Gotta love Ed O'Neill!


Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Cal.

Turns out that "Al Bundy" is smart and tough. Who knew?

In any case he definitely inspires me to continue training in my art, if he can do it at his age.

(forgive me if this has been discussed already..)

Does anybody else know of celebs who study MA for real? Share!
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Well I did have a list of BJJ people but it is no longer needed

* Steve McQueen - jkd
* James Coburn - jkd
* Lou Alcinder (aka Kareem Abdul Jabbar) - jkd
* Wesley Snipes - Karate and Capoeira
* Craig T. Nelson - Taijiquan

* Steven Seagal - Aikido
* Chuck Norris - TKD (actually I beleive it is a different korean style but the name escapes me) Also some BJJ
Well I did have a list of BJJ people but it is no longer needed

* Steve McQueen - jkd
* James Coburn - jkd
* Lou Alcinder (aka Kareem Abdul Jabbar) - jkd
* Wesley Snipes - Karate and Capoeira
* Craig T. Nelson - Taijiquan

* Steven Seagal - Aikido
* Chuck Norris - TKD (actually I beleive it is a different korean style but the name escapes me) Also some BJJ

I knew Wesley Snipes had to have some MA training for the Blade films. I wonder who he trains with.
It would be interesting to see O'Neill to star in a movie where he could use his art/training, sort of like a cop/private eye or something (retired). He's a fine actor and has great comedic timing as well.

His points on the UFC and MMA are very good. I liked how he compared the sport to boxing and vice-versa and then spoke about the gloves and how fighting on the "streets" you can't do what you do in the ring/cage out there.
Very good points.
I knew Wesley Snipes had to have some MA training for the Blade films. I wonder who he trains with.

Actually he was a martial artist before he got into films. He just decided he did not want to try and use it to get into acting. Look at his early films and there is no MA but he was a martial artist back then.
That is awesome. I always knew Al Bundy could handle his own. Imagine if Peg pissed him off and he gave her a neck crank :p Too funny. I was amazed at his knowledge. You can tell he is really into it, he woudn't stop talking :p You can definitely see the passion there.
There was a great picture of Ed in BlackBelt Magazine..Sitting on a chair wearing his uniform with his hand tucked in his belt instead of his waistband as he often did in " Married with Children.".
There was a great picture of Ed in BlackBelt Magazine..Sitting on a chair wearing his uniform with his hand tucked in his belt instead of his waistband as he often did in " Married with Children.".

If by chance you happen to have a pic of that , I would love to see it. I am a Al Bundy fan :)


Edit: Using Web Fu I found the pic :)