Getting in Fighting Shape... for Summer


Master Black Belt
Supporting Member
Dec 19, 2015
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Last time to the Doc I cam in at 6'3" and 248 pounds... about 20 Too heavy for me, and I'd prefer to drop 35. So, on to th diet plan I go, I think.

My wife has had me drinking those exogenous ketones lately, which makes the low-carb thing a lot easier to... uh... stomach. It seems to be working. Already down some.

What are you guys & ladies doing?
Breakfast---flavorless whey protein isolate + low sodium V8 juice

Lunch and Supper---I eat mainly grilled (beef, chicken, or fish) with vegetables (zuchinni, squash, okra, cabbage, eggplant, or broccoli) or brown or jasmine rice.

Snacks between meals---smoked turkey slices, cup of assorted fruit, beef jerky, or cheese wrapped in prosciutto.

On sundays I have poached eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Last time to the Doc I cam in at 6'3" and 248 pounds... about 20 Too heavy for me, and I'd prefer to drop 35. So, on to th diet plan I go, I think.

My wife has had me drinking those exogenous ketones lately, which makes the low-carb thing a lot easier to... uh... stomach. It seems to be working. Already down some.

What are you guys & ladies doing?
in a growth phase at the moment so 4000 calories a day from anywhere I can them them, just had a litre of ice cream for supper and a pound of beef to follow, still cant put any weight on
When I want to drop weight I mostly go porridge and a banana. Meat and vegies or meat and salad.

A few nuts and some boiled eggs for snacks.
I eat meat, fish, chicken, veggies, fruits, tons of bread, cookies, cakes and pies, beer, vodka, ice cream, cheeses....lots of cheeses, pasta, pasta and more pasta and as much pizza as I can carry. I'm blessed being a skinny garbage disposal, and take full God damn advantage of it, too. :)
I eat meat, fish, chicken, veggies, fruits, tons of bread, cookies, cakes and pies, beer, vodka, ice cream, cheeses....lots of cheeses, pasta, pasta and more pasta and as much pizza as I can carry. I'm blessed being a skinny garbage disposal, and take full God damn advantage of it, too. :)
This is me as long as I don't get lazy (or injured, which often leads to lazy). I'm gearing up for a Tough Mudder, which gives me a better motivation to exercise more. I eat reasonably healthfully, except for the pasta, cheese, and dessert.
I tell myself I'm going to diet and I do things like eat some vegetables and leafy greens and then I go and eat a giant burger with buffalo chicken fingers in it, sweet potato fries, and some frozen yogurt afterwards covered in various candies. <- whole day's worth of calories in one meal. Lifting heavy on a diet is freaking terrible. I feel like I could stand to lose 10 lbs but it's mostly just vanity weight...I'm 6'1" 200 lbs (or so) with a 34" waist... 10 lbs loss should put me at a nice cut 32" waist or so.
Do you have weird animals where you live? :confused:
I'm not sure if it's an attempt at humor or genuinely not knowing our food culture...

Chicken fingers are breaded/battered chicken strips. The "Buffalo" part is Buffalo sauce, named after the city of Buffalo, NY where it was first invented.

One of the very few things I miss from living in Niagara Falls, NY is the Buffalo wings. I haven't had anything half as good since I left. My palate has been ruined forever.

Edit: Niagara Falls is about 15 minutes away from Buffalo, NY.
I usually just up my cardio (skipping and swimming mostly)

In terms of diet, usually I eat between 3000-5000 calories a day, 3000 when cutting. I set goals (I wanna be under 170 for the 1st of July)
Between 215 and 220 is were I like to stay.

Had some knee and back problems earlier this year and have got up to 235.

Trying to get back to where I was.
I had a long series of colds and sinus infections over the winter and spring, which meant I cut back significantly on my workouts and my strength and conditioning pretty much evaporated. One of the joys of getting older is that it doesn't take long for my fitness levels to drop off fast when I stop consistently pushing myself. Even my flexibility started fading.

I'm now about two weeks in to a daily routine of body weight training (squats, pushups, pull ups, planks, animal walks, stretching, etc, etc) and I feel like I've gotten back about 30% of what I lost over the last 5 months. I'm giving myself permission to only go to the dojo 2-3 times per week for a little while as long as I'm doing my strength, conditioning, and stretching exercises on a daily basis.

Weight isn't an issue for me since I have a naturally high metabolism. Right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 6'4", 195 pounds, but that will probably drop back down as I get back in shape. If not, it's not a problem.
Man... some of you guys with the stringent diets... I can't... well, won't is probably the right word, stick to any diet that has me REALLY restricting my grub.... it's a thing,a nd I get it. Going to take small changes. Those drink things have been helping a lot to cut out the carbs I just "want," such as the bag of Doritos and can of bean dip I would typically crush while checking out an NFL replay game or something like that. Very slight diet change, and a little bit more regular at the gym... 2x a week. Down about 20, so I think they are as advertised.
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One of the very few things I miss from living in Niagara Falls, NY is the Buffalo wings. I haven't had anything half as good since I left. My palate has been ruined forever.

Funnily enough, I've always been extremely adverse to buffalo sauce, but then a couple of years ago, while living in Thailand of all places, I got into it. I think it's one of those things where your palate shifts a bit over the years.
Funnily enough, I've always been extremely adverse to buffalo sauce, but then a couple of years ago, while living in Thailand of all places, I got into it. I think it's one of those things where your palate shifts a bit over the years.
Have you been to Buffalo? The sauce is a bastardization everywhere else. Some grocery stores carry the Anchor Bar's sauce. The Anchor is one of the two places that claim to have invented Buffalo sauce. The bottled sauce is pretty close, but not quite the same thing as eating them there. There's the quality and size of the wings, the crispness, and the amount of sauce.

But I digress.

My palate's changed a bit over the years too. I'm no longer into absurdly hot sauce, and my steak gets cooked for a little longer than it used to. Those are the major changes.
My palate's changed a bit over the years too. I'm no longer into absurdly hot sauce, and my steak gets cooked for a little longer than it used to. Those are the major changes.

About the steak thing, is that just because you phased-out of the more rare cooking style, or that you developed a taste for a bit of bark (bark is the char on the outside of the meat when it's grilled/broiled)?

I like my steaks best medium, with just a bit of way too hot for a few seconds to give it a bit of the bark. Never did really do rare.
I like my steaks best medium, with just a bit of way too hot for a few seconds to give it a bit of the bark.

Medium Rare cooked in a cast iron skillet or on a griddle searing both side completely.