile page for anyone to read an know. My handle is a way to express myself;

Xue, brother, web communities are a funny thing. From time to time it can be very frustrating. My recommendation? Put a flower in your hair and eat some tofu! LOL okay, seriously - You are not alone. I enjoy this forum greatly, but I have been a part of forums where I just couldn't see the point anymore. I think that when that happens it is good to mix up the postings with something like Steve did hating all our MA styles

Maybe explore blogging, and post here every few days or once a week. Something that works for you to keep it fresh


Actually I have been looking at a couple of blogs and I rather like Brians even though it is not CMA

And it was StevenBJJ’s post that kept me here at all but don’t tell him or we’ll never hear the end of it :D)



Senior Master
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Religious or not, sounds like you would enjoy reading Ecclesiastes :)

Solomon (wisest man ever?) put his finger on it pretty well.

Or, if you prefer something a bit shorter, a Terza Rima form poem I wrote for an advanced poetry composition class last semester :)

Ecclesiastic Despair

My poems are lost amongst the din
of thousands of poet voices.
So where do I even begin?

Looking over all the choices
of the great poets of the past:
revive a classic like Joyce's

Ulysses? Or perhaps recast
failed attempts to procreate —
it certainly won't be the last

about attempts to copulate.
Whatever I decide to do
my poems won’t join the ones deemed great.

I’ve wracked my brain and thought this through
There is no unshared point of view
And nothing left to say that's new.


Black Belt
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
It happens in every forum... its the way of the errornet aka dramanet aka....


Master of Arts
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Really Xue, you're just an old fogey and it's the Alzheimer's and rheumatism gettin' to ya.

But really, a site like this does get repetitive, it's just the nature of it. There will be new topics, but a lot of the same topics will get revisited because some topics people just like or tend to be in the popular mind set, and some topics are perpetual questions for newbies. Maybe you do need a longer break, or maybe you just need to be more creative to make it fun again. Either way it'd be a shame to lose you here. Especially as I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions for you as I grow in my IMA practice.

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