Good Decision? Or Bad Move?


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
This is breaking news on the BBC so there are not many details available yet:

I confess that my instinctive reaction is "Good!" as I am of the opinion that these agitators should've been imprisioned for 'hate speach' last year. However, the Liberal in me is not too keen on the idea of banning any group, no matter how vile, as long as they are not a violent threat to the common good. For once a government starts down that road, when do they stop?
To sleepy to read the article....

but: Consider our friend Cato: Delenda Cartago....took him only 4o years but eventualy the idea set fruit.
Here is the problem I see, is it really a matter of free speech activity. No. It is a tactic of war, a designed attack. As much as we want to feel warm and cuddly to Muslims, there are those who want to and do kills us, just because we will not conform to them. It is them and not the Government that invokes concern. Not if the Government slides down a slipper slope because it takes actions against the enemy of war.

Basically, there isn't a trade-off here. This group is the enemy from foreign soil, against all that the country is and believes in. There is no speech, a treasonous attack on the country and its people.

It is unique the government, as in its past and most other governments would have shoot them for treason.
Here is the problem I see, is it really a matter of free speech activity. No. It is a tactic of war, a designed attack. As much as we want to feel warm and cuddly to Muslims, there are those who want to and do kills us, just because we will not conform to them. It is them and not the Government that invokes concern. Not if the Government slides down a slipper slope because it takes actions against the enemy of war.

Basically, there isn't a trade-off here. This group is the enemy from foreign soil, against all that the country is and believes in. There is no speech, a treasonous attack on the country and its people.

It is unique the government, as in its past and most other governments would have shoot them for treason.

Well, I don't really think its fair to lump in all Muslims. Anjem Choudary is to Muslims like Fred Phelps is to Christians. The two are eerily similar. Both have a background in the law. Both have capitalized on the deaths of veterans to spew their message of hate and are very media-savvy. And they are both in to signs. :rolleyes: Phelps with his God Hates Fags, Choudary with his Sharia Zone flyers posted around London.

I don't know really know enough about UK law, or the group in question, to be able to comment on whether this is good or bad. However, in the US, there have been several states that passed laws about picketing military funerals and the like....thanks to Phelps. I suspect the UK is doing something similar.

I don't know if it is good or bad. But I bet it a fair statement to say that its bloody depressing to see both of our countries take actions that we wouldn't have dreamed of in an earlier day.....all because a some media whores decided to push the envelope in ways that have transcended bad taste. :angry:

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