Hello everyone


Master Black Belt
Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Boo :p

I found the site through a links someone posted in rec.martial-arts, but since the kenpo chat in there is slim to none, this seems like a better option!

I case anyone's vaugely interested in who I am, my name is Ian and I am a Computer Science student at the Universoty of Leeds, in the North of England.

I have been training in Kenpo Ryu Karate for around 5 years now, and am due to grade for black belt in a couple of months. My instructor is Sensei Glen Coolican, 2nd Dan, and the chief instructor of our club (who is based in Devon) is Sensei Phil Cawood, 7th Dan.

Hope to be joining in lots of threads and chatting to you guys, although I suspect I'll be outnumbered by the Americans ;)

Ian Atkinson.
That's ok, we're still allies, and have been since W.W.I!:D
We've gotten a few folks from there who like the atmosphere here a little better. :) Less posts about "seekret govmint conseracys" :D

Welcome. :)
Hi Ian. Welcome aboard. Many years ago, I used to teach in a little place about 50 miles North of London, Finchingfield/Weathersfield, in Essex.

Plan to get back over there one of these days for a few weeks vacation.

Take care,

Dan Farmer:asian:
So there'll be the possibility of some cultural learning on this
forum as well. Works for me, I'd love to hear about any
differences in how you train.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

To give it it's full name it's Kenpo Ryu Karate Kickboxing (the Ryu is pronounced 'Roo').

We're a breakway style from the traditional kenpo and as such we do some things a little differently, but it's basically all teh Ed Parker stuff. We have some kickboxing mixed in so we kick through with the legs a little more, and we also have a lot of knees worked into the techniques that aren't there in a lot of the originals.

The BKKA don't like us, partly cos we're break away and partly cos it works :)

We (well not me personally, but the club...) went down to the British Kenpo competition the other year and wiped the floor in the sparring. They said 'That's nice, but you're scrappy, you can't do weapons and techniques...', so we went down the year after and wiped the floor in the sparring, the weapons AND the techniques. The year after that they made some shitty excuse and banned us :)

I'll let you make your own minds up....


p.s. I hope this comes out on the forum OK, I'm used to USENet and I'm not at all au fait with these HTML/Java forum jobbies
The text formatting is similar to HTML and some older DOS wordprocessors in it needs an open and close tag. I stuck a list up on the support forum here. Just sandwich the text you want to effect between em.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

The text formatting is similar to HTML and some older DOS wordprocessors in it needs an open and close tag. I stuck a list up on the support forum here. Just sandwich the text you want to effect between em.

That's one of the best basic explainations I've heard yet. I'm
gonna start using it.

Ian, Have no fear, there are Canadians here!! The full Commonwealth of Martial Arts is here on MartialTalk to keep those Yanks in line!!! ( With all due respect, G D sir!) Glad you found us! :asian:
Jeesh GD, we already have lotsa Yanks here with , er, Canuck status. They're called "Draft Dodgers" LMAO!!! :rofl:
Originally posted by tunetigress

Jeesh GD, we already have lotsa Yanks here with , er, Canuck status. They're called "Draft Dodgers" LMAO!!! :rofl:

I don't know the name of this comedian, but it's a good quote

"I wrote a book about my Vietnam war experience. It's called
'The Bars And Taverns Of Montreal' "

Jeesh, GD, you see that??? Kirk just called me a 'comedian'!!!! LMBFCAO!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hi all, I found this site through the same link Ian did. This site definately has better discussions pertaining to kenpo than rec.martial-arts, so I'm glad that I found it.

I used to train in Shito-ryu a LONG time ago (I was 7/8 years old :D ) but stopped training after my green belt test. Now, almost twenty years later, I am a blue belt in Tracy's system of Kenpo.

I am looking forward to learning from and reading/participating in the discussions here.


Originally posted by FLY

Hi all, I found this site through the same link Ian did. This site definately has better discussions pertaining to kenpo than rec.martial-arts, so I'm glad that I found it.

I used to train in Shito-ryu a LONG time ago (I was 7/8 years old :D ) but stopped training after my green belt test. Now, almost twenty years later, I am a blue belt in Tracy's system of Kenpo.

I am looking forward to learning from and reading/participating in the discussions here.



Ah, good, another "Tracy" Man! Good to have you aboard!:asian:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

They're multiplying!!!!!!! eppp:eek: :)

Prepare to be assimilated! (It's not too late to change, you know):D
Hey Fly, are you the same person as Flyfish from House of Kenpo? If you are, can ya tell Le P'tit Plume to get his scrawny butt in here too???? LMAO!!! :rofl: :asian:

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