Here we go again....1, 2, 3...YOU ARE AWESOME!

Yes, sir.

3rd Class is for 4th-5th dans
2nd Class is for 6th-7th dans
1st Class is for 8th -9th dans

Thanks Miles. Seoul in 2016 for the 2nd class God willing. That's the earliest I can test for 6th Dan. I will focus on learning, training and attending the best seminars I can find here in the U.S. meanwhile.
Here is a summary of this weekends course. Looks like they really looked at the first one and kept things moving in a good direction. Sounds good.

I'm a Kukkiwon third dan, student with Blue Wave Taekwondo in Vermont, and
have been training taekwondo for eleven years. After reading about the
Kukkiwon Instructors Course in Chicago on taekwondo-net, I traveled to
Washington, DC to attend the course on April 8th, 2010.
USTC Executive Director Bruce Harris introduced the course on Thursday
evening with energy and enthusiasm, setting the tone and outlining the
expectations. Hyeon Kon Lee welcomed us to his dojang - a 12,500 sq-ft
facility with three matted training areas - which he graciously donated for
the weekend. He introduced the board of officials who would be running the
course and representing the Kukkiwon, including Kukkiwon USA President Sang
Chul Lee. The 62 course participants were split into two groups - 1st-3rd
dans and 4th-7th dans - to utilize the available training space.
The seminars began with Kukkiwon Vice President Dr. Hyun Sup Park and Jae
Won Kang. They took the group through the Kukkiwon promotion rules and
regulations, emphasizing the central role and distinct goals of the
Kukkiwon. The schedule continued with Hyungnam Kwon reviewing basic
techniques, efficiently running through the list of stances, hand and foot
techniques, and target areas in Korean. Working with Jae Kwan Cha, he
walked among the group to make precise suggestions and explain fundamental
We returned on Friday morning to taegeuk poomsae with Mr. Kwon. His
teaching methods included step by step instruction, form repetition, and
focus on common areas for improvement. Following the workout, Mr. Harris
took us through the sparring competition rules. He provided an overview of
the ring logistics, scoring areas, and available methods of scoring.
After lunch, Byung Lee gave a presentation on taekwondo counseling,
emphasizing the instructor?s role as a mentor and educator. We continued
with another taegeuk poomsae session with Mr. Kwon, reviewing the applicable
Kukkiwon standards. The day concluded with a teaching seminar given by Jun
Lee, who addressed situations specific to assistant instructors.
Saturday began with black belt poomsae and Mr. Kwon lead the group in Koryo
through Pyongwon. His straight forward approach, coherent explanations, and
genuine passion for poomsae made for a noteworthy seminar. The next session
led by former USTU President Hwa Chong covered a summary of taekwondo
history and his personal experiences.
The afternoon began with a hands-on first aid seminar with Dr. Jason Brown
and Dr. Marla Gebaide reviewing common taekwondo injuries. Next, Mr. H.K.
Lee spoke about the elements of an effective demonstration. He shared
footage of his prior demos and directed a brief presentation by Jun Hak Lee,
Do Hun Kim and Yeon Woo Do. We finished the day with poomsae practice under
Mr. Kwon?s supervision.
Our final seminar on Sunday morning was given by Dr. Chun Jae Park who spoke
about the importance of developing both motor skills and cognitive abilities
in kyoruki. After a short study period, we proceeded with the written and
practical exams. The course concluded with a ceremony recognizing
participants, instructors and Kukkiwon representatives.
I found the course incredibly beneficial and would highly recommend it to
other taekwondo practitioners. I would like to thank the Kukkiwon, USTC,
organizer Bruce Harris and host Hyeon Kon Lee for making this unique
opportunity possible.
Last month at the Blue Wave Association's Winter Camp I had the good fortune to meet the young lady who posted that report. She is a very talented Taekwondoin who is very interested in becoming an instructor.

