Honesty and Integrity

Do you consider "Honesty" and "Intregrity" a important attribute of a martial artist

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Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free

Just a friendly warning....

Don't go there.


Shadow Hunter

Originally posted by KennethKu
Oh here is another hint to the "puzzle", the 4th Characteristic missing from Shadow Hunter's list of signs of fraud is, the typical crook will hide behind God, Country and motherhood.

I did not mention religion because in my experience not all people who are frauds try to hide behind religion. However, in my experience, all those who make a big show of being religious have serious moral problems.

I do not want to say that people who believe in religion are bad. I know a few who are very religious and quite honorable. However, those who make a big show of their religious bent and put crosses on their uniforms, quotes in their internet signatures and mention religion on their web sites have in my experience been people of low moral charecter hiding behind religion.

These are the types who try to cast blame on others when comparisons that fit them come up. These are the types that judge others, while trying to avoid being judged themselves.

And they are always trying to hide something.

Mind you, I have met people who have started training sessions with prayers of thanks to the creator. But until then I had no idea of how religious they were. In my experience, anyone who mentions christ as soon as you meet them is trying to hide behind religion.

Ken JP Stuczynski

Originally posted by Shadow Hunter
... Mind you, I have met people who have started training sessions with prayers of thanks to the creator. But until then I had no idea of how religious they were. In my experience, anyone who mentions christ as soon as you meet them is trying to hide behind religion.

I'm Christian and I somewhat agree. Being not ashamed of it or even proud is one thing; wearing it on your sleeve borders on hypocricy.

But people do this without realizing it sometimes. It's like some peopole who are hung up on being learning disabled, abused as a child, legally blind, whatever (I've met them all) -- it's the first thing they tell you when you meet them, even at a bus stop. It's just SO importnat to them that they lose touch with the reality of appropriate social behavior.

And it screams out "I have no life apart from my hang-up".

And although spirituality itself isn't necessarily a hang-up, RELIGION for many people IS.


...those who make a big show of their religious bent and put crosses on their uniforms, quotes in their internet signatures and mention religion on their web sites have in my experience been people of low moral charecter hiding behind religion.

These are the types who try to cast blame on others when comparisons that fit them come up. These are the types that judge others, while trying to avoid being judged themselves.

And they are always trying to hide something.

Now that's an interesting perspective. We have in the U.S. a population of evangelical Christians numbering in the tens of millions. Their creed implores them to share the "GOOD NEWS" of their faith in their savior. Many choose to do this in innocuous ways, with bumper stickers, and Internet signatures. Many others wear a simple cross, on a chain, or on their gi, in part, to advertise their belief. Some of these evangelicals, especially those of low moral character even have the gall to travel to remote parts of the planet to work with some of the most needy people on earth as part of their efforts to spread the word and follow their calling.

Now, at long last, we have the truth. Every one of these millions of believers is "TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING."

Whew. I am relieved that this is finally all cleared up.

Ken JP Stuczynski

Originally posted by Shuri-te
Now, at long last, we have the truth. Every one of these millions of believers is "TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING."

Whew. I am relieved that this is finally all cleared up.

Even though you have both right and reason to say such things, it's still damn ignorant and insulting to some of us, unless you are truly being sarcastic.

There are countless selfless missionaries not just looking to convert people, but to do true acts of mercy. There are countless Christians whose belief is to stand up and be counted as part of their spirituality. It's not all smoke and mirrors, putting on shows, etc.., even if for many it is.

Many "Christians" give the rest of us a bad name, but the same is true for most martial arts -- which is the REAL topic of this thread.

Shadow Hunter

Originally posted by Ken JP Stuczynski
Many "Christians" give the rest of us a bad name, but the same is true for most martial arts -- which is the REAL topic of this thread.

Yep, and for the more dense, or those trying to cause trouble, I will say this again- I do not have anything against any type of religion!!! But it is my experience that those that make a big deal of their religions, especially if they try to use their piety as some sort of shield against inquiries of their behavior, that they should be looked at with caution.

Classic case, how many times have we seen someone bash another person like we just saw in this thread and utterly forgetting the words, 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'? Ah, but if you find out that they or their orignization has commited some sin they will be quick to say that you should forgive past mistakes.

It is not religion that is the problem, but rather those that try to use it when it suits them and no other time.


It has been my experience that whenever anybody sounds off to you about how patriotic, religious, or moral they are, you should immediately get a firm hand on your wallet and check, as they say in war novels, your six.


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
Robert...what do you mean.

I am moral, and religious!

Now, send me $500. You can make your check or money order out to "The Paul Janulis Doesn't wear pants when he types foundation." We also accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. Thank you.:rolleyes:



A martial artist on MT creates a signature, the equivalent of "Jesus Saves". We are told that this is
making a big deal about his religion
And we also have been told that people who make such a
big show of being religious have serious moral problems
And finally, we have been told that people who use these kinds of innocuous signatures will
try to use their piety as some sort of shield against inquiries of their behavior
I guess we were all supposed to have known that
anyone who mentions christ as soon as you meet them is trying to hide behind religion.
It his been enlightening to learn that a person believes he can learn so much about a MT poster simply because the poster has chosen to include a dozen words about Jesus in his signature. I suppose it was therefore fitting to make a biblical reference in an attempt to inform this poster on the error of his ways.
Let he who is without sin…

As long as scripture is being quoted, there are some who might see the appropriateness of this passage: Judge not, that ye be not judged.:)

Shadow Hunter

Is anyone beside me being weirded out by the fact you can always count on person A coming out swinging whenever person B is being talked about? Even if no names are being mentioned?

