Hello MT

Blade of the East

White Belt
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, I am new to martial talk. Ive studied gum do, but due to time restraints my training is being put on hold. I hope to get back to it soon and try some other martial arts as well. If someone could give me a link to a website or give me some first hand info about what the different martial arts entail it would be appreciated.
Welcome to MT! What type of martial arts are you interested in? It'll give us a better understanding about which direction to point you. :)
Welcome - if your handle is any indication, you should check in at the Sword forum. If not, more information would really help with pointing you in the right direction. Welcome, and happy posting!
Actually I am very interested in basicly every martial art that exhists. :)

Right now I am trying to train in gum do (the way of the sword)(korean sword art) but I would also like to take some unarmed martial arts too.

Maby somthing like: (judo, ninjitsu)

I dont really have alot of info. I would be happy to hear any recomendations. Many thanks
Hello Blade of the East. I'm also a Korean sword arts practitioner. I've studied both Hae Dong Gumdo and Kumdo. (K and G are interchangable). Looking forward to your posts! :)
Welcome Blade of the East. I hope you find the information you seek and enjoy the discussions here on the board. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask.

Welcome to the forum! Perhaps if you told us a little more as to what exactly it is that you're looking to study, we could offer some suggestions.:)

Welcome to Martial Talk. You will find lots of helpful people and info here. Good luck in your MA training search. :)