Goju-ryu karate... only 3 kicks?

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Blue Belt
Aug 21, 2016
Reaction score
I have a friend who's a black belt in Goju-FYI karate. We were talking about Taekwondo and Karate and I asked about their kicks.. he said they only do Roundhouse kick, hook kick, and Front kick.?? He's seems like a skilled martial artist but he only knows 3 kicks. So is this all Goju-ryu schools or only his? If so is it a good style?
I have a friend who's a black belt in Goju-FYI karate. We were talking about Taekwondo and Karate and I asked about their kicks.. he said they only do Roundhouse kick, hook kick, and Front kick.?? He's seems like a skilled martial artist but he only knows 3 kicks. So is this all Goju-ryu schools or only his? If so is it a good style?

I know nothing about Goju Ryu so will leave that to it's practitioners to illuminate that for us but certainly 3 kicks is enough, more isn't always better.
Have you heard the story of the fox and the cat? They are sat under a tree when they hear the hunt coming, the cat says oh no and runs up the tree, the fox sneers and shouts to the cat that he has hundreds of ways to get away, he's not a one trick fox. however while he is sitting there pondering which of his many techniques he's going to use, the hunt is upon him and bye bye fox.
I know nothing about Goju Ryu so will leave that to it's practitioners to illuminate that for us but certainly 3 kicks is enough, more isn't always better.
Have you heard the story of the fox and the cat? They are sat under a tree when they hear the hunt coming, the cat says oh no and runs up the tree, the fox sneers and shouts to the cat that he has hundreds of ways to get away, he's not a one trick fox. however while he is sitting there pondering which of his many techniques he's going to use, the hunt is upon him and bye bye fox.

Yeah I see where you're coming from. As a TKD guy it's hard not to be biased and value more kicking.

3 kicks is limiting urself! Just like 4 punched(cough cough, boxers)! Tkd white belts do 3 kicks lool

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Anyone who has to sit there thinking what kick there gonna do isn't a good martial artist! It should just come instantly tbh

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3 kicks is limiting urself! Just like 4 punched(cough cough, boxers)! Tkd white belts do 3 kicks lool

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Really? How many punches do you think boxers should have then?

You do realise it's not the quantity but the quality that matters don't you?

Do you think lots of kicks poorly performed will outfight someone with one kick which is really very good? I don't usually quote Bruce Lee but will make an exception this time ( for one thing he writes in English we can understand rather than txt speak)
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." Bruce Lee
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." Bruce Lee

But wouldn't u fear the man who's practiced about 20 kicks 10,000 times each?

Dont try to be bruce lee! Its not workin for ya

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I'm no involved in this debate any more! This isn't going well


I'm glad you said that, I was thinking it was only me! :D ( you know you sounded Scottish then?)

But wouldn't u fear the man who's practiced about 20 kicks 10,000 times each?


No, because he's spending so much time practicing he doesn't do anything else.

In kickboxing we mainly only use 2 kicks roundhouse and a front kick and a knee. Those are the main kicks you need maybe side kicks as well but all rh flashy spinning kicks aren't going to do anything for you in a real street fight. The basic most boring looking moves are the ones that are going to work and since he only has 3 kicks his 3 kicks are be much better and more technical your hundreds of kicks
A back kick isn't affective? Yea...ok, it only hits with about 750 pounds of pressure!

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A back kick isn't affective? Yea...ok, it only hits with about 750 pounds of pressure!

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You throw a spinning back in a real fight you wake up in hospital minus half your teeth and a messed up face trust me I've seen it plenty times
You throw a spinning back in a real fight you wake up in hospital minus half your teeth and a messed up face trust me I've seen it plenty times

The back kick I know isn't a spinning kick though, Ushiro Kingeri is a backwards groin kick, quite tasty. I agree with you as far as spinning kicks are concerned though.
Funny cuz I used it in fights! Yes real fights! But u wouldn't no that so..... [emoji55]

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