Honesty and Integrity

Do you consider "Honesty" and "Intregrity" a important attribute of a martial artist

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Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
What honor lies in attacking or sniping at one who can not defend themselves?

What honor is there in attacking someones deeply held personal beliefs?




Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
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Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
What honor lies in attacking or sniping at one who can not defend themselves?

What honor is there in attacking someones deeply held personal beliefs?





Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
There is too much defensiveness on this thread, in my opinion.

A few people came out and said, in a nutshell, that "through their experience" people who "advertize" their religious beliefs are difficult to trust.

Then a few people who were "religious" jumped all over it in a very snide manner. I'll respond the way I feel a Christian person should respond:

" I know what you are saying, and it is unfortunate that this has been your experience with religious people who "advertise" their beliefs. I consider myself "religious" and "spiritual," even though I don't like the stereotypes that people have towards religion and spirituality. However, I don't wear my beliefs on my sleeve as readily as some. This is just my choice, and I would rather try to live everyday for a greater good, and to the fullest and best of my ability; this is how I represent my religion. Some choose to advertize their beliefs. I can say that through my experience, many who do are not bad people. Although that there are scam artists out there who hide behind their religion, these are usually just a few bad apples contaminating the bushel; there are many who just feel that they are doing their duty by letting people know that they are Christian (or whatever denomination). They don't profit from it, and they don't have anything to hide.

I'm sorry that your experience has been so negative. I know that there are a lot of Christians who "advertise" there beliefs who don't fall into the stereotype that you have run into. I hope that someday you'll have a chance to meet some of these people."

There....bam, done, end of story. That is my kind response to those who have had negative experiences with Christians who "advertise." I am not being defensive or slamming them. They were being honest; some people here are honestly skeptical when people feel the need to project there beliefs on to others. I can say that I am honestly and rightfully skeptical as well, and I am a christian; yet I still keep an open mind.

So, you are dealing with people who honestly believe that Christians who advertise religion are using it to hide behind their unkind and immoral behavior, so then you proceed to advertise that your Christian, and then act unkind towards them. Hmmmm. Your not helping the "stereotype" by fitting the "stereotype" like a glove.

You'll attract more bee's with honey.


P.S. I don't want to hear any whiny crap about "don't judge me...", added with a bunch of scripture to show me my errors. I am talking about peoples actions here, not anyone as a person. So just take my advise for what it's worth, and stop the behavior.


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
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I can see that some people's Hooked-on-Phonics was lost in the mail. :D

Has anyone attacked anyone's religion or belief anywhere?

We are talking about fraudsters camouflaging themselves using the Bible!

ATTENTION: If you are NOT a fraud, then it does not apply to you. lol ;) If you are a decent human being, who does not fake your rank, who does not lie nor cheat, then feel proud to spread the Gospel . Alleluia! Brothers and Sisters. :D Let Freedom Ring! (or whatever hell you want it to ring lol )


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
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Originally posted by KennethKu
I can see that some people's Hooked-on-Phonics was lost in the mail. :D

Has anyone attacked anyone's religion or belief anywhere?

We are talking about fraudsters camouflaging themselves using the Bible!

I know! I just dont understand what the bible has to do with it or their religion for that matter, either thier frauds or their not!

I did receive my copy it was not lost in the mail.


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I know! I just dont understand what the bible has to do with it or their religion for that matter, either thier frauds or their not!

I did receive my copy it was not lost in the mail.

I can definatily agree with that...a fraud is a fraud!

Could you mail me your copy when your done? ;)


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I know! I just dont understand what the bible has to do with it or their religion for that matter, either thier frauds or their not!

I did receive my copy it was not lost in the mail.

LMAO! "thier frauds or their not" ? :D A lawsuit against the publisher of Hooked-on-Phonics is in order. lol

BTW, did you ever sue your TKD instructor who cheated you over all these years and faked you all the way to 6th DAN? That should be an open and shut case. LOL I would testify that you certainly no 6th Dan in TKD, on your behalf, in court. :)D Sorry, can't resist that one!) You can easily recover the money you have wasted on that crook instructor over the years and possibly sue for damages to self-esteem and possibly other damages as well etc. Don't let the crook scew with your time, and your mom and dad's hard earned money and get away home free.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Athol, Ma. USA
Moderator Note.
Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.
I belive kaith has already asked all here to be polite
Please do so
again thank you


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
I saw the warning. I am good about modifying my behavior if I step out of line.

I don't think that the warning was directed at me, but if I do step out of line please PM me so I will be able to correct the mistake.


James Kovacich

Senior Master
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Dec 4, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
Originally posted by PAUL
To me a fraud is someone who deliberately decieves to achieve some kind of personal gain (money status, etc.).

This is my non-dictionary definition, anyways.


I'd say we are in line on that. I just don't see how or why religion got mixed up in it.

And it was directed to any and all.



Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
Originally posted by akja
I'd say we are in line on that. I just don't see how or why religion got mixed up in it.


Yea...neither do I. All I know is that someone said that they distrust religious people who "advertise" their beliefs. Then some "religious" people got very defensive. It all got real dumb real fast.

I stepped in and said my piece, however.

Also, I think some people think that A.R.K. is a fraud. This is just the way this whole thing appears to me. Please, everyone, don't jump all over my @$$ for me saying it. Don't get on my case for saying the sky is blue.

