help plz newbie


White Belt
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
hi all new so be gentle i have just started learning taekwondo so have a white belt but i am to grade up on 20th sept so any advice or tips would be nice
Hello and welcome to MartialTalk ... I do not have any advice other than relax and do what you've been taught to the best of your ability and you'll be fine ... enjoy!

Advice is not mine to give...I will tell you what has worked for me....and that is train hard and listen to what the instructor advises you to do. You will do fine....oh 14Kempo says relax.
We're all nervous when we test. If you care about what you are doing it's very natural to be nervous.

In Tang Soo Do, I have seen that our Sa Ba Nim is not too hard on the white belts. It's probably the same in TKD.

Be sure to practice daily - it's better to not practice everything daily. Say, do kicks one day, forms the next. At night, visualize your forms, kicks, self-defense, etc., before going to sleep.

I'd advise you to not wait the day of the test to begin practicing. Some people do that and create unnecessary stress for themselves and their classmates as well.

I know people say relax. I don't know of a way to relax. How do you relax? Being confident of your material is the best you can do. Also be cognizant of the fact that if you do not pass, that is not failure. It just means you weren't ready to test.

Good luck to you. I am sure you really will do fine.
Welcome and to get a better response go to the TKD section and ask. The response will be much greater.
Welcome to MT! There is plenty of advice available here, Terry's dead on, the TKD area should give you everything you need.
Welcome to the site and relax and just do your best at the test. It is okay to be nervous, everyone is :)
Greetings and Welcome to MT...