Has anyone heard of this?


I can honestly say as a Chinese practitioner that I've never heard of this style and don't know what to make of it. I can't find anything on the Web; is anyone familiar with this style or school? Thank you.


Yeah the kung fu is Pai Lum. Plenty of that around to look up.

The taiji is Wudang. Don't know enough about it to speak on it.
Yeah the kung fu is Pai Lum. Plenty of that around to look up.

The taiji is Wudang. Don't know enough about it to speak on it.

Thank you! Pai Lum I've heard about....I'll check it out now that I know what to look for. :)
Yeah the kung fu is Pai Lum. Plenty of that around to look up.

The taiji is Wudang. Don't know enough about it to speak on it.

Pai Lum is Cantonese for Bai Long ?

Bai Long in Mandarin I would assume is interpreted to 'White Dragon'. ( Bailong is also the name of a river in East China) To then translate to Cantonese, it would come out to 'Pai Lung'.

'Lum' I think, is the Cantonese for 'Lin', as in 'forest'. Like 'Shaolin' and 'Siu Lum' (Mandarin and Cantonese)
Pai Lum is Cantonese for Bai Long ?

Nope. Pai Lum is the style put together by Daniel Pai. Expierence & reading between the lines on this one.

Bai Long in Mandarin I would assume is interpreted to 'White Dragon'. ( Bailong is also the name of a river in East China) To then translate to Cantonese, it would come out to 'Pai Lung'.

White Dragon in Cantonese is Bak Lung.

'Lum' I think, is the Cantonese for 'Lin', as in 'forest'. Like 'Shaolin' and 'Siu Lum' (Mandarin and Cantonese)

Wudang Taijiquan is from…well Wudang Mountain. It has much lower stances than many forms of Taijiquan and possibly, the current Wudang Taijiquan, originates with the Chen Family. It is likely not the same that was taught at Wudang, if it was ever taught at Wudang, prior to 1966.

However I will add I like what I see and I am considering traveling to Boston to study with Zhou Xuan Yun. And if this guy is a student of Zhong Xue Chao he is at least learing Wudang Taijiquan...that is as much as I can say about it

Now whether or not Zhong Xue Chao gave him permission to teach...that is a whole other issue
Thanks for the correction Clfsean. Duh :)

I did a WuDang wai jia workshop with Zhou Xuanyun once. His gongfu seems pretty good. He is a fairly patient teacher. Everyone that I talk to though worships him, and think he can fly around like Li Mu Bai. Warning Warning Warning. When you go see him, he may be completely surrounded by wushu fanboys.
I did a WuDang wai jia workshop with Zhou Xuanyun once. His gongfu seems pretty good. He is a fairly patient teacher. Everyone that I talk to though worships him, and think he can fly around like Li Mu Bai. Warning Warning Warning. When you go see him, he may be completely surrounded by wushu fanboys.

Well that could actually make me change my mind about going at all. My first sifu is surrounded by a lot of wushu worshipping fan boys and girls and these days he is a charlatan big-time.

Now I do not think Zhou Xuanyun is a charlatan, he comes highly recommended from a rather reputable CMA source. However I no longer have the stomach for the groupies.

But then, if I go, I am going for private lessons so...

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