Hi from the girly grease monkey!!


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hi lovely Martial Talk folks!

My name's Jenna, I'm from London, England and am glad to be with you all! A little about me by way of introduction - I've been studying and practising Aikido for 12 years and currently hold nidan rank though I try hard to cultivate the attitude of a beginner and honestly believe I'll never be too clever to listen quietly and learn.

Professionally I'm a grease monkey. Yeah that's right, a female mechanic! But no ordinary girly wratchet wrangler - I am a specialist service engineer for Ferrari, Aston Martin, TVR and other tasty autos. I tune 'em up, boost 'em up and make 'em even zoomier for you lucky lads and lasses :)

I'm sad to have had to cut working for a while after some pretty nasty stuff between my ex-boss and I. He had a progressively worsening issue with let's say, keeping his libido in check *ugh*. Though it's not the Aikido philosophy I strive to live by, hopefully having his shoulder dislocated and his wrist broken by me may serve as a deterrent to him in the future (SoaB). Anyway, that's done and I'm travelling for a bit right now (me and my laptop are in rainy Belgium) but it's my intention when I return home to go freelance, taking a few of my auto clients with me.

Hopefully the worst is behind me and I'm not here to whinge - quite the opposite! But what happened to me is how I was encouraged to come on Martial Talk - while surfing for other female martial artists with strong viewpoints on the subject of their own defence, one female member here on this board in particular got my immediate attention. I'll not say who but I do hope our paths cross in the not too distant.

Even the quickest look around makes it obvious that all you girls and guys have some serious accomplishments, integrity and strength in your various martial arts. It's been a rough time for me, my art has been my support and my friend metaphorically and literally and I hope I can contribute as much as I know I will receive.

Oh, and if you need your Aston sweetened up... :)

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Jenna said:
Oh, and if you need your Aston sweetened up... :)
Well, no, but if you're also into supercharged Mustangs...:)

Either way, welcome to MT, Jenna. Glad to have you with us! :)
Gemini said:
Well, no, but if you're also into supercharged Mustangs...:)

Either way, welcome to MT, Jenna. Glad to have you with us! :)
Thank you so much!

Mustang eh? Dunno if I could handle all that brute HP. Hope you've got a nice light foot there (or you're friends with the local tire dealer!)

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Henderson said:
Helluva introduction, Jenna!!

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!!

Wow! That's so cool of you to say! Thanks so much.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Welcome - it's good to have you here. It certainly sounds like you've had plenty of experience with your style

Good luck with your freelance work, and happy posting - I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.
Kacey said:
Welcome - it's good to have you here. It certainly sounds like you've had plenty of experience with your style

Good luck with your freelance work, and happy posting - I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you Kacey. This is experience that I'm not happy to have come by but am glad to now possess nonetheless.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Welcome Jenna!

Awesome intro of yourself. Unfortunate that you had to go through that but it sounds like you are taking the experience and learning from it as opposed to having it slow you down. With attitude like that, success can be the only outcome.

Welcome to MT, I look forward to your posts.


Jenna said:
Hi lovely Martial Talk folks!

My name's Jenna, I'm from London, England and am glad to be with you all! A little about me by way of introduction - I've been studying and practising Aikido for 12 years and currently hold nidan rank though I try hard to cultivate the attitude of a beginner and honestly believe I'll never be too clever to listen quietly and learn.

Professionally I'm a grease monkey. Yeah that's right, a female mechanic! But no ordinary girly wratchet wrangler - I am a specialist service engineer for Ferrari, Aston Martin, TVR and other tasty autos. I tune 'em up, boost 'em up and make 'em even zoomier for you lucky lads and lasses :)

I'm sad to have had to cut working for a while after some pretty nasty stuff between my ex-boss and I. He had a progressively worsening issue with let's say, keeping his libido in check *ugh*. Though it's not the Aikido philosophy I strive to live by, hopefully having his shoulder dislocated and his wrist broken by me may serve as a deterrent to him in the future (SoaB). Anyway, that's done and I'm travelling for a bit right now (me and my laptop are in rainy Belgium) but it's my intention when I return home to go freelance, taking a few of my auto clients with me.

