Hard Core Training


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
I always wonder. How would you train strength and endurance if you didn't have treadmill, Exercise bike and Weights an or weigth machine. What could make you phyiscally Stronger when you practice if you were stuck in situtation where you couldn't obtain training equipment.

Such as:
1. Time of Civil War
2.Incarcretated or in the hole
4.In the woods

etc etc.

So what exercises could be productive for your Wing Chun and not hinder it?

Well here are some exercises I found that could help you:

List of exercises



Jumping Jack

Press up, or push up

Diamond Pushups
Similar to traditional pushups, only placing hands together so a diamond is formed between joined thumbs and index fingers.

Hindu Pushups

Planche Pushups
Similar to traditional pushups, except during the entire duration of a set, the hands alone touch the ground, arms straight, legs elevated off the ground straight and together in line with your shoulders, horizontal to the ground

One Arm Pushups

Plyometric Pushups
Similar to traditional pushups, only launching up as fast as possible, so that hands coming off the ground.

Pull up, or chin up

One Arm Chin up

Sit up

Russian Twist
Secure your feet either by placing them under something or by having a partner hold them. Begin doing situps but when you're in the "up" position, clasp your hands in front of you. Moving only at the trunk, rotate to one side. At the end of your range of motion, quickly reverse the movement and rotate to the opposite side. Repeat in a rapid fashion for the full number of reps.


Squat Thrusts
Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. Add intensity by adding a jump after you stand up.
Pistol, or one-legged squat

Handstand Pushup
Face wall then do a handstand, facing away from wall, feet resting against the wall. Bend your arms so your body drops halfway, then straighten back up. Repeat for 10 sets.
Alternately, drop your body down halfway then hold for 30 seconds in stress position.

Lying Hip Swing
Lie on your back with the legs pointed up, arms on the ground extended to each side, Maintain straight legs and swing your legs all the way to the left and then all the way to the right. Stop just short of touching the ground with the feet.

Leg Lifts
Lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your feet about six inches off the ground, legs held together. Spread your legs as wide as possible, while keeping legs off the ground. Move legs back together. Return to rest position. Repeat for 20 reps.
As an alternate, keep feet off ground in stress position for 30 or 60 seconds.

Mountain Climbers
Assume pushup position, with hands on floor with shoulders over hands. Tuck one leg under torso with other leg fully extended. Keeping weight on balls of feet, as quickly as possible, "climb" alternating legs back and forth in a jogging-type motion.


Side Bends

Box Jumps

Roman Chair
Stand against wall. Slide halfway down wall, as though you were sitting down, if there were a chair. Thighs should be parallel with ground with knees bent 90-degrees. Hold your arms out, straight, so they're also parallel with floor. Hold position for 60 seconds.

Pike Press

Reverse Bridge

Lie on floor, face up, arms extended over head. Make a bridge so your back is arched and your body supported by arms and legs. Maintain in stress position for 60 seconds.
An alternate is to assume same position, then gently balance on head so that body weight is supported by head and legs. Maintain in stress position for 30 seconds.

Front Levers

Back Levers


Reverse Planche

Iron Cross variations (including inverted, Maltese, and Victorian)

Rainbows: move the body from a reverse planche through a hand stand to a planche or the reverse.

The primary calisthenic exercises are:

Start with your back on the floor, knees bent, bottoms of feet against the floor. Lift shoulders off the floor by tightening abdominal muscles bringing your chest closer to your knees. Lower back to the floor with a smooth movement. This trains your abdominal muscles.

Like the sit-up, except instead of bringing the whole torso area closer to the knees, only a concentrated but shorter movement of the abdominals is performed. Shoulder blades are lifted off the floor, and abdominals tightened.

Start face down on floor, palms against floor under shoulders, toes curled up against floor. Push up with arms keeping a straight line from head through toes. Lower again, to a few inches off floor and repeat. You can have a partner put their closed fist on the floor under your chest and lower your chest to their fist each time. Do not rest on the floor or your partners fist when you descend. You should keep your head tilted upward, your back straight. Do not rest on your shoulder blades, even when you feel fatigue. This trains your chest, shoulder, and tricep muscles.

