Hey one of pur members needs a hug


fist of fury

Looks like one of our members got thier feelings hurt by kirk because kirk had a different opinion.


Let's all give phil a hug. The evil kirk has struck again:D I find this a sad way to strike back at kirk. Grow up and get over it and deal with kirk through email.
Uh oh, I disagreed with this guy in another thread, I guess I'm next! Oh well, so goes life, you piss people off, you forget it, they do not!!

Originally posted by fist of fury

Looks like one of our members got thier feelings hurt by kirk because kirk had a different opinion.


Let's all give phil a hug. The evil kirk has struck again:D I find this a sad way to strike back at kirk. Grow up and get over it and deal with kirk through email.

Well, he does link to the "incident."

And he has an email address on his home page to contact him:
[email protected]

It even looks like he has some guidelines for sending him Hate Mail:


I think he has covered all the bases.
Originally posted by cdhall

Well, he does link to the "incident."

And he has an email address on his home page to contact him:
[email protected]

It even looks like he has some guidelines for sending him Hate Mail:


I think he has covered all the bases.

That is true, still I tend to shy away from people who get enjoyment out of conflict and negativity. It seems his site has alot more on it about negativity and how he has pissed people off, than content he himslef has written, but I don't want to start bashing anyone, he has his reasons for his site I'm sure.

Originally posted by cdhall

Well, he does link to the "incident."

And he has an email address on his home page to contact him:
[email protected]

It even looks like he has some guidelines for sending him Hate Mail:


I think he has covered all the bases.

Yes he's covered them my only problem is if you disagree with someone email them. Phill has provided a place for hatemail that's great he should follow his own guidelines and take care of it through email. What was the point of him going this route. I know kirk and he wouldn't have a problem with an email conversation to straighten out any misunderstandings. Contrary to what some might think Kirk isn't an unreasonable guy.
gotta admit, thats some pretty skillfull whining, but for sheer out and out "poor pitiful me" i think ive got im beat..........
LOL.......Kirk is the man!! Jokers..........
Lol........maybe you guys should start an "I hate Kirk" fanclub......that would be amusing........:shrug:
uh , excuse me, maybe we should rename this site "bruised ego talk" i may be way off base but i thought the martial arts was about getting past likes and dislikes, not complaining about who said what about whoever....and going about the business of SELF IMPROVEMENT. how are we supposed to do this when we cant let go of our egos? shoot, folks i aint purfekt but the more i read this stuff the sillier it becomes.............
Originally posted by Richard S.

uh , excuse me, maybe we should rename this site "bruised ego talk" i may be way off base but i thought the martial arts was about getting past likes and dislikes, not complaining about who said what about whoever....and going about the business of SELF IMPROVEMENT. how are we supposed to do this when we cant let go of our egos? shoot, folks i aint purfekt but the more i read this stuff the sillier it becomes.............

I think you have hit it right on the head, we need to focus on helping each other and sharing our systems and knowledge, and experiences with each other, rather than taking the time and effort to criticize and put each other down.
I'm useing the word we, becasue I'm not perfect either, but we should try to share with each other and not put everyone down.


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