Going for Green


Blue Belt
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hillsboro Or.
Testing for Green belt this weekend! Pretty excited about it. 1 worry though. This weekend I took a look at the tech list and a couple of them I started scratching my head. I've been so busy with short 3, current belt tech and a Jo form we have been learning (mai no Jo) that I haven't been spending the time with the old stuff :whip:

Made a little book with all the tech and discriptions that I can carry around with me and start working them whenever I have a couple min. Should be fine. I'm just glad I caught it now and not Tue.

I've got one of the guys I work with that does video editing. He is going to set up a couple cameras and then splice the whole thing togeather onto DVD. I also asked him to chop it up so I can post up. Will be interesting to see myself. Is it still voyerism if you are watching yourself? :idunno:
Do your best, make the butter-flies fly in formation...
and I'm sure you'll do your best.

Your Brother
PS: let us know how it goes.......
Good luck Maltair! Probably don't need it though. You are either ready or not. TW
Maltair said:
Made a little book with all the tech and discriptions that I can carry around with me and start working them whenever I have a couple min. Should be fine. I'm just glad I caught it now and not Tue.

I've got one of the guys I work with that does video editing. He is going to set up a couple cameras and then splice the whole thing togeather onto DVD. I also asked him to chop it up so I can post up. Will be interesting to see myself. Is it still voyerism if you are watching yourself? :idunno:
These are good training tools! I recommend you maintain this practice throughout your entire course of training. It's what I did to prepare for black. Watching yourself on video give you a new perspective and a good tool to fix bad habits, analyze your strengths and see your progress.

I wish you good grading this weekend! You'll do fine, I'm sure. Please post back and give us the details. - now GO TRAIN!
Good Luck with your green belt test
Just practice your required techniques and forms as much as you can in your spare time. I wouldnt bother with making a video to study how you move, it might take too much time away from your actual trainning. Just practice till your blue in the face!
Trejo said:
Just practice till your blue in the face!
Brother John said:
and GREEN in the Belt!

Your Bro.
What those two said.

good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine. Tell us how it goes...
Good luck with the test!! Let us know how you do!!! :asian:

Advanced Green Belt techniques where the most fun ones I have had yet, so I bet you will have fun with them too. Good luck and best wishes.

We are all chearing for you.

Good Luck! I also test for green this week (Monday night) - so I feel your pain.
Stay relaxed and focused. Video taping yourself practicing techniques and forms has worked for me as a good tool and refresher.
Man am I SORE! Had a great time. Woke up early and was pretty nervous. Went to the Dojo and was fine after that. Test lasted about an hr. We had a couple orange and purple testers but it got whittled down to just me.

First thing they had me do was all my forms as fast as I could. Half way thru I hear, "My grandma is faster then that!" :whip1:I think I started slowing down. Demo finger whips and hooks on the owner, he only blinked once. Next was a couple spinning hook kicks on billy. It was set just a bit higher then I normaly practice, Got a good hit but fell, :shrug: caught myself in a pushup position, not a complete loss. I think I did my form again, then the techs. I messed up hugging pendulum, I said "blah" and they asked if I wanted to do it again. Did it better but finished more like retreating pendulum instead. :uhohh: I think I did my form again, then they asked to see my staff set (I have the short version from Mrs. Desire aka 7 of 9) then they asked if there was anything else I would like to show them. I gasped out, "I have striking set" response, "Ok, but go right into short 3 when your done." :deadhorse Felt like I did short 3 100 times! Had a great time. Got quite an applause and many pat's on the back afterwards:cheers: Wife was really proud of me, she hasn't been to the last 2 belt tests, I think she was pretty suprised. She got real lovey after that too:ladysman: .
I've been doing breathing excersices lately and that really helped, I never was gasping for air like I used to, but boy I was moving a lot of air! Sifu reminded me I have to quit smoking before brown. :anic:

Overall I'm pretty happy with myself. Wasn't perfect, but who is? Looking forward to the video, seeing what I can work on. I'll post some of it when I get it.
Just got a code here at work, gota go.
A big conrats and a pat on the back. Well done sounds like you had a good time and thoroughly came through on the day. Well Done from across the pond. :partyon:

Good job, Congratulations.

Don't rest on your knowledge keep pushing forward, like you always have.


Rick English

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