
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everybody!!!

I'm new to the forum, Ive been reading it for quite a while and finally decided to join because everyone seems very friendly and willing to help.

I train in Kenpo Karate, I'm currently an orange belt, next Saturday(29th March) I will be heading for my first competition, Kenpo Karate World Championships. I can't wait!!!!:boing2: I really love the art as well as speaking to black belts from other arts as it's interesting to learn what they teach and how different each art is. There is one thing I don't like, and it's people who think they are better than everyone else. There are a couple at the school where I train.

outside of training, I love to socialise, watch football(soccer if your are in US) and play other sports, travel, and just generally enjoy my life while im young!!!!

I have posted a topic basically asking how to block out specatators, I am confident in my form, as are the black belts I train with, people watching is the only thing that makes me nervous, though they all say this is normal. Any further advice would be really appreciated, thank you to all those who have already posted their support and advice, I really appreciate you taking time to offer your help. Anyway I hope I can fit into this great community and get along with you all :)

With Respect,

Dragon's Little Girl

Hello, DLG.

Don't worry about the spectators, after a while you will be used to them, if you keep going to tournaments.
Welcome to MT, glad you stopped lurking and decided to join us. Look forward to your posts in the future.

Just out of curiosity... Where you get the name Dragon's Little Girl from? Who's the dragon? :D
Greetings and Welcome..
Welcome to MT :rei:. The only observing regards you need to worry about is your sensei and your own internal critic.
Welcome to MT :wavey: Glad you decided to start posting!

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