Gun Rights and Martial Arts

Apples and oranges.

If you want to make such a comparison, why not use a 54 year old Rickson Gracie versus a 26 year old Jon Jones? I can pretty much guarantee you that even though Rickson Gracie has far more experience and knowledge, a younger, stronger Jon Jones will pretty much tear Rickson Gracie apart. Now, a Rickson Gracie in his 30's? That's an entirely different story.

Or, in a more mundane setting, what about a 55 year old lady, who has great knowledge, but a bad set of knees? Would it be smart of her to engage in a fight with a 25 year old savage brute twice her size? Does she have an inferiority complex if she chooses to use a firearm as her first line of defense?

That is where we differ. Some people feel that they want to have the best means of protection possible, including many experienced martial artists in their prime. They're simply exercising common sense, and that's hardly an inferiority complex.

The Rickson Gracie vs Kristen Stewart idea wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Anyway, about Rickson Gracie losing to Jon Jones, Rickson claims he can still defeat the reigning champion in MMA.

Carrying a gun might be practical and common sensical about having the best means of protection possible but the fact of the matter is you're not always going to be able to have a gun with you. There are factors that can limit your access to and use of guns at certain times and places. Factors such as the law, certain private businesses and residences that prohibit guns, and the fact that in certain given situations you just might be without a gun. Those are the facts.

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