James Kovacich

Senior Master
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Dec 4, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
Originally posted by Shadow Hunter
Is anyone beside me being weirded out by the fact you can always count on person A coming out swinging whenever person B is being talked about? Even if no names are being mentioned?

Who is person A and who is person B? :D



I don't know but I sure would like the cryptic inuendos to stop :rolleyes: If someone has something to say in reference to someone, good or bad, and can justify it then they should come out and do so appropriately. Otherwise it counts for so much hot air.

I personally wonder about people who don't put their real name in their profile, I thought it was a rule of this board they agreed to upon registering. I also wonder about those who don't have anything in their profile but then seem to delight in passing judgement on others :rolleyes:

This board has been pretty informative as of late, hate to see a few try to come back and start their holier-than-thou ramblings again. I say anyone who hasn't the courage or backbone to post anything other than baseless inuendo should be ignored for the troll they present themselves to be. An honorable person that has a problem with someone else should be man [or woman] enough to come out in the open and address the issue directly with the person in question.

But alas, there seems to still be a few who would rather hide behind their computer. No INTEGRITY OR HONOR there :shrug:

James Kovacich

Senior Master
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Dec 4, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
Originally posted by A.R.K.

I don't know but I sure would like the cryptic inuendos to stop :rolleyes: If someone has something to say in reference to someone, good or bad, and can justify it then they should come out and do so appropriately. Otherwise it counts for so much hot air.
I say anyone who hasn'

Thats kinda where I was leadin'



2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Note to admin: Sorry Bob, not to disrespect your reminder, however, some clarification is in order here. Misinformation must not be allowed to poison the pool. Afterall, you wouldn't want MT to be a forum of incorrect BS. That would be a travesty of MT's standard of honesty and integrity, wouldn't you say?

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Actually Ken,

its in very poor taste to talk about a poster who is know longer here to defend himself. Yes Ryu talked some tall tales such as teaching the CID which is the CIA of the DoD etc etc. But let it go Ken! .......
Hey, great to see you back from your long suspension. You know, the one you earned for running your mouth. I'm sure you learned your lesson and that won't happen again.

Looking forward to your reply to the questions you've overlooked.


a. I only come here once a week at most. So pardon my delay in reply.

b. Nice try, ARK. RyuShikan is someone I respect and honor to call a friend. Therefore, I am obviously NOT referring to him in my posts.

c. To be suspended for calling out a fraud, and suffer the same prosecution alongside honorable men such as RyuShikan, Mike Clark, etc, is like being send to jail while riding with John Wayne the Duke. It is a badge of honor!! (FYI, try www.webster.com if you don't comprehend the concept of honor ;) lol )

d. Your questions? What questions? Sorry, I tend to ignore posts devoid of content. ;)

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
ARK, KennethKu - if you have an issue with each other, take it off board. This isn't the place to go down the road it looks like you are.


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Shadow Hunter
I did not mention religion because in my experience not all people who are frauds try to hide behind religion. However, in my experience, all those who make a big show of being religious have serious moral problems.

I do not want to say that people who believe in religion are bad. I know a few who are very religious and quite honorable. However, those who make a big show of their religious bent and put crosses on their uniforms, quotes in their internet signatures and mention religion on their web sites have in my experience been people of low moral charecter hiding behind religion.

These are the types who try to cast blame on others when comparisons that fit them come up. These are the types that judge others, while trying to avoid being judged themselves.

And they are always trying to hide something.

Mind you, I have met people who have started training sessions with prayers of thanks to the creator. But until then I had no idea of how religious they were. In my experience, anyone who mentions christ as soon as you meet them is trying to hide behind religion.

Religion is fine. Being religious is fine too. My reference was to "hiding" behind religion, the same way the crooks typically camouflage themselves using some righteous cause. Bible-thumbing is just another one of the usual tricks.

lol I love this one from RmRobertson, "It has been my experience that whenever anybody sounds off to you about how patriotic, religious, or moral they are, you should immediately get a firm hand on your wallet and check, as they say in war novels, your six." BRILLIANT!!


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
ARK, KennethKu - if you have an issue with each other, take it off board. This isn't the place to go down the road it looks like you are.

No problem Bob. I would rather not have anything to do with him, had he not twisted my words to slander my friend RyuShikan. I am honor bound to defend RyuShikan from this BS. I am sure you or any reasonable person would understand this point.


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
In my opinion religion shouldnt be a issue, have you nothing else to confront someone about that you need to attack their religion?

I love to see people who are proud of thier beleifs and are not afraid to share them, so in my opinion MAYBE YOU SHOULD FIND SOMTHING ELSE TO DISCUSS this type of posting angers me and shouldnt even be a issue!

:soapbox: :mad:
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