Like DOrtiz, I was happy to see that the feedback from the Chicago course was used to enhance the experience of those attending the Washington DC course.
OK.... I'm Late in posting this, but here it is anyway.

I went to the seminar and was a bit worried about what it would be like after hearing about the Chicago seminar and then knowing that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dans would be allowed to participate.


Things were great. The course was EXCELLENT. No BS like I had heard about at the one in Chicago. The business seminar was VERY GOOD. Point made was "You can make money and keep your integrity" I liked it. No hot coco machines mentioned at all. Just pure honest ways to increase your students and revenue and still have your own personal values without robbing your students.

There were many wonderful speakers. I was thoroughly impressed with the entire program.

It was as if they really listened to the critiques from before and the concerns prior to attending and GM Harris addressed them all. We were split into 2 groups, 1-3rd and 4th-7th, which was perfect. kept sizes right and focused on areas for the rank.

Many things were addressed. The whole promoting through KKW via the USTC was talked about. No you dont have to be a member of the USTC and yes they refund 10% of the testing Fees KKW charges. They process the Apps and KKW sends certs from Korea. No they (USTC) dont have Blank certs they do, (My only fear of this, is if enough people were to process through them and they controlled 70% of the nations KKW holders, by proving they processed thier Dans, then we would fall into a CAT1 and they would have sole controll, far from ever happening.... but....)

This was an experienced I am very pleased I did. well worth the $250 paid.

Lots of valuable info from this, but a few key notes:
  • KKW is the Martial ART of TKD: WTF is the Sport side of TKD
  • USTC is the Martial Art of TKD: USAT is the Sport side of TKD
  • they work together, but are seperate.
This was repeated several times.

I had a great time. I would do it again. I am greatly appreaciative to HK Lee in VA who allowed us to use his facility, way better than a hotel ball room. Also GM Bruce Harris, who is very open and honest about his answers. The guess speakers, and KKW for doing this.

Whatever bad impression I had prior to this experience is gone. I was very skeptical about it before, but now I would highly recommend it, if it is anything at all like the one in DC... aka herndon VA.

Oh.... and they gave us a spiral bound book this time instead of a PDF file emailed to us!!!! Seems like they made a concious effort to improve on the previous course.

And they were selling the official KKW DVDs (6pc) for $100. They are between $150-$175 online.

Any questions.... I will do my best to answer.
Oh and NO...


not once. I would have busted out laughing had they done so.

One more thing,

They said the reason behind the CPR and Background checks was because the USTC cert will be the license accepted by the 7 states that require state licensing that cost thousands of dollars. So instead of having to register for the state, this is supposed to work. It has a 2 year expiration date on them. So evey 2 years you would have to re-take the course. Which really isnt a bad thing. And if it saves you from paying the state to certify you.... its well worth it! And yes they were checking and would not give out certs until they saw proof of both. good idea, keeps the child pervs out.
so your CPR certificate is good for 2 years with them? Interesting.
so your CPR certificate is good for 2 years with them? Interesting.

Most CPR courses are 2 years. The one I got now has a 2 year date( Red Cross). Thats one of the reasons they said they went with the 2 year date. Also, they didnt want to long of a stretch for a background check. Makes sense. Also GM Harris said that was how they were able to get those 7 states to approve their course.
One more thing,

They said the reason behind the CPR and Background checks was because the USTC cert will be the license accepted by the 7 states that require state licensing that cost thousands of dollars. So instead of having to register for the state, this is supposed to work. It has a 2 year expiration date on them. So evey 2 years you would have to re-take the course. Which really isnt a bad thing. And if it saves you from paying the state to certify you.... its well worth it! And yes they were checking and would not give out certs until they saw proof of both. good idea, keeps the child pervs out.

Good report. Did they mention specifically which 7 states require licencing?
D, you are AWESOME for posting your report.

How many people attended and what did you get to work on? The post from Sandra mentioned you guys got in 10 hrs of basics and poomsae. How well prepared were you for the Course and what would you tell prospective future Course attendees about preparing?

