Hoffa.. who cares?


Brown Belt
Jun 30, 2002
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one more news breaking search for the body of Jimmy Hoffa. is it just me? can with all the world's problems and certainly the magnitude of issues here in the states, anyone still give a rat's fanny about some former mob/union boss who ended up like they usually do. dead and gone?

i'm sure that search is costing money. makes better sense to just fuhgettabot the man and let his body rest in peace (or pieces given the company he kept.)
they need to do something to keep their name out there and have a positive result. The feds have gotten way to much bad PR in the last few years. As for hoffa i could care less
I sat on my couch asking myself, "so! What's the big deal?" How long has he been "missing"? Come on now! get a life!
jazkiljok said:
one more news breaking search for the body of Jimmy Hoffa. is it just me? can with all the world's problems and certainly the magnitude of issues here in the states, anyone still give a rat's fanny about some former mob/union boss who ended up like they usually do. dead and gone?

i'm sure that search is costing money. makes better sense to just fuhgettabot the man and let his body rest in peace (or pieces given the company he kept.)

it's a murder investigation. that's what law enforcement does.

it's not about PR, it's about solving a crime. regardless of who the guy was, or what he did, it's our job as a society to seek answers to these questions.
Sapper6 said:
it's a murder investigation. that's what law enforcement does.

it's not about PR, it's about solving a crime. regardless of who the guy was, or what he did, it's our job as a society to seek answers to these questions.

:asian: :asian: :asian:
Sapper6 said:
it's a murder investigation. that's what law enforcement does.

it's not about PR, it's about solving a crime. regardless of who the guy was, or what he did, it's our job as a society to seek answers to these questions.

there are quite a few thousand unsolved murders, let alone unsolved crimes--many that stretch out over 20-60 years. the resources being poured into this is really silly by the standard that murder is murder whether you have celebrity status or not. and it's not just a few fbi digging around, if that was the case-- we'd probably not even have heard about this unless they did find a body. they're dragging in specialists in a horde of fields to help them spend two weeks on this boneheaded treasure hunt.

it costs money. yours and mine taxpayer dollars. i didn't actually make any comment about this being done for PR reasons. But now that you brought it up... TWO WEEKS we got of this... wait, is that Geraldo over by the barn?
jazkiljok said:
there are quite a few thousand unsolved murders, let alone unsolved crimes--many that stretch out over 20-60 years. the resources being poured into this is really silly by the standard that murder is murder whether you have celebrity status or not. and it's not just a few fbi digging around, if that was the case-- we'd probably not even have heard about this unless they did find a body. they're dragging in specialists in a horde of fields to help them spend two weeks on this boneheaded treasure hunt.

it costs money. yours and mine taxpayer dollars. i didn't actually make any comment about this being done for PR reasons. But now that you brought it up... TWO WEEKS we got of this... wait, is that Geraldo over by the barn?

One reason for so much attention to this case, IMO, is that Hoffa, love him or hate him, was, in many ways a political leader. His murder was therefore, IMO, an assassination. Society's collapse when assassination becomes a heavily practiced means of resolving political and labor disputes. Look at the Brothers Grachus (sp?) during the late days of the Roman Republic.

Also, if the police have credible evidence, high profile case or not, they must respond. I'd cut them some slack here.
Jonathan Randall said:
One reason for so much attention to this case, IMO, is that Hoffa, love him or hate him, was, in many ways a political leader. His murder was therefore, IMO, an assassination. Society's collapse when assassination becomes a heavily practiced means of resolving political and labor disputes. Look at the Brothers Grachus (sp?) during the late days of the Roman Republic.

Also, if the police have credible evidence, high profile case or not, they must respond. I'd cut them some slack here.

You just had to drag Tiberius and Gaius into this didn’t you?

Well, I know where you’re coming from… I just don’t think Jimmy Hoffa rates up their with 162 BC quaestors who most likely paved the way for Rome’s future military dictatorships. Hoffa was killed by the mob—which was more bizness than political assassination anyway.

the point (if i have one..) is that a substantial amout of energy and money will be spent on another relic of history, seeking not so much closure (since who ever did the deed is probably dead or so senile that prosecution would be pointless) as two weeks of treasure hunting in happydale farms-- where the grass is green, the press ravenous, and no alqueda or other pressing issues to be found.

Btw does anyone even think of Hoffa’s face without conjuring up Jack Nicholson?
jazkiljok said:
one more news breaking search for the body of Jimmy Hoffa. is it just me? can with all the world's problems and certainly the magnitude of issues here in the states, anyone still give a rat's fanny about some former mob/union boss who ended up like they usually do. dead and gone?

i'm sure that search is costing money. makes better sense to just fuhgettabot the man and let his body rest in peace (or pieces given the company he kept.)

Well it is still an open case.

They got new information so they obtained a warrant. Which I am glad for they did not play the Home Land security card for this one.

They also realize that almost all those involved in the case may be dead by now. But to close the case is what they are charged to do if they get new information. To do otherwise would be malpractice.
The statute of limitations never runs out on murder cases and if he were your grandfather, you might feel differently.

However, it could behoove one to say that there are more pressing matters and important people to find ... such as OBL.
This might be little stupid question but who was Hoffa? I understant that he was some US labor leader who got killed but why is he famous?
Henderson said:
Yeah, me too. Personally, I couldn't care less about Hoffa either.

I personally care for one reason. The put this case to bed, and stop all the discusison on this topic.
I think its interesting. You have a powerful and corrupt union leader with mob ties, who mysteriously disappears. Rumors float for decades as to the nature of his demise. I think its worth checking out.


hardheadjarhead said:
I think its interesting. You have a powerful and corrupt union leader with mob ties, who mysteriously disappears. Rumors float for decades as to the nature of his demise. I think its worth checking out.



What has me worried is that there has been no public announcement yet about the farm. And there was an article in the local paper that stated the owner of the property had a lawyer.

Makes me think they may have found something.
You have a powerful and corrupt union leader with mob ties, who mysteriously disappears. Rumors float for decades as to the nature of his demise. I think its worth checking out.

Especially because the organizations are still around, as well as some of the people...or their successors
Rich Parsons said:
What has me worried is that there has been no public announcement yet about the farm. And there was an article in the local paper that stated the owner of the property had a lawyer.

Makes me think they may have found something.

Well ... if the cops show up on my doorstep with shovels wanting to dig up my yard, I'd be getting a lawyer too. Suspiscion is enough for me.

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