Hello, my first visit here


White Belt
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
I am learning jiu jitsu and aikido, together, for self defense and to attack if necessary. It is tough for me to learn, I am not a natural fighter. I am getting better and have just taken white belt test. I enjoy the challenge but the close body contact takes some getting used to for me! Any other guys learning same type of fighting?
Hey there, welcome to Martialtalk. I have trained in both for quite some time. It is tough, but you can do it. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to PM me and ask me anything. Good Luck!!
Greetings and Welcome to MT..What a tough path you've chosen, learning 2 different disciplines at the same time..Get use to the close body contact, attacks can happen ANYWHERE..In an elevator, a crowded dance floor or a train or bus ..
Welcome to MT :wavey: Look around, you will find many men and women here who train in the same styles as you....

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