How age has changed your TKD


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well let's begin with this. I am a regular guy, I am a full working man who takes care of his family, whor works 8-10 hours daily sometimes more and who do to dojang two times per week so you must realize I amnot a master, not the best fit person in the world and I do TKD just because I love it.

Now, I've been sufering from age lately, oh yes, I am not flexible anymore, I am not fast anymore, I can't kick the ceiling and my stamina is not good. I can recall when I was a teen working out inside dojan three and even more times per week training all the eveving, my cardi was good my kicks high, etc, but right now I am just an almost 47 years old guy.

Well these days my body aches, my feet ache, my lower back ache, and my upper body too, my kicks are mide level to chest area, my spining kicks are slow, however my punches are strong, my mid level kicks hurt if landed correctly my short moves are quick still, like when I deflect and grab a person a deliver a reverse punch, elbow, etc.

Right now I don't chase mu sparring partner I just wait till the opening is good and WAM!! or maybe I will chase the sparring partner with a voley of kicks that don'¡t get the mark but howevber I can drive the partner backwards trying to stay away of my kicking.

No, I can't jump anymore, I ca't jump and spin at the same time I can't permform even a tornado kick and this sometimes makes me sad cause TKD is known by it's expectacular kicking and I am a regular kicker nothing fancy just kicks.

But well maybe I am a litlle blue this evening.

Sounds to me like you're fighting smarter...
I used to fight out of a side stance and could snap a side or hook kick into someone's face in an flash. Now I fight out of a forward stance and it's all trickery to land a kick to the gut. Jumping and spinning? Pass.
As the saying goes

"Father time is undefeated."

I know where your coming from. I will be 37 this year. I can't train as much as I used to. I'm not as limber as I used to be. And, after tearing the meniscus in my right knee, there are just some things I can't do. The icing on the cake is the morining after a hard work out when I get to shuffle around the house like I'm 80 until I get loosened up a little bit.

At the end of the day as long as you still love to train, you'll find a way to make it work.
I'm 37 this year too. Youth is a state of mind. I have always and will always creak and groan after training. Won't stop me from jumping around like an idiot though. I love it.

I'm 41 and I totally have to change how I spar and adjust other techniques cause of the flexability that I've lost getting older. I still love it and as long as I'm upright and mobile I'll drag by butt out there to do what I do, but I'm also realistic as far as resting up and recovering afterwards.
I rarely jump and spin kick even less. I spar decently for being 41. That being said, however, wtf olympic style rules favor the flash of high and spin kicks. Those rules were made to entertain and dazzle punters. As such, wtf sparring is a young person's game.
I'm 66 years old. I can still kick high but I can't jump high any more. Instead of jumping high, I start to jump forward instead. I still do my spin hook kick just for the "health" purpose. IMO, if I can still do my spin hook kick when I'm 90 years old, my balance and flexibility should be still OK.
I did TKD when I was about 7-11, and I started over again last year (at age 25). The biggest difference between being a kid and being an adult is that as a kid, your joints don't make all those funny noises.
Yep, age makes it harder to get it up and keep it up.

Legs seem to get heavier every day:)
At almost 39, I can do pretty much everything I could do 15 years ago...just not every day.

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I may not be in TKD any longer but I can tell you what the differences would be if I was still in TKD:
MY kicks would not be as high ( my knees gave out years ago)
I am not as fast or as agile as I was
Jumping and/or flying would not look anywhere near the same and would be less often

these things may be because I am nearly 70 now or because I had a stroke last year that made me so much weaker or because my body just aged as we all seem to do over time
All you people in your 30's talking about how you're old makes me wanna kick you in the head.

At least my walker can be used as a balance aid when I kick high....
Every year you're around, there is a chance of an injury that doesn't heal quite right (e.g., a bad knee). So although the comment about people in their 30's may be disparaging, I think it reflects the reality that the body may be damaged in a way detrimental to TKD.

For me, I have to watch my left hamstring. I jogged last night for about 30 minutes (not a big deal) and while my right leg is fine, my left hamstring is somewhat sore. So for TKD, I don't do high front/crescent kicks with my left leg until I have gradually tested it that day.
I rarely jump and spin kick even less. I spar decently for being 41. That being said, however, wtf olympic style rules favor the flash of high and spin kicks. Those rules were made to entertain and dazzle punters. As such, wtf sparring is a young person's game.

I think the same was as you do. I have bee center judge and chair judge in tournaments and when the kids star to fly doing those amaizing kicks I shake my head and said to me, well Manny their are young studs and you are not.

My way of doing sparring is trying to nail the other guy when he atemps to kick me, some times I can score sometimes not.

All you people in your 30's talking about how you're old makes me wanna kick you in the head.

At least my walker can be used as a balance aid when I kick high....

I'm 25...
What hapens with my body these days is: 1.-Some parts of my body aches the next day. 2.-When I do trainig with the teens my body aches a lot the next day and I get home exausted. 3.-I need at leat 45 mins to 1 hr of warming up and flexibility work to kick decently to the head and this is not posible cause the training shcedule is aboput 1.15 hour. 4.-My legs weight a ton but my hand techs, my parries, my blocks and my stances are very good.

Yes I need to lose some weight and yes I need to train more or more times per week but my work does not allow me to much time to spend at the dojang.

Every year you're around, there is a chance of an injury that doesn't heal quite right (e.g., a bad knee). So although the comment about people in their 30's may be disparaging, I think it reflects the reality that the body may be damaged in a way detrimental to TKD.

For me, I have to watch my left hamstring. I jogged last night for about 30 minutes (not a big deal) and while my right leg is fine, my left hamstring is somewhat sore. So for TKD, I don't do high front/crescent kicks with my left leg until I have gradually tested it that day.

Or it might be a JOKE, which is how it was intended and how I suspect the vast majority of people will take it.

I'm 25...

The you get kicked in the head and told
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