Home break-in/robbery?


White Belt
Oct 29, 2007
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Has anyone on the forums had their home broken into? I have been lucky enough to not have experienced this but I'm wondering if anyone has a personal story regarding a home invasion.
Yeah, I had someone break in.

Got the shotgun, racked in a shell(ker-CHUK!), pointed it (and it's VERY bright light) down the stairs and said, "Get out of my house, NOW."

They left, the cops came, I put the kids back to bed, had a drink and went back to bed myself...
I've had two incidents. One a break in when no one was home. The other, the guy started to come over the fence in the back yard when I racked the shotgun. After that I heard a "OH ****!" and the sounds of running.
The pump shotgun, nothing else makes a noise like it...
I've had two incidents. One a break in when no one was home. The other, the guy started to come over the fence in the back yard when I racked the shotgun. After that I heard a "OH ****!" and the sounds of running.
The pump shotgun, nothing else makes a noise like it...

Well, yeah-if they don't run from that noise, shoot them, 'cause they're on drugs, crazy, just plain stupid, or armed themselves....
I've had a couple attempted break ins while I was home. The dog barreling down the stairs at umpty hundred miles an hour and doing that not a bark, not a growl noise that means "You are a Bad Stranger. I am going to eat you," does wonders at getting their attention. And I get to see the Amazing Levitating ******* Trick :)

There have been other times when she was shut into the sitting room for the night. I was downstairs, moving around. The lights were on. There was music playing. And someone still tried to get in.

"Get the **** off my property!" usually does the trick.

If not, then a 1911 being racked speaks fluent dirt bag.

The shotgun is upstairs. The Norinco Commie special is the "Prepare to repel boarders" right there at hand item.
I've had two incidents. One a break in when no one was home. The other, the guy started to come over the fence in the back yard when I racked the shotgun. After that I heard a "OH ****!" and the sounds of running.
The pump shotgun, nothing else makes a noise like it...

I have a 1300 Winchester and I concur, that pump action definately turns ears, then eyes LOL LOL.

Never had a break in personally, most of my neighbors and community know me due to my job and I guess that's good enough to keep the human slime away, well that and my dogs LOL.
Yeah, the bastard(s) came in through my skylight. Sometime during the day. Pretty ballsy. I think it was one of my less-than-wholesome neighbors since my wife and I walked out just that morning with a whole bunch of luggage for a trip - she was leaving, not me.
This thread is an eye opener indeed! I am English, and here the only people that have guns are farmers (shotguns) and gang members. So it is really weird to read a forum where so many people are armed to the teeth!

I did once think about placing a blunt weapon under my bed for emergencies, but still not got around to it.
On the katana matter, it shouldn't make any noise when it's been drawn, particularly if it's live blade - if it does, it'll shortly be coming through the walls of the saya and then it's finger-counting time :lol:.

On the shotgun "ratchet-of-Doom" noise - quite agree :D.

As to break-ins, I've been burgled once and had someone try to break in once whilst I was home.

The first was more horrible than the second as everything was turned upside down and there is that distasteful feeling that someone's invaded your privacy as well as your home. Fortunately, in a way, they contented themselves with just nicking stuff rather than indulging in any of the even less savoury acts such lowlives amuse themselves with at times.

The second was just comical and is a tale I've regailed here before - the happy ending was the chap jumping twenty-odd feet to the lovely tarmac and limping away at warp speed :D.

What weapon did I use? Disbelieving sarcasm and laughter.

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