Guitar Hero is mine at last!!!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not BC, Not DC
So my kids were home for almost a week due to weather conditions before the official winter break and then for the two week winter break. So they have been playing on the Wii for about eleven days straight, fighting, ignoring requests for clean rooms, etcetera, etcetera.

Today ... at last ... they are all back in school.

Bring on Aerosmith. :D
I've said it before.

I'll say it again.


Enjoy! ;)
Guitar Hero III is fun, Aerosmith is kind of blah, especially the "boss" battle with Joe Perry. I kicked his *** in under a minute. Of course that was on Easy. :lol:
Bring on Guitar Hero: Metallica! :headbangin:
Guitar Hero III is fun, Aerosmith is kind of blah, especially the "boss" battle with Joe Perry. I kicked his *** in under a minute. Of course that was on Easy. :lol:
Bring on Guitar Hero: Metallica! :headbangin:

Yeah, my daughter beat Joe Perry on Hard in about three tries. Metallica would be KEWL!!!!!
That game is so damn hard when you play guitar "for real". Its cool as hell but it drives me nuts!!
I'm cheap, so instead of guitar hero I downloaded this:

Hold your keyboard like a guitar, the function keys serve as the frets with the enter key as the pick. I'm sure I look more like something from Revenge of the Nerds than any sort of guitar god. LOL!

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on Guitar Hero: Metallica! :headbangin:

Which part of that would be the part where you change from Good Metal to Crappy Alternative then cry and sue Napster because your fans didn't buy the **** you tried to feed them?

:2xBird2: to Metallica.
My wife and I like the Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Game Party 2, sort of games. I tried Guitar Hero. Holy crap it was hard. I played it on PS2, GH 1 or 2. The Wii was hard.
LOL. that was good. Especially good coming from a sexy God like man such as yourself...