Hopefully the worst is behind me and I'm not here to whinge - quite the opposite! But what happened to me is how I was encouraged to come on Martial Talk - while surfing for other female martial artists with strong viewpoints on the subject of their own defence, one female member here on this board in particular got my immediate attention. I'll not say who but I do hope our paths cross in the not too distant.

Even the quickest look around makes it obvious that all you girls and guys have some serious accomplishments, integrity and strength in your various martial arts. It's been a rough time for me, my art has been my support and my friend metaphorically and literally and I hope I can contribute as much as I know I will receive.

Oh, and if you need your Aston sweetened up... :)

Yr most obdt hmble svt,


Welcome aboard.

Sorry about you preivous work problems.

Do you also get a chance to "Test" Drive the products your work on? That to me would the be real fun part. ;) :D

Enjoy your stay here at Martial Talk.
To OnlyAnEgg, green meanie, Lisa and Jonathan Randall thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks! Dumb as it sounds, it means a lot to me to be welcomed here.

btw - WOW, those avatars are seriously HOT.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Rich Parsons said:

Welcome aboard.

Sorry about you preivous work problems.

Do you also get a chance to "Test" Drive the products your work on? That to me would the be real fun part. ;) :D

Enjoy your stay here at Martial Talk.
Thank you for your kind words. Yep, taking vehicles for a lap or two is often essential (for diagnostic purposes you understand!)

But then, driven one, you've driven them all... er... NOT!!! *happy me*

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Jenna said:
Thank you for your kind words. Yep, taking vehicles for a lap or two is often essential (for diagnostic purposes you understand!)

But then, driven one, you've driven them all... er... NOT!!! *happy me*

Yr most obdt hmble svt,


Being in the Automotive business, I know for myself that each lap is different. You get more comfortable with the vehicle and the difference between steering, body roll, torque engagement, down shift timing, (* Assuming non Manual *), and if Manual the Clutch engagement.

To hear the engien roar (* Pulse or Heart Beat *) is great. Especially after one has installed something new or fixed something old. :D
Michael Billings said:
Wish I could of been a fly on the wall watching the "libido check" you put on your boss. Sweet!!!

Howdy from Austin, Texas,
Thanks for your encouragement Michael - unfortunately that was the last in a whole long series. Actually, credit to Martial Talk and what I'd read from you guys for giving me as a visitor some courage to finally draw the line. Alas, nobody wins: he got fired but I was kinda made such a scapegoat by his remaining pals upstairs that that saw me off too. Still, I get to keep my pride - and that's worth more to me than any damn job.

Thanks again!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Rich Parsons said:

Being in the Automotive business, I know for myself that each lap is different. You get more comfortable with the vehicle and the difference between steering, body roll, torque engagement, down shift timing, (* Assuming non Manual *), and if Manual the Clutch engagement.

To hear the engien roar (* Pulse or Heart Beat *) is great. Especially after one has installed something new or fixed something old. :D
I absolutely, totally agree with your perspective - you're spot on and I find in much the same way as you would tune your guitar, you also develop an ear for the timing and exhaust - some of my boys and gals are damn fussy about their exhaust notes with a few clients barely stopping short of bringing their own pitch pipes!! LOL. And I'm glad to hear you mention the manual too :) I know you guys stateside like your auto boxes!

Actually, they're big into the Formula-1 paddle shifters here now (semi-auto) and you can guess what a nightmare of wires and chips they are to sort out - gimme simple cogs and clutches anyday - old school! But that's progress! Someday Knight Rider will happen and then where will the likes of you and I be? Retired hopefully! Ha! Good to hear from a kindred spirit!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Welcome, Jenna! Great intro, and check your CP... Good luck with going freelance, though I'm sure you'll do just fine.