How do you put on a hogu/chest protector


White Belt
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
So i just got my new chest protector and have no idea how to put it on. It has two identical red and blue sides each with two holes on the outside and inside, there are also two long strings which I have no idea what to do with. Can anyone tell me how to put this thing on.
It's kinda like tying a shoe. You put it on and you have someone else run the strings criss-cross through the outside holes. When you run out of holes, you tie the 2 strings in a bow.
Hey Wheels.... don't sweat it! :ultracool

I'm going to presume for the moment, since your profile says you are a red belt, that you are training at a school with an instructor (I hope! I hope! I hope!) The next class you attend, take your hogu and ask a more experienced senior student, assistant instructor, or your head instructor this same question. There are a few different designs to hogu, but you probably have already seen some kind of activities with them. One fighter wears the blue ("chung") side facing out, and the other fighter wears the red ("hong") side out.

Depending on the design you have, the strings might be tied straight across the back, or probably laced criss-cross through the holes, cinched and tied similar to a shoe (just like said). The important thing is not to make it too tight that you can't breathe well or move freely, but not to loose that it becomes a hindrance. Don't worry! Someone at your Dojang will help you with it, and you will have it down pat in no time at all!:)

By the Way, Welcome to Martial Talk! How about you drift over to our "meet and greet" section near the top of the list of forums, and post an introduction to all of our MT members! Hope to hear from you in the KMA section again real soon!

CM D.J. Eisenhart

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