Start by grabbing an overhead bar (called a chin-up bar) using a shoulder-width overhand (palms facing forward) grip. Keep your back straight throughout. Using your lat muscles, pull yourself up to chin level (always with the bar in front of your head) then slowly return to starting position in a slow controlled manner. Avoid using the arms to pull yourself up and do not make jerky movements to gain leverage. This primarily trains your lats or upper back muscles, as well as the forearms. An underhand grip variation or chin-up trains both the back and biceps.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Squat as far as possible bringing your arms forward parallel to the floor. Return to standing position. Repeat. If this is not challenging, you can do variations. One variation is lifting one leg off the floor in front of you, putting both arms in front of you for balance, and squatting. This is a one-legged squat or pistol. Squats train the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and gluteals.

Stand on a platform with an edge where you can let the heels hang (e.g. a curb). Use your heels to lift your body on the balls of your feet, then slowly return to starting position. This trains the gastrocnemius. A seated calf-raise trains the soleus.

Jump up into position in between parallel bars or facing either direction of trapezoid bars found in some gyms. Cross your feet with either foot in front and lower yourself on the bars until your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Push yourself up until you are fully extended, but you do not have to lock your elbows. Press yourself up and down for repetitions and you are doing dips. Dips focus primarily on the chest, triceps, and deltoids.

Autumn Tiger from another forum also had some good ideas as well

SNT or SLT w/ one minute of fast punching at the end.

Dynamic Stretching-- hopping, knee lifts etc.--this essential to really getting the blood to flow.

Speed Squat-1 minute

Palm Stikes- 1 minute

Plyo Push-ups-1 minute

WC Front Kicks-1 minute

Plyo Australian Pull-ups-1 minute

Kwan Sao-1 minute

Knee-Ups 1-minute

Crunches-1 minute

Do This 3-5 times with no rest.

Take a 2 minute rest.

Shadow box (WC+whatever else you want to use)-5 minutes w/no rest

What do you think?
Yep its all good stuff and for most of it you don't need any equipment other than the weight of your own body , have you tried burpees with the jump and a push up ,those things have to be one of the hardest exercise ever devised by man .

I remember earlier this year I tried to see how many jump burpees I could do in 10 minutes , I got up to about 80 something and the last couple I could hardly jump off the ground and my legs were wrecked for about 3 days after that.
Man I hope your legs are feeling better now. Take it easy on your body. Don't want to over do the strength training. But you sound like a hard core WC guy. Cool. I learn alot from you.

To be truthful I have not done all of the exercises on your List. Burpees are one them. Ha Ha. But it is very extrenous I can tell from doing a push up to raising squat to jump in the air back to squat back to a push then all over again. Wow...That is Extrenous circumstances.

Actually did a study on different strength training exercises because someone asked about how to get stronger with out weights. etc etc.

Yep its all good stuff and for most of it you don't need any equipment other than the weight of your own body , have you tried burpees with the jump and a push up ,those things have to be one of the hardest exercise ever devised by man .

I remember earlier this year I tried to see how many jump burpees I could do in 10 minutes , I got up to about 80 something and the last couple I could hardly jump off the ground and my legs were wrecked for about 3 days after that.
What is a Burpee? How do you do it with a jump and pushup. Wanna try that one.
I will let mook jong man explain the logistic of Burpee...I don't think you wanna try that one...But its a great strenous exercise I believe!
I will let mook jong man explain the logistic of Burpee...I don't think you wanna try that one...But its a great strenous exercise I believe!

Why is that? lol! you think a girl can't take it? :)
Why is that? lol! you think a girl can't take it? :)
Girl? Hell, most guys can't take them either. ;) As best as I understand the Burpee it goes something like this.

Start in a standing position.
Squat down til your hands touch the ground on either side of your body.
Kick your legs out behind you so that you wind up in a push up position.
Do a push up.
Come back to the squatting position.
Jump straight up into the air as high as you can.

