How do you bridge...


Green Belt
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Monterey, CA
...on people who really don't like to bridge? It seems the most proficient individuals on avoiding my bridge are boxers. Hell boxers seem to beat the hell out of everyone.

I asked my sifu about this, and basically he just told me to grab his lead arm and work from there. I think that would work to a certain degree, but I'd still be cautious of his cross punch to the face as I go for his lead.

Is there anything else I can do to help make my bridge more effective?
You may not be able to bridge on everyone. Better have a backup strategy for those kinds of people.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking everyone wants to fight the way you do or the way you have been trained. You cannot rely on that.

You don't want to play someone else's game, you want to force him to play your game as much as possible, but you may not be able to force someone to bridge, or accept a bridge.

If you try to bridge by reaching out and grabbing his arm, I don't see that as a valid strategy. You are trying to force something to happen, kind of a square peg in a round hole kind of thing. Instead, I'd kick him low, then attack high when his guard drops and he's thinking about the pain in his broken kneecaps and bruised shins. You might be able to establish the bridge once you've taken his mind off of his strategy, but also there might be no need to bridge at that point. Maybe just finish him altogether.
What are you worried about bridging for , don't go chasing peoples arms . Just move in and hit the dude , if he trys to defend himself by raising his arm rip it down with a latch and hit him again .

Your main objective is to hit him in the head very hard and at close proximity , anything that gets in the way of that objective should be ripped down with a latch , cut down or smacked to the side with a pak sau.
If you want to be real nasty you can latch him into hook kicks , low heel kicks and punches all at the same time. Do not be passive Wing Chun is an attacking art that mainly works by being very aggressive using multiple strikes down the centerline so that the opponent is totally overwhelmed and can't mount a counter attack .

Instead he is usually forced off balance by the forward pressure and brings his arms up in an attempt to shield himself from the strikes , which is where trapping and chi sau comes in.

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