Groin kicks.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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They are not the end all be all to every situation. I know it hurts and us crippling to get kicked in the groin but let's be honest, what areas of the body do you protect the most?

I guarantee your groin is one of them. Most people expect it and therefore are ready for it.

I know many of you know this already but I been seeing some new people here lately always saying things like "then hit the groin" as if it is some magic remedy to every problem.
I think the groin is probably the most effective go to if your in a bad position. I can't think of another body part that hurts as much when the groin gets kicked. Granted if you get an almighty boot to the dome that could kill you, but other than that I don't know what hurts as much as getting your nads kicked into your throat.
groin, throat, eyes.
btw on a mma sparring event i was, someone got accidently kicked in the groin and spent endless minutes on the ground and several days in hospital after. so everyone who says it isn't that bad, doesn't has a clue.
groin, throat, eyes.
btw on a mma sparring event i was, someone got accidently kicked in the groin and spent endless minutes on the ground and several days in hospital after. so everyone who says it isn't that bad, doesn't has a clue.

I never said it wasn't bad.
I would argue getting hit in the kidney or temple is as crippling as a groin shot. I've gotten accidentally kneed in the temple and still felt it a few days later. I've never felt a hit to the nads that long.
I'd argue that while groin shots can be debilitating, sometimes they are not. I'm guessing that most of our experiences getting hit in the groin are in situations in which we have the luxury of stopping the action and take advantage of it. There are numerous accounts of people taking groin shots and continuing to fight, especially if drugs and/or alcohol are involved. Furthermore, I'd argue that striking the groin is like attempting to gouge the eyes in that if the fight isn't immediately ended, the situation will be amped up and the attacker/aggressor will be angrier and more intent on hurting or killing the victim.

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I'd argue that while groin shots can be debilitating, sometimes they are not. I'm guessing that most of our experiences getting hit in the groin are in situations in which we have the luxury of stopping the action and take advantage of it. There are numerous accounts of people taking groin shots and continuing to fight, especially if drugs and/or alcohol are involved. Furthermore, I'd argue that striking the groin is like attempting to gouge the eyes in that if the fight isn't immediately ended, the situation will be amped up and the attacker/aggressor will be angrier and more intent on hurting or killing the victim.

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Absolutely. I've seen accidental groin shots and the fighter has curled up in pain but I've also seen groin shots in situations where the person needed to carry on and has, ignoring the pain. Often as with other strikes adrenaline carries you through the initial pain, as you say add alcohol and/or drugs and all you will do is make someone angrier.
Liver shots are probably the most awful shot going, they drop you, make you sick, faint and generally unable to ignore the effects.
yo, but i read it sometimes here in the forum so i said it prophylactic.

ah and yes, its always good to pretend the back, not "just" for the kidneys but also for the spine of course.

Absolutely. I've seen accidental groin shots and the fighter has curled up in pain but I've also seen groin shots in situations where the person needed to carry on and has, ignoring the pain. Often as with other strikes adrenaline carries you through the initial pain, as you say add alcohol and/or drugs and all you will do is make someone angrier.
Liver shots are probably the most awful shot going, they drop you, make you sick, faint and generally unable to ignore the effects.
If this is the case, in any way, shape, or form, attack their base. They can't chase you if their leg is bent the wrong way. :)
i always think of self defense too, no matter what style is the topic.
or don't you learn to not turn your back to the opponent? windbag.
i always think of self defense too, no matter what style is the topic.
or don't you learn to not turn your back to the opponent? windbag.

Who are you insulting with this? It seems like you are having a conversation with yourself so unless you are calling yourself a 'windbag' you really shouldn't insult people here.
what areas of the body do you protect the most?

You don't have to protect all of them. Just the ones you want to keep. :)

And, yeah, let's not do no name calling stuff, if that's what that was. It's not right.
They are not the end all be all to every situation. I know it hurts and us crippling to get kicked in the groin but let's be honest, what areas of the body do you protect the most?

I guarantee your groin is one of them. Most people expect it and therefore are ready for it.

I know many of you know this already but I been seeing some new people here lately always saying things like "then hit the groin" as if it is some magic remedy to every problem.

OK, first of all, 'restomp the groin' is an ongoing meme. It refers to a comic web series by 'Master Ken' which is intended to be taken as humor. You might see people using that term in that sense. It's a joke.

The groin is, as you said, a painful place to get hit for most men. It can hurt women too, although I suspect it's a different kind of pain for them.

In the USA, there has always been a notion of 'fair play' when it comes to fighting, which involves unwritten 'rules' about what not to do during a fight. For men, no scratching, no biting, no hair-pulling, no kicks to the groin, no eye-gouging, no weapons.

However, this applies to schoolyard fisticuffs, not self-defense among adults. If you are attacked, the rule is that there are no rules. Pick up a stick and beat them with it, pull hair, bite, kick 'em in the groin, whatever it takes. No one will accuse you of not fighting fair when someone is trying to murder you.

Our school teaches the groin kick, but we may be unlike many in that we don't expect a simple kick to the testicles to be effective. It might be, and in normal circumstances, it probably is. But as others have noted, it is unlikely to be effective on those who are high, drunk, enraged, etc. They just keep on coming at you. They may collapse in pain later, but it doesn't always stop them when you kick them.

Instead, our school teaches that the groin kick is meant to enter into the body and penetrate. The ideal is to break the pelvic bone, and that's what we are visualizing when we apply the kick; speed, power, penetration. I have been advised by a medical doctor here on MT that they have never heard of someone's pelvic bones being broken with a karate kick. Be that as it may, that's what we are trying for. There's a lot of soft tissue there, and if we kick to the groin, we want to damage ALL of it, not just slap the testicles with a shoe. So I guess that's the point of our training; we bury that kick up and in, full power.

However, the groin kick is also dangerous to apply in that it can be caught if it is slow to apply or to retract. Then you have a real problem. So it's not ideal, and like many types of attack, it has its disadvantages too.

If you want a devastating shot that is more likely to stop someone than the kick to the groin, I advise working on the liver shot. It's located on the right side of the body, so you have to develop your left hook or uppercut and left roundhouse kick to deliver it. You have to figure out precisely where the liver is located, and you have to put so much power there that it stops them in their tracks. You can knock someone out with a good liver shot. The pain is like nothing else on earth. You can lacerate a liver and put someone into the hospital for a long time, presuming you don't kill them.

What Makes the Liver Shot so Devastating? - SciFighting
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face."
- Mike Tyson

The groin is a great target. But if you miss, or it doesn't have the effect you thought it would have, then what?

Nothing will work every time. I was grabbed in the testes on a few occasions during my wrestling career. My opponents were trying to get off their back to not be pinned. I pinned all three of them. One was for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably 10 seconds or so. If i had a neck crank, arm bar, choke, etc. I'd have had plenty of time to fully execute it. I've been eye gouged too with the same result.

I honestly don't know how I hung on as long as I did. Being kicked or punched there would've probably been worse, but I don't think it'll be 100% effective.

If it was as simple as "kick him in the nuts," we wouldn't have to train, would we? If elementary school kids know about it, I'm pretty sure every adult does too. Even the ones who've never been in a fight.

But, always re-stomp the groin.

If I had to say what do I protect the most, I'd say my head. In my experience, people go for the head/face almost always. I haven't seen very many body punchers in street fights.
. It can hurt women too, although I suspect it's a different kind of pain for them.

For women it's the same as a straddle injury, likely to be bruising and swelling which can cause problems urinating (requiring a catheter to be put in), there could also be a pubic bone fracture or even a pelvic fracture. There can be quite severe complications.

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