Hello, Martial Talk...Glad to be here!

Hello scott and welcome to the forum. Ask away with all question we have some very knowledgable people here.

That's quite the greeting! I'm glad to see this forum is well populated and maintained. I've been reading throughout the threads, and must applaud the level of maturity used by many members, who may disagree on things, especially in the ever-taboo topics of Ninpo. So, I hope to assist in keeping it that way, and try not to start, encourage, or participate when such debates are starting. Thanks again for the warm welcome. :)

-Scott T. Ealey
Proud To-Shin Do Practitioner
Hello Scott,

From another Scott that practices your art as well. :) Glad to have you here with us on Martial Talk!

I'm Scott. I've introduced myself now, so...off the to the forum with questions!:)

Greetings and Welcome to MT...I like someone ready to jump in the flame with both feet...Excellent attitude...