Honesty and Integrity

Do you consider "Honesty" and "Intregrity" a important attribute of a martial artist

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2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
The question whether David Schultz is a fraud or not, has long been settled. All the evidence and facts have been presented and rebutted and counter rebutted. There are people (who have since left MT in disgust) who have researched Mr. Schultz's background and shared their findings, publicly and privately.

I personally have zero interest in Mr Schultz's art or whatever he represents. Hence I would not care to spend one second of my time to research Mr Schultz's background. However, the people who have done the research, are well respected former members of MT. Their conclusion is good enough for me.

Not surprisingly, Mr Schultz and his cohorts would think otherwise.

Those who would like to find out what the conclusion of the research into Mr. Schultz's background, can PM me or email me. I would direct you to the former members and you can communicate with them directly. (Reply would take about a week. ) I apologize for not been able to devote more time at MT answering this issue. Fortunately, those people (former members who have done the research) are real martial artists who DO NOT see a snake in the grass and just turn the other way.

In this way, we can also spare MT the "beating the dead horse" nuisance. ;)


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by A.R.K.
Well Paul, I feel that it speaks directly with the topic of this thread. I have nothing against Mr. Ku, however it would seem that he has somewhat against me. Perhaps only miscommunication on both of our parts. In this light I strongly feel that it is bes to 'go to the source' and discuss the situation like adults. Perhaps he has a legitimate complaint that I am unaware of? Perhaps I have done something to offend him which I need to apologize for? Perhaps it is merely a personality conflict that can be resolved with a little effort?

I have PM'd him requesting that he join me to discuss the issue and have a peacefull resolution.

It is not a personality conflict issue. There is nothing to be resolved with me. Your problem is not with me.


Thank you Ken for your response here and in my thread in Bad Budo. I have responded there with a much more detailed post regarding your agenda-driven remarks and attacks.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Admin Note:

This threads run its course I think.

Theres been little discourse recently that couldn't have (and probably should have) been done off board.

Thread now locked.

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