Gm David German Rip


Brown Belt
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
New Bedford,MA
It is with heartfelt sadness and deep personal loss that I must announce that GM David German, founder of the T.A.I. martial arts system [TAI KARATE,TAI KUNGFU,TAI KENPO]has passed away at the age of 65.He was a wonderful instructor, a great man and a good friend and i shall miss him everday of my life. I will pass along more information as it becomes available.
Thank you for your time,
I talked to him many years ago & he had a great energy & great asperation for history & teaching.Great person.Sayanara to a warrior of class.
I studied TAI formally for a short time in my journey, then informally via a workout partner and fellow brainstormer who was a TAI black belt for several years. Having not heard of Mr. German prior to my TAI training, I went to one of my old kenpo instructors, Robert Perry, to find out what he might know of him.

Mr. Perry had only praises to sing for the slightly eccentric Mr. German, and stated that he had "the best kicks I've ever seen". Knowing that Mr. Perry had come up in the "old days", and that his training included having worked out with Bruce Lee during his stay in Pasadena; sticks with Danny Inosanto; years of M.C.-ing at the Long Beach Internationals (witnessing all of the phenomenal athletes who have walked through those doors), and that we had watched some of Bill Wallace's last fights together, I had to clarify..."What about guys like Norris & Wallace? What about the HWD guys up the street (who were basically kicking acrobats)?"

"Best kicks I've ever seen", he reiterated matter-of-factly. And Mr. German was more known at the time for grafting kenpo techniques to grappling & wrestling solutions.

Kenpoists should know this: Mr. German was teaching MMA before there was MMA to teach. TAI practitioners were just as likely to grapple for a class as they were to train self-defense techniques or work out on the heavy bag or speed bag. He was an outstanding ground fighter with legendary wind, outlasting whole wrestling teams in workouts. Now, since the Gracies and the UFC, it is not unusual for kenpo schools to also teach ground-fighting. Prior to that, there was really only one kenpo faction enthusiatically embracing ground training, and that was German's.

A thinker ahead of his time. Your contributions will be appreciated for years to come.

Namaste, Mr. German: Until we meet again in that place where we are all one.

This isn't like it was when you told us about Sijo Emperado is it? What is your source?
a man with a remarkable history in the arts. rest in peace.

Danjo, I think that's a little out of line. Joe Rebelo is my personal instructor as well as technical advisor for my system of Tenchi Bujutsu, and after having made one such mistake, you can be damn well sure he would not do so again.

Joe, after talking to you on the phone, I sat down and meditated, said a few prayers for your former friend and instructor, and now realize, all to well, the chance I passed up when he was in my own backyard, just a few short miles away, making an instructional video with you, and I didn't come meet him like you asked me to. Through the years I've known you, you spoke of Mr. German not only as a Martial Artist (and the man who promoted you to 5th Dan in EPAK), but also as a father figure of sorts. Today is indeed a sad day in the Martial Arts, but Mr. German's soul will live on throguh his loyal students like you Joe. Be proud, and always hold your head high when you speak of your instructor and friend.

For those who didn't get the full story (and I hope you won't be upset that I reveal this Joe), Mr. German was teaching a bunch of seminars, a few of his students dropped him off at his hotel, and when they came back to pick him up, he had passed on. Rest in Peace Grandmaster German.
Danjo said:
This isn't like it was when you told us about Sijo Emperado is it? What is your source?
For Danjo's edification:
I received a call from several individuals including the last person to see him alive...For once I wish it was just a mistake. But no, My instructor is dead. David German died yesterday evening after teaching a seminar in Aiken,NC and wnet back to the hotel to rest. Presently the likely reason for his passing was massive heart attack. I have spent the greater part of the day contacting everyone from Christian Harfouche to Gene Lebell to Larry Tatum informing them of the loss their instructor,mentor or friend. Right now when I'm not crying I feel like "there's a hole in my heart where the rain comes in..."
I understand your comment,danjo, but this was MY instructor and my friend and it hurts like hell to lose him.
I honestly wish to god that it was all a hoax because I'd gladly take the beating from hell from Mr. German just to know he was alive...But he's not...and right now i'm a basket case over it...
pray for my fallen friend,
:waah: :wah:

Let me offer you some hugs.... it is a difficult time.

- Ceicei
My deepest thoughts to his family and friends. I met him last year Vegas and had a blast. He will be missed

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