I personally don't know what ARK does or is. I study FMA and combative MA; I stick to what I know. I would have to meet ARK or DAC, or another one of ARK's people to determine for myself if he was a fraud or not. Until then I won't make an assumption that I can't back up, and as always, I keep an open mind. I'm not out trying to police everyone, so at the moment it doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

So, I don't know what's up with this whole conversation. That is why I am in it; curiousity I guess. If anyone here thinks that ARK, or anyone is a "fraud" I would hope that they would either just say so in a polite fashion so the MODS don't rip you a new one, provide proof to substantiate it, then move on.

Otherwise, just move on. The cloak and dagger BULLS**T is getting kind of ridicules.



2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by PAUL
I saw the warning. I am good about modifying my behavior if I step out of line.

I don't think that the warning was directed at me, but if I do step out of line please PM me so I will be able to correct the mistake.


LOL Hey Paul you are not at the office, so no need to stick that pair of lips out. :D (Note: I used to work for a blue blood investment firm. So I know the protocol in office. lol )


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PAUL
I can definatily agree with that...a fraud is a fraud!

Could you mail me your copy when your done? ;)

Sure paul I'll mail it to you, but if you ask some of the members here you shouldnt hold your breath because you could end up dead! :rofl:


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by KennethKu
LMAO! "thier frauds or their not" ? :D A lawsuit against the publisher of Hooked-on-Phonics is in order. lol

BTW, did you ever sue your TKD instructor who cheated you over all these years and faked you all the way to 6th DAN? That should be an open and shut case. LOL I would testify that you certainly no 6th Dan in TKD, on your behalf, in court. :)D Sorry, can't resist that one!) You can easily recover the money you have wasted on that crook instructor over the years and possibly sue for damages to self-esteem and possibly other damages as well etc. Don't let the crook scew with your time, and your mom and dad's hard earned money and get away home free.

I actualy talked to one of my old friends who was also cheated, and he told me that my old Instructor ( the fake ) has no school and lives in a trailer. I guess there wouldnt be much to sue for!
I did learn TKD from him, he just got carried away with the testing fees and promotion levels ect.

I am glad this is not going to court because that would mean that you would probably have to take yet another "vacation" from MT as you would be in jail for commiting perjury and lying under oath, how could you testify what I am or am not when you have not even met me?

I am very pleased with my current rank's and feel I have more than earned them!

BTW, I dont realy need hooked on phonics I just type to fast!

That was a cheap shot but... I did find a little humor in it.:rofl:


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PAUL

I personally don't know what ARK does or is. I study FMA and combative MA; I stick to what I know. I would have to meet ARK or DAC, or another one of ARK's people to determine for myself if he was a fraud or not. Until then I won't make an assumption that I can't back up, and as always, I keep an open mind. I'm not out trying to police everyone, so at the moment it doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

So, I don't know what's up with this whole conversation. That is why I am in it; curiousity I guess. If anyone here thinks that ARK, or anyone is a "fraud" I would hope that they would either just say so in a polite fashion so the MODS don't rip you a new one, provide proof to substantiate it, then move on.

Otherwise, just move on. The cloak and dagger BULLS**T is getting kind of ridicules.


I appreciate your opinion and your open mind and hope that some day maybe we could meet?

As far as the whole religion thing...... I think that Martial Talk is not the place to discuss religion or politics and I do agree with what you said, yes there are frauds in anything in life!

FRAUD- some one who profits from others with lies and deceit!
or someone who says they are somthing or someone they are not!

I sincerely hope that the members of this board listen to you and politely prove or acuse people who they thimk are frauds and end this whole discussion once and for all, only two things can happen then either they prove or disprove the acusations that they make and this gives the acused a chance to defend themselves.



I would definately say that Ken Ku thinks that I'm a fraud. However, this is based on a personality conflict and the fact that I have stood up to defend another individual he doesn't care for. This is in no way, shape or form based on factual data though. It is an opinion only.

However, if Mr. Ku feels that he has something substantial to offer, I whole heartedly invite him to create a thread in Bad Budo with evidence to 'out' me. I will join him there in the spirit of friendlyness and polite discourse. He may feel free to ask any question of me there as well, even though I have answered every question ever asked of me on this board.

In fact, I think after I finish dinner tonight I will beat him to the punch and begin a thread on this very topic. In this way he may feel free to inform the readership about his factual data concerning my fraudulent behaviour and my bogus ranks.

To the mods/admins I ask patience in this manner. I am inviting, in the proper forum, direct and honest commentary from Mr. Ku about this issue. In this way, he can either present the evidence that I am a fraud [which everyone here should be aware of if I am], or the matter can be closed once and for all if he has nothing more to present than a personality conflict and opinion.

Thank you.



Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
as a "bystander" on this issue, this sounds fair enough to me.

:cool: :asian:

DAC: Meeting would be a good thing. I am not in Fla. Frequently, but If I happend to take a trip, I would love to visit you or your school. I also welcome you to visit me if your ever in the Detroit area, Michigan.



Well Paul, I feel that it speaks directly with the topic of this thread. I have nothing against Mr. Ku, however it would seem that he has somewhat against me. Perhaps only miscommunication on both of our parts. In this light I strongly feel that it is bes to 'go to the source' and discuss the situation like adults. Perhaps he has a legitimate complaint that I am unaware of? Perhaps I have done something to offend him which I need to apologize for? Perhaps it is merely a personality conflict that can be resolved with a little effort?

I have PM'd him requesting that he join me to discuss the issue and have a peacefull resolution.

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