

Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana
From "Workbench," a brief article on "Googlemilking." Link below the article.

I'm Totally Straight, But ...

A few weeks ago I invented a new game dubbed googlemilking -- looking for a phrase in search engines that lends itself to hilarious, off-color, or unintentionally self-revealing results.

The game was covered by the Scotsman newspaper yesterday, and you can find players by searching for the first googlemilk: "I'm totally straight, but ...":

Just as you know that any sentence beginning with the words "I'm not one of those racialists but ..." will end in a diatribe about immigration, it is obvious that the closing part of a statement beginning "I'm totally straight but" will be something along the lines of "I'm not totally straight". Some of them are hilarious. Some are shocking. All are entertaining.

The phrase turns up a lot of interesting (and obscene) results, the greatest of which is the totally straight guy struggling with his attraction to Aragorn from Lord of the Rings:

I'm totally straight, but even I admitted the [blank]ability of Aragorn. Seriously, check the guy out. What a total badass. Doesn't mean I'd actually [blank] him, but if I were the type to [blank] guys, he'd be on my list.

My favorite googlemilk so far is so I decided to do something about it, which catches people right as they turn a long repressed desire into action, getting the hair, breasts, insemination, or teddy bear manufacturing business they've always wanted.

As a side effect of the game, I'm now the top result on Google for "totally straight," which ought to finally put to rest those rumors back in college.

