here we go again, read this

For folks who'd like a little more information before clicking a link, it's another instructor who was touching children inappropriately in the locker room.

(Insert your favorite revenge fantasy here.)
thanks for the on the spot reporting:partyon:
he still a butthead,
lonekimono10 said:
he still a butthead

Oh, if I trained there I would have certainly given him more than a headbutt.

Still, it's not something I enjoy reading about. As a parent, it makes my urge to kill rise quickly.
I know its not the way most of us are taught, completly not the way of the Martial Artist. But when i read this, it made me wanna hunt this guy down, and make it to where his parents wouldn't reconize him. now I will probably get a few bad rep point dings, but although i am a martial artist, I still have emotion. I have a little sister and a little brother and many little cousins, and I'll do what ever I need to, to keep them safe, because I love them very much. i do hope this sick individual gets the help he needs and the punishment he deserves. I think that most of you can agree with my angle here, at least I hope I'm not preaching to the choir. :asian:
Oh, I think revenge fantasies are part of human nature.

However, I don't think that indulging in them, even in text, is good for anything.
I agree with you guys hunt him down and kill the enemy, but do we live in america the home of the free and you are innocent until proven guilty. The 19 yrs old says it never happen should we wait and see if he did or did not before we assume he is. Michael Jackson is going through the same thing and some people feel he is being torn apart weather he did or not is not our place to decide it is the court decission, let wait and see the outcome. I know I be presume to be the outsource here but the law is the law. We need to see the outcome first and go from there.
this is true...

I and other will just have to pray that our government has the wisdom to handle this situation appropreatly.

I am a student of life protection not a vigilante
terryl965 said:
I agree with you guys hunt him down and kill the enemy, but do we live in america the home of the free and you are innocent until proven guilty. The 19 yrs old says it never happen should we wait and see if he did or did not before we assume he is. Michael Jackson is going through the same thing and some people feel he is being torn apart weather he did or not is not our place to decide it is the court decission, let wait and see the outcome. I know I be presume to be the outsource here but the law is the law. We need to see the outcome first and go from there.

agreed, that is my point exactly...I am just thinking about what I would/wouldn't do if this where to happen to my siblings/cousins, and it makes you wonder.....whats going through the parents heads?
I just heard about this yesterday also. Truly disgusting! Not being familiar with the concept of having to go to the dressing room to "adjust" your uniform,(just turn away from the class, look in the mirror, and adjust) the hair on the back of my neck would have gone up as soon as I heard that. Right or wrong, I have to agree with Sin here. Having three boys, there would be no help for the SOB who tried that on any of them. Not proud of that fact, but I know myself and my limits pretty well. I could never look myself in the mirror again if I let that go.

In New York, this will probably be a class B SA felony and if convicted, everywhere he lives from now to the end of his days, they will know who he is, where he lives and what he's done.
Apart from the discuss, and the ill will I have for this ######! I hope that the young individuals concerned have enough courage to see through this terrible ordeal, and recover from their misfortune as quickly as possible.
This person is sick. What inspires people to do this to children? This is why any uniform adjusting at our dojo is done infront of the parents. When helping them tie their belts we do it infront of the parents with the childs hands up. Good lord these criminals make me sick.
Sin said:
agreed, that is my point exactly...I am just thinking about what I would/wouldn't do if this where to happen to my siblings/cousins, and it makes you wonder.....whats going through the parents heads?
I think that is something he is going to have to think about. Even if he is found innocent I think that there might be a little street justice headed in his direction. It would not be the first time that someone found to be innocent ended up getting killed or beaten once the returned to society.

My own oppinion is to smash his nads with a hammer.
It is sad but these kind of people are attracted to jobs/activities where there are children.
Yossarian75 said:
It is sad but these kind of people are attracted to jobs/activities where there are children.
They get away with it too, thats what is worse! To think some of them actually go out to get qualifications to be able to work with children is even worse. They base their lives on actually having this access.

And whoa, he's only one year older than me. Sick derranged guy. What is it with these people?
Why are they sexually attracted to children? Is it their learning experience when they were younger? Can they help it?
All I ever hear from the media is that they are in the wrong (which they are) but I never understand why they do it! Somebody care to explain? Is it like a fetish or something, though thats one really sick one if it is.

Yeah, next week we'll find out that he turned down a pass one of the mothers made at him, or that he refused to give some kid a black belt on demand, and that it was all rumour mongering.

Still he'll probably get beat up anyway. People who have been denounced usually get treated that way.

NBC claim: Carfora inappropriately touched the boys, who ranged in age from 6 to 10, on multiple occasions over the past four months, police said in a press release.
Either the police or NBC are being prejudicial here. That's enough to get the case thrown out under English law.

If you want your kids to be safe show them genuine affection and attention, and they'll be able to spot a raw deal a mile off. Beating up the latest suspect helps no-one.
i don't know what makes these kind of people tick?? i wonder how many prarents will keep there kids at the school??
Things like this are the reasons why we as instructors and all of us as martial artists must be careful who we allow to train or who gets to teach. I always do an investigation into the background of everybody who wants to teach for me, this includes checking the sexual predators list for their name or picture. It can be time consuming, but it is worth it. We have to use good judgement with all things.
searcher said:
this includes checking the sexual predators list for their name or picture. It can be time consuming, but it is worth it.
So true. Often times, you find out that one of their most effective characteristics is being "The last person you would ever suspect"

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