That's one repetition of a burpee. It's sort of a squat thrust/push up/high jump combination exercise. Doesn't take many of them to wear you out and it's great cardio exercise. Give them a try and if I'm off on my description of the exercise I'm sure someone will correct me.
OH, Marine Corps Body Builders. That is what we call them.
Monday - Friday at 6:00 a.m. back when I was in the Marine Corps.
Now just do them on sparring days, FUN! FUN! FUN!
I can do that! that sounds like fun. baby girl will probably do it with me.
I've done something similar just without the pushup. Me like!
You could duct tape baby girl to your back for extra resistance lol
:lfao: Now, that would just be wrong!

The Marine body builder should be an eight count exercise. Add a jumping jack at the beginning of the Burpee and replace the jump at the end with a jumping jack and that's what we did in the Corps as the body builder. Jumping jack, squat thrust, jumping jack. That's one Marine Corps body builder.
Without the jumping jack, I have seen those called 5 count bodybuilders.
2-Push-up position
These & the other Marine Corps Body Builder that theletch1 mentioned will make you solid.
:lfao: Now, that would just be wrong!

The Marine body builder should be an eight count exercise. Add a jumping jack at the beginning of the Burpee and replace the jump at the end with a jumping jack and that's what we did in the Corps as the body builder. Jumping jack, squat thrust, jumping jack. That's one Marine Corps body builder.
The 8-count pushup...

Starting position is a position of attention; feet together, hands at sides.
1. Jump, spreading legs and moving arms straight over your head.
2. Return to start position. (1 and 2 are the side straddle hop, aka jumping jack)
3. Squat.
4. Thrust the feet behind to end in the front leaning rest.
5. Lower the body in a pushup.
6. Return to the front leaning rest.
7. Pull the feet back to the hands.
8. Recover to start position.

In other words, do a jumping jack and a squat thrust with a pushup and repeat...

The burpee is a different exercise, with a couple of variants:

Start in a position of attention.
1. Squat
2. Thrust
3. Push up (some variants omit the push up)
4. As you raise up -- jump, reaching straight up. (some variants include raising the knees to the chest as you jump)
Well Si-Je you got alot of explanations there. Great. I have to thank you guys for thoroughly explaining it for me. An I got some food for the thought.

What are the other Marine Body Builders?

Thank you guys for all your explanations it is great!
Well Si-Je you got alot of explanations there. Great. I have to thank you guys for thoroughly explaining it for me. An I got some food for the thought.

What are the other Marine Body Builders?

Thank you guys for all your explanations it is great!

Don't you have to be able to do a lot of pull ups and chin ups in the marines , wouldn't they be body builders . They hit a lot of different muscles at once like your biceps , lats ,forearms , grip and core muscles and there is a lot of people who can't even do one rep.
Don't you have to be able to do a lot of pull ups and chin ups in the marines , wouldn't they be body builders . They hit a lot of different muscles at once like your biceps , lats ,forearms , grip and core muscles and there is a lot of people who can't even do one rep.

This goes back to a post I posted a few month ago about youth and fitness.

I believe we should get involved in our community to teach the youth about fitness.

I am a big advacate on fitness for our youth:
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This goes back to a post I posted a few month ago about youth and fitness.

I believe we should get involved in our community to teach the youth about fitness.

I am a big advacate on fitness for our youth:

I don't know about the youth in your area , but the youth in my area would rather be holding on to a beer or a bong rather than a focus mitt or a dumbell lol.
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I don't know about the youth in your area , but the youth in my area would rather be holding on to a beer or a bong rather than a focus mitt or a dumbell lol.

Or playing video games and eating unhealthy snacks.
Then again, I live in Texas where we are classified as the heaviest state in America.

I talk to people at work about working out and eating healthy, now I sit alone at lunch.
Or playing video games and eating unhealthy snacks.
Then again, I live in Texas where we are classified as the heaviest state in America.

I talk to people at work about working out and eating healthy, now I sit alone at lunch.

The reason is because they feel ashamed about their own lack of fitness and bad eating habits and you are like a mirror that forces them to look at themselves and they don't like what they see , so it is easier to live in denial and make out that you are the weird one.

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