hesitant beginner...


Yellow Belt
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
First off I'd like to say hello to everyone on the MT forum, I've been doing alot of reading here and your discussions have been very helpfull in me making my decision to pursue Muay Thai.

So, I'd like to ask a question, I like in Overland Park Kansas (suberb of Kansas City) and I have been looking for a school for MT for quite a while and the only plave I've found that teaches is Crawfords Mixed Martial Arts. I don't want to cage fight, and that is crawfords main focus (The owner founded american Jujitsu). I stopped in and spoke with the Kickboxing instructor and he told me that he primarily teaches general kickboxing, but, that he is a MT practitioner and would teach me traditional MT and seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

I guess that's a little vague, but I am trying to decide if Crawfords is legit, or if they just want another customer. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Alex said:
First off I'd like to say hello to everyone on the MT forum, I've been doing alot of reading here and your discussions have been very helpfull in me making my decision to pursue Muay Thai.

So, I'd like to ask a question, I like in Overland Park Kansas (suberb of Kansas City) and I have been looking for a school for MT for quite a while and the only plave I've found that teaches is Crawfords Mixed Martial Arts. I don't want to cage fight, and that is crawfords main focus (The owner founded american Jujitsu). I stopped in and spoke with the Kickboxing instructor and he told me that he primarily teaches general kickboxing, but, that he is a MT practitioner and would teach me traditional MT and seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

I guess that's a little vague, but I am trying to decide if Crawfords is legit, or if they just want another customer. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
welcome to MT
enjoy posting
I would think it makes it easier if you list the names of the masters/schools.

good luck
I found a few other MT listings when I searched google for overland park. Shop around and visit each of them to see which you like best, even if it's an extra 30 minute drive the right school is worth it imo. If theres no long term contract check it out for a month or two and see how you like it, this is a great community and if you have any questions down the line I'm sure we can help. The only question I have is, after all the cardio training/bag work will you have someone to spar with? Is it 1 on 1 training or is it a huge class learning it all at once? The basic techniques of MT are fairly easy to learn but the sparring/ringwork is where it gets tricky and you will need a sparring partner.

Does the gym also teach boxing? Thats probobaly going to be the main focus at first as your legs are gonna be extremely sore/bruised the first couple months while you condition your skins/knees. Anyways good luck.
First off, welcome to MT, I hope that you enjoy the forum and I look forward to your posts.

Secondly, I apologise for not being more help to you but my best suggestion would be to go and try a class and see for yourself. Get a sense of what they are teaching and if their style of teaching is condusive with what and how you want to learn.

Good Luck and keep us informed. :)
Welcome to MT my friend. I recently just joined a muay thai club and I have to say its one of the best things ive ever done. My instructor is also very experienced in other martial arts such as Judo, BJJ, Western Boxing, and TKD but mainly teaches Muay Thai. I was also concerned that I wouldnt be getting the full extent of learning muay thai because of his other martial art experience. But it turns out, I learned more then I ever thought I would. Your best bet in any situation is to try out a trial class. They are almost always free, if not most teachers only ask for 10 bucks as a trial class. Im not exactly skilled at searching for martial arts schools so I cant help you in that department. Also, like someone mentioned, if you have to drive for a half an hour to get to a studio, I personally think its totally worth it. The workout, the stress relief and the confidence it gives you out weighs anything and everything, yes even gas:D Give it a shot.

As for the cage fighting, thats not something I would be too fond of trying but I dont know too much about it to begin with so its better I not judge.

Sorry I wasnt much of a help. Best of luck, youll love Muay Thai I promise:)
Okay, so it looks like I am going to attend a couple (1 month, 12 classes) of classes at the Crawfords place I was talking about earlier. What should I expect out of my first couple of classes, what should I use as indicators of whether or not this is A) a "true" muay thai school and B) a good muay thai school.

Thanks again for all of the info and encouragement!
Consistancy is the key. SImply put -train, train, train.......and you will get better.

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