D, you are AWESOME for posting your report.

How many people attended !

They said there was 65 registered, but 2 didnt come due to an incident. However I think 3-6 more people showed up after that who weren't registered, or taking the course. They were just invited to attend and participate... or maybe they did sign up... dont really know.

But overall at least 62 maybe 68 total.

It was close to evenly split between lower BB and Higher, although I think there were more Lower (1st-3rd) but not sure.

and what did you get to work on? !

WOW.... alot of things. I dont have the course schedule here or I would type it out for you. It was nicely broken down, almost like a class/school schedule, with times and areas.

let me get it later and i'll put it here to see.

Basically, stances, strikes, blocks, terminology, poomse: taeguek/BB up to Chonkwon, TKD history, basic competition rules, sparring theory, basic injury + protection like wrapping/slings ect.., demonstration theory, school & business seminar, I'm sure i am missing a few, but the stuff is the same as before... just different presenters.

The post from Sandra mentioned you guys got in 10 hrs of basics and poomsae. !

Yeah, about 4 hours of taegueks and 4 hours of BB poomse. plus 2 hours of basics. not to mention the extra time allowed to practice as a group, about another 2 hours. We got alot of poomse in. and if you stuck around after or before, you got in even more.

Honestly, if they added another 2 hours, it would have been even better. any opportunity to see the way KKW does it and practice thier way is never enough. And they were quick to explain that they "USED" to do it the way we were currently doing it and that this was the new way... neither way was wrong, just they do it this way and we should know it too. They explained the reasoning for the narrow stances, which is debatable, but none the less, they had a reason for changing it and didnt say..."Your wrong, its this way"

How well prepared were you for the Course and what would you tell prospective future Course attendees about preparing?

well, I dont wish to sound arogant, because I am far from that. But I have been physically doing this since I was 12. I started off learning the taegueks and throughout the years have ventured to others but always came back. Soooo....

I didnt have any problems. Sure I made a few bonehead, lack of concentration mistakes here and there over the whole 10-12 hour process, but who dont. sometimes when you stand in one position for 5 minutes waiting while other people are getting corrected, your mind wanders and thoughts go elsewhere, then they kiyap and you move... before realizing what you were doing.... we have all been there.

Plus... I have attended 4 KKW poomse seminars to date... So i knew what to expect. Also, I dont get wrapped up in the "TEST"...

I go to learn. After 25 +/- years you dont get an oppurtunity to train and learn, especially with so many other "Life-rs". I dont care about testing anymore because I feel I have nothing to prove. I am what I am and I try to do my best! Anyone watching knows, I'm not 2 years in....

How to prepare? keep practicing daily. dont try to practice the day before or learn that day and expect to shine. everyone will survive, but you cant show your potential if you "just show up".
Good report. Did they mention specifically which 7 states require licencing?

Actually they did, but I dont remember which ones. I "think" they said california, ohio, illinios, North Carolina, but I'm not for sure. It wasnt any of the states I am at or from so I brain dumped it.... sorry, but I can try to find out for you.
Yeah, about 4 hours of taegueks and 4 hours of BB poomse. plus 2 hours of basics. not to mention the extra time allowed to practice as a group, about another 2 hours. We got alot of poomse in. and if you stuck around after or before, you got in even more.

I go to learn. After 25 +/- years you dont get an oppurtunity to train and learn, especially with so many other "Life-rs". I dont care about testing anymore because I feel I have nothing to prove. I am what I am and I try to do my best! Anyone watching knows, I'm not 2 years in....

Sounds like this was good and I'm very glad to hear they got rid of the Bentley and Hot Chocolate speakers. Chicago was Overseas Kukkiwon Licening Seminar 1.0. It sound like you got the 2.0 or even 3.0 version.
hot choclate?!?!?! we didnt even get water! BYO water or coco